All the Strum und Drang in the media seems completely overblown. I'm looking at my 2Xl side by side with my 6P and I don't see any significant differences, if anything I like the 2XL slightly better. I never would have seen the blue shift if hadn't looked for it, nobody ever looks at their phone at a tilt and even when I deliberately tilt the phone the blue shift isn't unpleasant, it wouldn't have occurred to me that this was a problem.
Does anyone really think that the display is a problem?
Yes, because I went into a Verizon store and saw for myself, even before the reviews were out. I left the store feeling deflated. I couldn't in good conscience spend that much money on a phone with such issues.
It hurts even more knowing that the U11+ was slated to be the 2 XL, but that Google scrapped it. That phone is literally my dream phone, specs-wise, especially that near-4000 mAh battery and BoomSound audio, which to my ears is the best.
Google screwed people over twice with this launch, imo. First when they nixed what eventually became the U11+, and second, for not allowing HTC to sell it in the U.S., for fear of knowing without a doubt that it would outsell the current 2 XL with its myriad of issues and people finding out that the U11+ was meant to be a Pixel. I, for one, am supremely annoyed.
Sure, I could import the U11+ since I like it so much, but it would be a hassle, given that I'd have no warranty and that there's no guarantee I'd get LTE speeds, even though it supports band 4. Now I have to wait another year and hope Google learns from this fiasco and doesn't f-up the next time.