Why I love the One as an iPhone convert..


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Apr 21, 2013
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I have had every iPhone they have created since its inception, I also own iPads, Mac book pros, iMacs and a Mac Pro tower, so yes I love apple products, they simply work and more so I love apples attention to detail and design aesthetics.

My first experience with Android was when I bought a Galaxy S2, I thought it would be an awesome device but it drove me nuts, the UI was awful and the device made me feel as if the whole experience was inferior, the apps were not polished, the device was plastic and felt cheap. I spent six months with the device and eventually gave in and returned to apple land.

I had recently been using my shiny white iphone5 and a co worker mentioned if I had seen the HTC One, I had no idea the device even existed, I drove to the AT&T store and saw the phone, I was in love within seconds. What I finally saw in Android was a device that spoke to those who love apples design aesthetic and attention to detail but could never make the leap to Android. The screenlooked incredible, it was large, bright and beautiful. The body of the One immediately spoke to me, it felt as good as the iPhone5 aluminum body, the appointments were smartly placed and it felt fantastic in the hand.

Coming from the iPhone5 this design was what some may consider what the 5 should have actually been in terms of design. With the One I was able to get the larger screen, the larger processor, cool tech such as the IR blaster, front facing speakers and more. This device is so apple like if you turn it to a landscape position and look at the speaker grills it mimics what a Mac book pro styling is, which for me is absolutely awesome.

When I clicked the menu button of the One I loved what I saw, finally an Android experience that felt mature, the Sense 5 UI for my personal tastes is exactly what I needed to immediately say "Wow!". This was nothing like I was expecting coming from the S2 as my last experience with Android.

HTC really must have thought deeply about the audience they were looking to attract when they created the UI for the One. The apps they created look fantastic, the dialer, settings pages, the stocks app (I love this even over iPhones), calendar, chat UI and more. It's just all thought out to go with the entire design approach of the device.

For me and I would assume many others HTC really was looking to steal some of the masses away from the iPhone and also give current Android users something they have never seen thus far in the Android world.

In the end HTC deserves all the hype they can get, this is an incredible phone with awesome specs, the design choices they made are superior to other competing devices on the market and sense 5's UI is the first time I have used Android where I have no desire to look back at apple and feel as though I am missing out on anything. In fact sense5 is a breath of fresh air which feels extremely refined and deigned for todays landscape and competitive market. Couple all this with great hardware and blazing performance and it makes perfect sense why HTC is seeing so much love not only from the Android community but the large numbers of apple converts like my self.


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May 6, 2013
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I'm with ya. Apple fan, iPhone owner, now using an HTC One. Industrial design is just killer.

I'm still getting used to the different UI / design, but no deal breakers so far. Much nicer and more polished than the Android of years past.


May 10, 2013
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Thanks for sharing your insights - I feel I am in a similar boat with you as regard to being a fan of Apple products. But the iphone5 sort of felt like a bust for me and I've stayed with the 4S... I'm 99% certain I'll switch to the HTC One once my upgrade becomes eligible in a handful of days, and stories like yours convince me I'm not being delusional. =D


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Aug 31, 2011
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Those of you who have not purchased a ONE yet, will not be disappointed! I have used android since the first HTC came out. I love it. I have always wanted a phone with the hardware that's resembles an iPhone but that ran android. I now feel I have that device and I can honestly say, this is the best phone I have ever used.

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Dec 6, 2010
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I'm no Apple fan, but I totally get why the One would be the choice of phone for an Apple fan. I know several Apple fans who have opted for the One over the i5. It really is the gateway phone for Apple heads. I have a Nexus 4, but man, it's a temptress. :)

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Android Central Forums


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Jun 11, 2010
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Nice read. My best advice for iPhone converts to Android is to really learn about what can be done. Especially if you never tried jailbreaking. Look at other people's home screens in that thread. It may take some time to set up those customizations but after it the phone is YOUR phone. Do you want to have multiple screens with just apps? Go ahead. Plain wallpaper and just use the app drawer? Fine. Widgets to pretty much ensure you hardly actually open an app? All possible. Also, don't forget to at least learn about baked in Google services. The switch in OS does require a switch in ecosystem as well to get the most out of your new device. The one thing I notice someone with an iPhone does when they ask to check out my phone is unlock the screen and look puzzled. It's as if they have no clue what to do without a screen full of app icons. Best of luck, there are many people here that will try to help you fix problems you have. Also, learn what widgets can do for you. Toggles, quick posting, music control, news feeds, all great things that I use every day.


