Your favorite feature that is (more or less) exclusive to your Pixel 2?

I have a Moto X and I'm looking at the Pixel 2. How are you liking the Pixel compared to the Moto?
Maaan... This is a tough one for me. I love so much about the device...

I want to say Active Edge is what I use the most and love because I use GA... However, this camera is damn HEAVENLY!! Then again, I'm really looking forward to Lens and Visual Core getting up to full speed!

You can't really say battery performance I guess... I'd go with AOD... I came to really like it on the G6 and V30.

Though I think the visual core will ultimately be my choice. But we ain't seen what she can do yet.

I don't know why you can't say battery life. With only a 2700mAh battery it's out performed phones I've had with 3900mAh batteries. I know they always say that this new chip will increase battery efficiency by 15% or whatever, but I never really saw it until now. I know a lot of it has to do with a smaller screen and a lower resolution, but it makes a difference! My original Pixel got better battery life than previous phones as well, but this took that performance and almost doubled it. It is the first thing I tell people about, and also the most often.

But, if we're talking about features designed for the Pixel specifically, that's a hard one. Active Edge, which I never thought I'd use, is something I use frequently. The camera is obviously excellent, but portrait mode takes it to another level. AOD and Now Playing are extremely useful as well. The return of front facing speakers is definitely a boost over the original Pixel for me, as I was always covering the speaker when watching videos. Then there's better water resistance for peace of mind. Timely updates is of course there as well as it was on the original Pixel. But if I had to pick just one....sorry, I just can't.

I think it's actually great that we're having a hard time deciding which features we like the best. To me that's a sign of a good purchase and a satisfied customer.
I don't know why you can't say battery life.


But, if we're talking about features designed for the Pixel specifically, that's a hard one. Active Edge, which I never thought I'd use, is something I use frequently. The camera is obviously excellent, but portrait mode takes it to another level. AOD and Now Playing are extremely useful as well. The return of front facing speakers is definitely a boost over the original Pixel for me, as I was always covering the speaker when watching videos. Then there's better water resistance for peace of mind. Timely updates is of course there as well as it was on the original Pixel. But if I had to pick just one....sorry, I just can't.

But I thought the Pixel doesn't have any features?! Google's "problem" is that they included features that add to a user's experience without screaming 'look at me Ima the awesome!', so some just straight up forget about them, in particular people who don't have the phone. This was exactly what Sundar meant back last year when he was speaking at a conference. I'm a function over form kind of person, so I'm more than happy with that approach.

As for the battery performance, I'll just leave this here:


(Yes, it's crazy good)
I have a Moto X and I'm looking at the Pixel 2. How are you liking the Pixel compared to the Moto?

I had the OG Moto X and the 2014 Moto X up until now. I am loving the Pixel 2 (small version). The bezels are stupid but I got over it, everything else is better....but I miss the chop chop gesture for flashlight :(
But I thought the Pixel doesn't have any features?! Google's "problem" is that they included features that add to a user's experience without screaming 'look at me Ima the awesome!', so some just straight up forget about them, in particular people who don't have the phone. This was exactly what Sundar meant back last year when he was speaking at a conference. I'm a function over form kind of person, so I'm more than happy with that approach.

As for the battery performance, I'll just leave this here:


(Yes, it's crazy good)

I know what you mean. What some don't seem to get is there's a difference between no features, useful features, and the kitchen sink approach.

As for your battery life, you've got me beat. Best I did was 19.5hrs and 6hrs SOT, so not too far off. But still better than my best on the original Pixel which was around 15.5hrs with 4hrs SOT.
I can't agree enough with this comment. The battery life is crazy good. Active Edge is useful. AOD is useful. Now Playing is fun. But when talking about the phone I always come back to the battery life.
My battery isn't doing that well at all. I dunno why I don't get as long a life as other people are.

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