Sony Xperia Z3 Battery dropped by about 50-60% overnight for no reason
When i click on the battery usage, it said this morning %58 roughly was used by the android OS overnight. This is the first time this has ever happened to me. I have literally recieved a new/refurbed Z3 two weeks ago as i sent my last one off for insurance repair. When I click on the graph, it says that Wifi and also Awake time was on the whole of the night... Yet I only ever use my mobile data I rarely use wifi connections as they are often touch and go. Anyone got any explanation for this? Thanks
When i click on the battery usage, it said this morning %58 roughly was used by the android OS overnight. This is the first time this has ever happened to me. I have literally recieved a new/refurbed Z3 two weeks ago as i sent my last one off for insurance repair. When I click on the graph, it says that Wifi and also Awake time was on the whole of the night... Yet I only ever use my mobile data I rarely use wifi connections as they are often touch and go. Anyone got any explanation for this? Thanks