Wrong time, Wrong location.

Robert Hoehle

Dec 8, 2014
Okay, I run an HTC One M8, and like it. I have many applications and I do some developing (IBM, Java, C#, others) so I generally know what I am doing inside my phone. The time is wrong, the location is wrong. The time is being set to San Diego, CA (La Jolla to be more precise). I have searched the forums, but find nothing that realy fits my issue. Our house does not have very good reception from the carrier (Verizon) for some reason and that seems to have something to do with it. If I go outside, away from the LAN it will pull a good signal and set it to my location, however when inside it records it as San Diego. The kicker is it does it to my Fiance's phone (Galaxy S6) as well. Now her's isn't twinked out as much as mine and not 1/2 as many apps. Now, I have serval guesses at what might be causing the issue, but I am tired of dealing with it. The only change to my LAN has been a new router, and I can interface with it, and the time does look "possibly" off, but I'm not sure there. Also, my Fiance informs me she has been seeing the CA location pop up before I put the router in, so that point is possible, at least I cannot rule it out, yet. I am working on the interface to see if I can get the correct time, but have not straightened that out.


Guessing it is the router/modem.
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B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Welcome to Android Central! Are you anywhere near San Diego? I'm assuming not, but just wondering how far away from there you actually live.

Do you use a VPN or a proxy at home? If so, I'd wonder if the server being used is near San Diego. You could also try a different DNS server: The Ultimate Guide to Changing Your DNS Server

Robert Hoehle

Dec 8, 2014
Thanks for the reply. Didn't even think to change the DNS, but it might help. I'll give it a try. I can change that easy enough (I can not change the time/loction on the modem however, and I am talking to Mediacom about that). I live in Iowa, so, "no" nowhere near CA really. With my phone and my Fiance's both pulling down San Diego time when inside the house and off the data stream from Verizon leads me to think that is more than coincidence.

Robert Hoehle

Dec 8, 2014
Oh, I only use a VPN to connect to where I work and we have the IBM machine there in-house and that is only out-going from the house from one computer.

Robert Hoehle

Dec 8, 2014
Well changing the DNS did not help at all. Mediacom is not helping with the firmware for the modem and Netgear is not helping either. Not quite sure where to go from here. Going to have to figure out some kind of work around.

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
If you go to Speedtest.net on your computer and run a speedtest, where is the server that the test chooses located?

Robert Hoehle

Dec 8, 2014
Running various speed tests I still get the same results (55mbs down, 6 up). They bounce off the closest location, usually Council Bluffs, but sometimes it seems to hit Ames (Iowa State). I am not a fan of downloading different apps to test speed (get sick of all the ads built-in) either on my computer or phone. But, I do use both (usually Ookla's). Anyway, seems fine and the location is usually quite close, so that doesn't seem to be helping. No word from the router company about a possible firmware upgrade (seems those are handled by the ISP? WTF? That's my device and I'll update it accordingly. Whole other story) to set the time, but no luck from either source Breaking news: sunny and 62 degrees in San Diego at 7:42AM! Guess I'll go for a run to see the temperature is here in the mid-west...

Robert Hoehle

Dec 8, 2014
For reference, it's an issue within Google. A Database that needs updating that is associated with my router/modem and its MAC address. Until it's updated, it will continue to record the position incorrectly.

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Thanks for the followup! That's frustrating. Hopefully it gets corrected soon.