Xperia Z front facing camera not working


New member
Apr 9, 2014
I have a problem with my Xperia Z (C6603) on Android 4.3. I did a factory reset, because I haven't done it for quite some time, and my battery started to last for like 6 hours. Everything was alright to the point when I launched the Camera app - the rear facing camera works well, but when i press the front facing camera button, it seems that the camera did not turn on at all, but I still have the buttons that should be there and no message . When I try to take a picture of the black screen i get - phone freezes, I have to press the lock button and then unlock the phone, and phone works fine except the front facing camera still not working. I will be thankful for all help you can offer
hi, dear godrikus, u can do follow steps:
1.Restar your phone
2.Update to last version or if you have last version reflash your phone.
3.Try to download detecting app to test the front camera.
4.If you have tried to repair the phone software and it's still does not work, I recommend you to contact your local support or replace a new front camera.
hi ! 2 days back my xperia z was working fine and then suddenly front camera is not working! i checked in service menu >secondary camera i showed this function does not exist and then i tried xperia diagnostics but failed i tried sus,flashed firmware no use front camera symbol is missing pls help :/

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