Will Android Keep up in 12 inch Market


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Apr 26, 2011
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Yes the Note 10.1 was the best note taking tablet in the world and now the Note Pro 12.2 is still the best in my opinion and I've owned the Surface Pro 3. But now with Apple joining the game and the new Surface Pro 4 coming out later this month and the fact that the NP 12.2 is nearing 2 years old with no rumors of an updated model, I'm beginning to wonder.

Sure I believe the NP 12.2 will still function better that Apple's offering as well as the SP 4 but if the Samsung or some other manufacturer doesn't up the offering this Android line of 12 inch note taking device is/will fall behind.

Anyone know of any planned updated 12 inch styles models in the works Android platform?

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Feb 3, 2011
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The lack of significant development in the tablet sector by Google has been disappointing. Sure they have released a Nexus tablet or two since the Note Pro was released a couple of years ago but I wouldn't consider the newer Nexus tablets truly evolutionary. To date multiwindow support is still not there out of the box. That's quite disappointing considering the fact that Samsung has proven that it is possible to do with the Note line for quite some time now. Meanwhile Apple has developed multiwindow support for the iPad Pro and will surely refine it in the years to come. I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually release it for other ipads in their lineup once the Pro has been in the wild for a year or so (though I'm not counting on it just yet).

I'm still satisfied with my Note Pro though. It fits in well for me as a media consumption device and general note taking tool. I do wish for a refresh though, with faster memory, faster processor and super amoled screen perhaps. I'd really hate it if the next iteration ends up getting rid of the microSD card like they've done with the phones.

We're all different . . I find the Surface line and now the iPad Pro line intriguing, but a couple of things keep me from walking into a store to look at them - ROOT and my note taking apps. Having all of my notes synced across all of my devices is great, and while I can certainly do that with other platforms I do like the way I'm able to accomplish it these days with he Note 5 action memo app that was ported over for other Note devices. Syncing action memos created with that over Evernote is great. I really love root though, particularly for GMD Gesture Control. Such a liberating experience and something that really should be baked into all mobile devices.

I can honestly say the Note Pro has been the best tablet I've ever owned and I'll strongly consider upgrading it to the next one if/when it comes out.

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Jan 7, 2013
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Had the 12.2 since it came out. I have it set up to replace a laptop with keyboard and mouse but I'm using as a tablet most of the time. Nice to have both in one. The screen is still top notch. It is slow and quirky now sometimes so I would like a faster chipset. The size is very good. If I want a bigger screen for something I do have pcs. Only thing I don't like is Android's lack of decent stock market tools. I may go for the Pixel C at the end of the year. My 10" tab s is only 16GB. Big mistake.
Nice to have the notes from my Note 4 integrated too.


Well-known member
May 3, 2011
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I've really enjoyed my GNP 12.2 for the past couple of years, but I'm feeling drawn to the Surface Pro line. I love Android, but live in Windows for my job, so being able to run full Windows programs on a tablet -- particularly Scrivener and Calibre -- would be a major advantage. I'm planning a trip to the Microsoft Store tonight to lay hands on a Surface Pro 4 (and the Surface Book, although it's likely out of my budget), so we'll see.

And, as was pointed out earlier, it certainly seems as though Google is giving up on moving the tablet market forward.


Aug 4, 2015
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I had a windows tablet but I am of the opinion that Windows doesn't lend itself well to tablets and you need a keyboard and mouse for a lot of Windows software.
That being the case, you might as well use a laptop which you can get cheaper than a Surface pro.

Android is geared completely towards tablets and is useful in that respect but no good for many Windows programs.

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