May 6, 2013
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from word to word, exactly i have same thoughts. nice review!
since 2007 i've been a loyal customer of apple and still have all apple products. and now i am a happy htc one user!


May 9, 2013
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So far I love a lot about the HTC One, coming from the iPhone. Its only been a day so far, but the deal breaker for me probably will be the lack of physical home button. The HTC One is pretty large, so to reach to the top to hit the power button, then almost 5 inches down and across to hit the home screen is a bit of deal breaker. Its very hard to use the phone one handed. I want to take it out of my pocket, and quickly use the phone, and once I have it "on", its fine. Getting it on, then starting to use it means some hand gymnastics for me so far.

I realize, from another thread, that Google doesn't apparently want a physical home button. But they are wrong on this. Samsung and Apple are right, so far for me. Getting the device powered on, and having your thumb already on the home button or near your icons is incredibly convenient. I'd rather not use the device w/ two hands all the time.

Anyway, love other parts. Maybe a Galaxy S4 would be better for me. And the Swype keyboard I'm trying is incredible, worth switching for just it I think.


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2011
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So far I love a lot about the HTC One, coming from the iPhone. Its only been a day so far, but the deal breaker for me probably will be the lack of physical home button. The HTC One is pretty large, so to reach to the top to hit the power button, then almost 5 inches down and across to hit the home screen is a bit of deal breaker. Its very hard to use the phone one handed. I want to take it out of my pocket, and quickly use the phone, and once I have it "on", its fine. Getting it on, then starting to use it means some hand gymnastics for me so far.

I realize, from another thread, that Google doesn't apparently want a physical home button. But they are wrong on this. Samsung and Apple are right, so far for me. Getting the device powered on, and having your thumb already on the home button or near your icons is incredibly convenient. I'd rather not use the device w/ two hands all the time.

Anyway, love other parts. Maybe a Galaxy S4 would be better for me. And the Swype keyboard I'm trying is incredible, worth switching for just it I think.

Put it in your pocket power button down and screen to your leg.

Then when you reach in to take it out press the power button at the same time.

Then it is ready to go all easy like.


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Sep 20, 2010
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I'm also an Apple fan (mainly because of my iPad 2). I, too, had a Galaxy (but the 1, not the 2) and disliked it for some of the reasons you mentioned. Touchwiz on the original one? Awful. So cheaply made (or felt like it) that I was afraid of snapping it in half.

The HTC One seems like a pretty cool phone. Glad you're happy with it. :)


May 9, 2013
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Put it in your pocket power button down and screen to your leg.

Then when you reach in to take it out press the power button at the same time.

Then it is ready to go all easy like.
Ha, what I've been trying. Still awkward at times. Maybe just learning time.

When I clicked the menu button of the One I loved what I saw, finally an Android experience that felt mature, the Sense 5 UI for my personal tastes is exactly what I needed to immediately say "Wow!". This was nothing like I was expecting coming from the S2 as my last experience with Android.
I like a lot of the UI. I still think, by and large, that a lot of the Android apps aren't as polished as the iPhone ones, but they've come a long way. Android the OS itself has also gotten a lot better. I love how much it can be customized, which is a big sell for me.


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May 7, 2010
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Thanks for the thread. I can see why you wouldn't have liked Android until this because back in the 2.X days, the UI was still immature. It took the genius of Matias Duarte to fix that.

I would never have said that Android was better in every way UNTIL Android 4.0 was released.

Glad you are enjoying it!

