Windows phone worth it?


Aug 20, 2014
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I'd be interested what the answers are compared if you had posted your question on wpcentral ;) I would definitely give it a try. WP8.1 was a huge step forward and it's a very stable & fast OS - and very great if you are into the Microsoft ecosystem. But most of the Google Services work to (somehow) - even though, Google isn't really supporting Windows Phone...


Sep 3, 2014
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Windows Phone is still a new OS and not as complete as Android but I like that it care about user interface interactivity. It runs smooth on pretty low hardware specs, not like Android.


Sep 26, 2014
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Unless you just like trying new stuff, no, it's not worth it. The OS is pretty cool, but coming from Android, you will become frustrated very quickly by the lack of apps and features. It's pretty obvious to non-fanboys that Microsoft has no idea what they're doing and will pull the plug on Windows Phone in the next few years. There's just no future in it. They've had 4 years to do something, and they only have 3% market share. They leave out obvious features, don't listen to feedback, and basically have an entitled attitude, expecting the thing to sell because "Microsoft." They're arrogant, delusional, and in denial.

If you want to try it out, your best bet is to buy a used Lumia 822 off eBay. It's a Verizon phone, but the SIM slot is unlocked. You can use it on Verizon, ATT, or Tmobile. All 3 have $45-50 unlimited prepaid plans. I've used my 822 on Straight Talk, Net10 (both ATT) and now Verizon. Everything works on all 3. If you go that route and need help setting up your APN's for GSM, hit me up. Everything works automatically with Verizon.


Sep 27, 2014
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I think it's ok to try it. Personally I've had enough of it now. I feel like Microsoft isn't trying hard enough to make WP succesful.
- Good hardware, especially cameras are extremely good
- If you like to try new WP is great for you
- It's getting better and better, especially WP 8.1 was huge step forward
- App Store is growing all the time
- My WP never slowed down, no lag, usually really smooth and fast
- Great 3rd party apps (Rudy Huyn)
- You can't get all the apps or games they have on iOS and android
- Some apps really suck and getting updates take forever
- Microsoft's own apps aren't that great. For example their camera app "Lumia camera" is really slow, it takes about 5 secs to start and by that time you might have already missed the shot
- The os is getting better but it's definetely not in the same level with iOS and android
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Jun 19, 2014
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it's a bittersweat reply, u know. ur description is quite correct about pros and cons.
only thing i am not agree with is ur opinion about microsoft apps. u are comparing a whole bunch on basis of a single app. i'll say don't use lumia camera (plz. note, there is an update coming by this month end for faster shot..already been showcased).
other apps are great.

one thing still lingers a little bit is a small lack of apps. but, i think almost each app in droid has a replacement in WP. may be that is at 95%, not 100%.
but, as MS is merging both OS i.e. desktop and mobile / tablet (as soon as 6 months), there will be no app gap in near future.


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Sep 19, 2014
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Windows Phone is a nice fresh escape from the standard UI we're used to seeing on Android/iOS. Its nice, colorful, interesting. I just came back to Android after using Windows Phone for 3 years on/off. WP8.1 improved a lot but for my needs there was still enough missing to bring me back to Android (Nexus 5).

Some of my last experiences that had me sell my Lumia 1020:
  • Lack of quality apps, while the apps for major ones exist their versions arent as good as Android/iOS
  • Internet Explorer (latest mobile version) isnt supported by websites i used to visit, especially ones with the mobile menu system.
  • Cyan (latest version) caused my L1020 to freeze a lot, often times show a black screen unlocking screen and inconsistent battery draining.
  • Xbox Music wouldnt play my locally saved music, sometimes id have to wait a minute for it to start playing...and moving between tracks was buggy

There are more reasons but ill stop there. My post isnt to deter anyone from trying WP, its a great concept and i love the UI (start screen) but its got some growing up to do. If you're curious, like others have suggested ive recommend picking up a 520/521 as you can find one for easily under $40.

