6p.. headphone /earphone volume too low.....


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Dec 8, 2015
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Volume is way too soft for me. Cant drive my Sennheiser momentums properly. It's almost acceptable for listening in a quiet room, but outdoors way too quiet. My old moto g 2nd gen drive headphones louder


Apr 6, 2015
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I don't mean to insult anyone's intelligence here but I wonder how many people are unaware of the audio volume warning when you try to raise headphone volume that requires you to press OK on the pop-up to increase it further. I hate that feature simply because it occasionally appears every few weeks, (usually at the worst time when I'm driving). I wish there was a no-root way to disable that reminder. Otherwise no complaints here. I could probably damage the speakers in my truck at max volume on this phone.


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Nov 12, 2015
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Mine arrived yesterday, and I've tested it with headphones and bluetooth speakers, as well as streaming music, and all sounds great. Plenty of volume. I was really concerned after reading this thread, but it's perfectly fine. Strange that there are problems with some devices but not others.

i tested and found that there was a distinctive difference in volume levels between 3 different types of earphones. that may be part of this issue. depends on the model of the earphones. i went with my samsung cause the bass is great. sony really sucked.


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Feb 9, 2011
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I came from a Note 4 and use a pair of Klipsch R6M. Great earphones. I primarily use Beyond Podcast to listen to podcasts and Google Music for songs. I have a 2014 Camaro that I connect to via bluetooth.

The 6P definitely has a lower "output" volume when it comes to playing music in my car. With the Note 4, I set it to 16 clicks on the volume dial for comfortable listening. On the 6P, 19 clicks achieves the same result.

With headphones, it's more inconclusive because the stock volume indicator on the 6P doesn't have a numeric value. I keep mine what would probably be 60-70% of max. On the Note 4, it's about the same but that is using Samsung's volume indicator. Quality wise, I say the Note 4 is better but that is probably because of the equalizer that runs a series of beeps to calibrate what would sound best for you.


Jan 10, 2011
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I just got my Nexus 6p, and the sound quality and volume levels are attrocious! The volume level doesn't affect me nearly as much as the low quality of the sound. I hope this is just a software issue. And thought the Moto x Pure Edition had horrible sound, this is much worse!


Moderator Team Leader
Apr 17, 2012
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I don't mean to insult anyone's intelligence here but I wonder how many people are unaware of the audio volume warning when you try to raise headphone volume that requires you to press OK on the pop-up to increase it further. I hate that feature simply because it occasionally appears every few weeks, (usually at the worst time when I'm driving). I wish there was a no-root way to disable that reminder. Otherwise no complaints here. I could probably damage the speakers in my truck at max volume on this phone.

Does your 6P do this? I haven't seen any warnings on mine.


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Apr 11, 2013
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Ok, hopefully this will put an end to this craziness... There is no issue with the device, the issue is with the headphones. I encountered the same problem until I swapped out my old iPhone head phones with a pair Seinhasser ones and the sound is good again. I suspect it's something to do with the polarity and is like when you accidentally cross speaker wires between a stereo amp and the speaker.


Mar 8, 2016
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Does your 6P do this? I haven't seen any warnings on mine.

You're correct.

On my old Moto Maxx, when ever I tried to increase the volume above about 80%, I got a warning every single time, then I was able to actually increase to 100% volume.

Given how weak the max audio volume is on my 6p, and also that there is NO audio volume warning as you increase the volume on the 6p, I have a sneaking suspicion that they just made 80% volume the new 100%... and we never get full output power. I wonder if there is any way to check in the marshmallow source code audio subsystem to verify this hypothesis.

It's really annoying since I plug my phone in to my car via the audio jack and now I need to really blast my stereo to get a reasonable amount of sound from the 6p... and when I switch back to the radio I almost blow up my speakers because the volume is so high :-/


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Nov 19, 2010
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Yeah I noticed the issue with the volume too when using headphones. Luckily, in MX Player, when you switch to SW decoding for audio, you can boost the volume when watching videos. No issues with bluetooth though.

luke beverley

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Apr 17, 2016
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anybody know if there is a way to increase the volume ..without a root...??

Keeping in mind the only defult music program is play music an external media player is best. My easiest solution for this issue would be to download vlc media player and simply adjust the equalizer to flat and move the sound bar all the way to the right. Don't adjust setting unless you know what you are doing you may lose your eardrums. Hope this helps :)
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robert drainville

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Sep 15, 2016
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I agree strongly that the plugged volume is low and bluetooth is a bit better. My old HTC m8 was way, way better sound quality and volume. I have tried polk audio, harman kardon, ultimate ears (cans and in ear) and consistently the plugged volume is lacking. The only improvement I have found is by using a free equalizer (from play store- smart android apps llc) and pumping the sound amplifier to maximum, got a nice boost in db, hope it works for you as well. Good luck


Mar 21, 2016
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The loudness and sound quality will depend a lot on the headphones you are using. I've been using Audia-Technica cans for some time. They are considered a professional set and the 6P has more than enough power to drive them. I hate to say anything good about Clear Channel, but they have really upped their game on the Android platform lately. Some of their own channels on their I Heart Radio app are about as close as you'll ever get to pure audio when using good headphones. The sound is amazing coming from the 6P and beats hands down premium THX sound on a Gigabyte laptop.

Viknesh vikky

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Sep 28, 2016
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I agree it is low. I tested it next to a S6 and the S6 output. I saw a posting, probably on Reddit that said exactly how much power the 6p put out through the headphone jack and it is definitely lower than most of the competition. Not sure how to increase it beyond that unless you switch to headphones with amplification.

place the left side earpiece on ur right ears and right earpiece on ur left and test the sound 🔊


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Oct 1, 2016
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My note 5 is way to quiet thru headphones. I can hear everything around me. People talking other music ect & with my note 5 turned all the way up.

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