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Apr 23, 2013
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I've once considered switching from iOS to Android. However, that was 2 years ago when Android was kind of "developing" with ugly UI, complex user interface and laggy. Now that it has been improvised a lot and I got used to the customization of it, I can't ever imagine I will come back to iOS. That being said, I will still consider iPad as my tablet because of the productivity and entertainment it brings, which no other Android tablets have satisfied me so far.


Feb 6, 2013
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I'm no Apple fan, but I totally get why the One would be the choice of phone for an Apple fan. I know several Apple fans who have opted for the One over the i5. It really is the gateway phone for Apple heads. I have a Nexus 4, but man, it's a temptress. :)

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Android Central Forums

It is, next year instead of getting an iPhone and Nexus , I will ditch the iPhone for the S5 and see if I can stretch my budget to get the next HTC in this series.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks for the thread. I can see why you wouldn't have liked Android until this because back in the 2.X days, the UI was still immature. It took the genius of Matias Duarte to fix that.

I would never have said that Android was better in every way UNTIL Android 4.0 was released.

Glad you are enjoying it!

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Personally I thought it was better then iOS in Android 4.1 when they added project butter.


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2010
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I would never have said that Android was better in every way UNTIL Android 4.0 was released.
That's good to know, because the last Android I had was the crappy Sammy Fascinate for Verizon, and it hardly had the latest software (even then). Android 4.0+ seems amazing; hence why I'm making the switch (back).

I've once considered switching from iOS to Android. However, that was 2 years ago when Android was kind of "developing" with ugly UI, complex user interface and laggy. Now that it has been improvised a lot and I got used to the customization of it, I can't ever imagine I will come back to iOS. That being said, I will still consider iPad as my tablet because of the productivity and entertainment it brings, which no other Android tablets have satisfied me so far.
Gotta agree with you here. I've been researching tablets (not that I'm in the market for a new one) and I don't think even the Nexus 10 compares to the iPad 4. My iPad 2 still runs like a charm. While I think the Android smartphone market is stellar, I do think Apple still has the hold on the best tablet on the market.


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May 11, 2013
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The HTC One is pretty large, so to reach to the top to hit the power button, then almost 5 inches down and across to hit the home screen is a bit of deal breaker. Its very hard to use the phone one handed. I want to take it out of my pocket, and quickly use the phone, and once I have it "on", its fine. Getting it on, then starting to use it means some hand gymnastics for me so far.

I know what you mean. I had the same reaction. But with most things in android there is a switch or app that can help. For this issue I downloaded the Wake up Screen app. It's great. I set the sensitivity to high and now the screen turns on automatically when I just picked up the phone. So I just pick it up and I'm ready to go. I wish my old iPhone had this. No more finger gymnastics to turn it on and then unlock screen. It's much faster now.


May 11, 2013
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Same as you OP. I love fiddling around with technology, which is why I always had curiosity with Android devices. Problem is, all of them used to either be full bloat, or just non-premium to the touch/eyes. I was about to buy the iPhone 5 as I was waiting for the Jailbreak (I could never live with a stock iPhone), and was trying to find a way to get the white iPhone 5, but buy the black iPhone's screen so that back would be aluminum, and front would be black... then came the HTC One with the exact color scheme I wanted to have. Premium materials, beautiful, and powerful. I instantly knew I had to give it a shot. I went to an AT&T store to play with it for a bit which was all I needed to buy the Dev Edition. Can't wait for it to arrive. Bye bye iPhone, waiting for Jailbreaks was never fun.

Marty Puckett

May 7, 2013
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I've been a big fan of the iPhone since the 3g. I've had it, a 4 and lastly the 5. When I read about the One a few weeks ago when considering switching to android I was sold. So far I haven't regretted it. Yes I sometimes still catch myself pulling it out of my pocket and trying to push the home button. And I do feel some apps that are on both platforms lack a little polish in their android form. But in the app devs defense in ios there are only two screen resolutions to program for, (3 if you count the non retina displays) and how many resolutions are in the android eco system? Dozens? Not to mention different hardware configs, memory configs etc.
But I digress.
Hello my name is Marty, and I'm an appleholic. The One, however, I think is my 12 step program.

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