Nosferatu Pro

Jan 14, 2015
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WinPhones are mostly great and reliable, but lack of official apps like Youtube ruins everything in this platform. I owned Nokia 520 and Nokia 820, they are both great phones, but despite having MS office pre-installed, WinPhone OS looks like a ghost town - No Youtube App, no Google + app, no good JRPGs:(

Dharma Jairam

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Nov 16, 2013
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I had 3 windows phones that I tried out (Lumia 520, 635, and 925). I think the phones are good quality...I wouldn't go with a 520 or 635 because the cameras are pretty low quality. You'll want to go with a 925 at least, otherwise you will want to get rid of the phone quicker.

The problem is not JUST the lack of app...the apps that they do have often do not work as well as they do on other platforms. It was a deal breaker for me.


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Jun 3, 2014
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Your pushing me more and more over to picking up a windows phone. I really love Microsoft products. The only thing I don't like is if I would have to go with a contract to pick up a decent one. I want some pretty decent specs for one. At least a dual core processor minimum.

Sent from my Moto G using AC Forums mobile app

The question is WHY are you after specs? Define DECENT. Why do you need dual core? You really need to see what the WP OS can do with processor and memory before saying you NEED certain specs.
Trust me, you really need to see what it can do with the hardware it runs on today.


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Jun 3, 2014
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I've been on WP for over 2 years now. While the app gap was real in the beginning, that gap is getting smaller and smaller. Also, the apps are vetted and so the apps that are there, are quality apps. There is the issue of function parity between WP apps and similar on other OS's. That's my biggest issue with it.
With Win10 and Universal apps coming, I think that will reduce that even more.
My biggest like about it is that it just works. I don't have to fiddle with it. I don't have to reboot it. I KNOW it's working. ALWAYS.
My biggest con is that manuf are still too conservative with it. There are NO ruggedized versions. I do SAR work and would LOVE a ruggedized one. I know that's a niche, but Samsung has the Active line, why can't WP get that kind of love?


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2014
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WinPhones are mostly great and reliable, but lack of official apps like Youtube ruins everything in this platform. I owned Nokia 520 and Nokia 820, they are both great phones, but despite having MS office pre-installed, WinPhone OS looks like a ghost town - No Youtube App, no Google + app, no good JRPGs:(

There are alternatives.


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May 22, 2015
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IMO Windows OS looks quite good and unique. It's fast and responsive. But the lack of apps soon becomes frustrating. Well i guess it's not for everyone.
Jun 2, 2014
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yeah and still the lack of apps or the not complete apps, strong example, instagram stopped of work, was updated but the update was an very joke just restablished the access but not efforts to leerage with the android counterpart just i moved back to Android because althought the OS works very solid what i get with that if lack of apps and third parties apps is just ok but not really what i would expect.


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Jan 5, 2012
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yeah and still the lack of apps or the not complete apps, strong example, instagram stopped of work, was updated but the update was an very joke just restablished the access but not efforts to leerage with the android counterpart just i moved back to Android because althought the OS works very solid what i get with that if lack of apps and third parties apps is just ok but not really what i would expect.

Wow, i'm guessing that Windows doesn't have enough apps for you. Once that is taken care of, i expect you to go out and buy a Windows phone. I'll be waiting to read your glowing review of your new Windows phone.:p


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Nov 18, 2014
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Once the new WP 940 and 940 XL come out, it will be a game changer for the WP platform. And if they come out with the 1020 successor the 1040.... I'm done with Android!! The Carl Zeiss optics and overall solid OS is enough for me.


Sep 21, 2015
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I just switched from Windows Phone to Android (Lumia 1520 to Galaxy Note 5) and I'm thinking of switching back. The main reason is lack of voice support, mainly when it comes to texting.

It's so integrated into the OS that I took it for granted. Windows could do it natively back in 2010 when Windows Phone 7 came out. You didn't need to download or run any apps to do it. Just put a Bluetooth headset on and it works.

If Person X sends me a text, I'll hear the notification and then it will say, "You'very received a text from Person X. Should I read it or ignore it? If I say "Read it", it will read the message and then ask if I want to reply or if I'm done. If I say reply, it will ask me to say the message and then read it back to me for verification and ask if I want to send it, add more, or try again.

I can't believe that it's late 2015 and Android doesn't have this basic level of functionality. Windows had it in 2010.
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