Wi-Fi Issues


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2011
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When I turn off the 4G on my Xoom and go to wi-fi.. The xoom ."kicks" off every other device I have on wi-fi at the same time.. lap top etc.. in order to fix it I have to switch back to 4G and then reboot my Router.. Any suggestions.. do I just need to set something differently? Thanks for your response


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2011
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When I turn off the 4G on my Xoom and go to wi-fi.. The xoom ."kicks" off every other device I have on wi-fi at the same time.. lap top etc.. in order to fix it I have to switch back to 4G and then reboot my Router.. Any suggestions.. do I just need to set something differently? Thanks for your response

Wow! I new Xooms were powerful devices, but actually scaring away the other devices...Wow!

What brand/model router is doing this?

I would tend to think that such a problem is a problem with the router (only), and, as such, you should probably try to contact it manufacturer first (they might have sen such behavior before, and know how to fix it).

Another experiment to try would be to turn off all other WiFi connected devices when you reboot your router. After the router reboots, turn on your Xoom's Wifi first, allow it to connect, then see if a) as other devices connect any or all of them also cause other connected devices to be "kicked off" in the same manner; or, B) every device stays connected.

Okay, admittedly it took a while for me to catch on here...but, the Xoom doesn't actually have 4G yet. Did you mean 3G? or is all of this just an effort at pulling our collective legs?

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