WiFi Tether on rooted Sprint Hero + Nintendo DS Lite?


Nov 7, 2009
I'm rooted on my Sprint Hero, and the WiFi Tether app appears to work fine. When trying to get my DS to use it, it appears in the list of available networks on the DS (with a signal of 3 out of 3 bars). When it goes to connect, it just doesn't work and the signal appears as 0/3 bars. Changing the encryption doesn't seem to change anything. Can anyone help?
Do you have another device that uses wifi, like a laptop or even a desktop to try to connect to the phone? I'm still wondering if it's a problem on the phone end or the DS.
I'm currently posting this while tethering my desktop to my phone. I had Access Control enabled on the phone for some reason so I'll try disabling it and trying the DS again.

EDIT: Well I tried playing with frequency channel/128-bit encryption or not/changing the SSID and WEP key, and the DS still wouldn't connect. All I got was some new error codes, 51099 and 51100.
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Is there an app for the DS that's a wifi scanner? Sorry, not familiar with them. If so, maybe see what the DS itself says about the phone's signal, freq, channel, etc.

Sorry I can't be more help, but it does appear that the phone is accepting a connection request and assigning IP information correctly, otherwise your PC wouldn't work.
To my knowledge, there's no sort of WiFi app on the DS Lite. It is possible that the WiFi unit in the DS itself is damaged; I wouldn't know if it functioned properly because I've never connected it to any network.

Long story, but my computer lacks an ethernet card and is running on WiFi on my home network, and I'm getting an Ethernet card from a friend around Thanksgiving. My next step is going to be to try an ad-hoc network for the DS. And I'll still check on the phone too if my computer sets up a network properly.
It uses WPA (and I'm not permitted to change it), and the DS doesn't connect because it can't connect to a WPA connection.
Well take that puppy to starbucks! lol. Honestly, you're going to need to get the DS working on some network to rule out any hardware problems.
It at least did work at some time; I played a game (using local wireless) with a friend once or twice last year.
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I don't think devices like the DS and/or PSP play nicely with ad-hoc wifi.. at least, that's what I recall from my Touch Pro WifiRouter days (PSP wouldn't connect because it was an ad-hoc connection).
Good to know. I may be getting a 360 and a wireless router/bridge to go along with it, so I could try getting that work with my DS.
I rooted my Sprint htc hero and installed a recovery just in case. I installed wireless tether for root users. My computer recognized it but does not connect to the internet. help anybody!

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