Xooms have been delivered to best buy already!


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2010
Just got a Voicemail from the best buy I pre ordered my xoom from yesterday. They said they have received their shipment of xooms in their case only five. I will be able to pick mine up on thrusday from the mobile department. Ugh why do I have to wait? Anyone else get this call?
I don't understand the purpose of this phone call.

Neither do I....why tell me when I can't have till lauch day. Only good thing is I guess all the electronics reviewers will most likely be getting theirs tomorrow and we can all droll over the reviews that are sure to follow.
They call to let you know you got one. Also to set up a time when your coming in to set it up and take it home.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
They just said I can pick it up anytime Thursday. Which unfortunately means not till like 7:30PM since I work allllll day Thursday ugh.
Dude, just go there now and demand they give it to you. Slip the guy a twenty dollar bill and tell him you'll also buy the accessories from only him :P

I also have an off site meeting to go find one. Wife gave me the okay, so Im not going to pass this up.
Working at home means I can't really pull the whole "off-site" meeting thing off. But luckily for me she has to go to work at 6:30 that morning and won't get off work till at least 7:00 that night. Can you say "Hookie"?

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