JT's Non-Voodoo 12-30 kernel


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Sep 16, 2010
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Anybody try this? I've been running StupidFast Kernels for a while. Been using a Blackhole Rom as well. Tried the Blackhole Rom 3.0 and experienced lots of problems. Not sure if my force closes were a result of the Rom or of the DL09 radio or combination of both. Long story short, I decided to go back to a JT SuperClean Rom and also am trying his Non-Voodoo 12-30 Kernel. Wow! Battery performance is outstanding! The performance is equally outstanding. The combination of his Rom plus his Kernel is just awesome. Just thought I'd share.
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Oct 6, 2010
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I'm also using the 12/30 kernel and noticed an increase in battery life. I'm also in the process of testing out the app called Juice Defender. I haven't had it long enough to completely put my stamp of approval on it, but I have noticed an increase of battery life of about 75%. The way it works is it turns off your 3G/data signal whenever your phone is locked. This stops your phone from constantly attempting to pull data from apps like: gmail, twitter, facebook, and youtube, and lets you choose a scheduled window for pulling this information down: 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, etc... After I do some performance testing I'll let ya know the pros and cons.
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Jan 9, 2010
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12/30 does not support boot animation like the 12/25 kernel I tried previous but it is smoother. 12/12 never worked well for me. I have seen similar battery performance with the last few JT kernels. Been awhile since I was on SF 1.54 though...


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Dec 1, 2010
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I'm running 12/30 and I flashed a bunch of different boot animatioons. I'm using android peeing on an apple. :)
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Nov 18, 2010
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I'm running the same setup after trying almost every combination I could flash. So far it runs smoother and faster than anything else I tried with no issues. I also have used several boot animations.


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Sep 16, 2010
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I'm running the same setup after trying almost every combination I could flash. So far it runs smoother and faster than anything else I tried with no issues. I also have used several boot animations.

Yep. Best combo I've found so far as well! I've also flashed numerous boot animations with this kernel and no problems.

I just hit 36 hours of battery life on one charge and I've been using the crap out of my phone! Phone is running very smooth and fast too!!

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Oct 29, 2010
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I'm running 12/30 and I flashed a bunch of different boot animatioons. I'm using android peeing on an apple. :)
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hey gunner - where did you get that boot animation? its sounds pretty awesome. :)

i was using the SF 1.5.4 for a while until my phone started to lock up on me, usually in the middle of the night, which is really a problem when you use your phone as an alarm clock to wake you up in the morning. :p

so i decided to try switching kernels and i'm using the nv 12/30 and after a couple of days, so far so good. i will post an update in the near future if anything changes.

not sure about battery life; it seems to be the same regardless of which kernel i use. Phone Calls, Display and Cell Standby are always the biggest power hogs on my phone. one 30 min. call and i gotta recharge to make it through the rest of the day.

regarding Display, i always have the brightness manually set to the lowest possible setting and it still is the one of the top juice suckers. and unfortunately, the VZW signal in my house ain't too hot so Cell Standby is always a top power thief. we don't use a landline.

i was thinking about getting one of those femtocells until i found out how much they cost and their limitations. ridiculous.

my dream would be to utilize Google Voice to make and receive calls at home via my WiFi network. i don't care if such calls use my VZW minutes, that's fine; it's only fair. i just want to use the cell phone at home and have good quality and no dropped calls. i know there's some convulted way to do that via some other apps but i believe the quality is suspect based on some reading i've done.

Google and VZW need to work together to make that happen - CMON, my happiness and well-being is at stake!! ;)

Seriously, how awesome would they be if they made that happen via a simple app that worked and worked well?


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Jun 18, 2010
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Any big differences between the JT 12/30 and the adrynalyne 12/30 kernel? I was using the 12/12 and was pretty happy, but if theres a shot at better battery life I am willing to give it a day or two's test. Thanks for the heads up!


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Jul 20, 2010
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I'm trying this kernel out and it looks very good so far. One thing I noticed (maybe it's not unique to this kernel) is that bluetooth will not work correctly if I have USB debugging enabled. Once i disabled USB debugging it seems to work fine - just bought JT a beer.


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Oct 29, 2010
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This may be a stupid question but I will ask it anyways. How can you find out which Kernel you are running?

that's not a stupid question, it's actually a very good one. and i for one do not know the answer or that it's even possible, assuming you mean custom non-stock kernels.

gunnermike? - i know you're lurking out there somewhere; you're never very far away. ;) have you run across the answer anywhere in your frequent travels?

anybody else?

as far as i know, there is no way to tell. but if there is i would like to know how too.


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Sep 16, 2010
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If you have a program like Set CPU, you can see what kernel you're running but going to display information. :)

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Sep 16, 2010
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Any big differences between the JT 12/30 and the adrynalyne 12/30 kernel? I was using the 12/12 and was pretty happy, but if theres a shot at better battery life I am willing to give it a day or two's test. Thanks for the heads up!

No, I don't believe there is too much of a difference. I think adrynalyn's is tweaked to run on both DJ05 and DL09.

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Dec 1, 2010
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that's not a stupid question, it's actually a very good one. and i for one do not know the answer or that it's even possible, assuming you mean custom non-stock kernels.

gunnermike? - i know you're lurking out there somewhere; you're never very far away. ;) have you run across the answer anywhere in your frequent travels?

anybody else?

as far as i know, there is no way to tell. but if there is i would like to know how too.

lol. here i am. and the answer is:

dont forget which one you flashed!!!!!


seriously, dont forget. all the kernels are based off the 2.69.whatever.whaterver so they always show up as 2.69.....
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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2010
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Anybody try this? I've been running StupidFast Kernels for a while. Been using a Blackhole Rom as well. Tried the Blackhole Rom 3.0 and experienced lots of problems. Not sure if my force closes were a result of the Rom or of the DL09 radio or combination of both. Long story short, I decided to go back to a JT SuperClean Rom and also am trying his Non-Voodoo 12-30 Kernel. Wow! Battery performance is outstanding! The performance is equally outstanding. The combination of his Rom plus his Kernel is just awesome. Just thought I'd share.

hmmm installing this kernel brought my SF to stock with no launcher pro


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2010
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lol. here i am. and the answer is:

dont forget which one you flashed!!!!!


seriously, dont forget. all the kernels are based off the 2.69.whatever.whaterver so they always show up as 2.69.....

:D:D:D I figured that was the answer.

I will check into Set CPU and see what it says.

I went ahead and loaded up this Kernel to see how my battery will be effected.

@Groundhound Bluetooth seems to be working for me as far as I can tell. My radio showed it was connected and I made one phone call while driving home today anyway. I do have USB Debugging enabled.


Sep 21, 2010
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My SETCPU for kernel says:

Linux version 2.6.29 (imnuts@virutalbox) (gcc version 4.4.1 (Sourcery G++ Lite 2009q3-67) #1 Mon Jan 3 12:12:22 EST 2011

That is running JT's 12/30 non voodoo (musical voice)LOVE IT!! Along with SuperDarkDJ05 ROM my battery life is GREAT!!

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