Anyone in regret yet ?


Well-known member
May 6, 2010
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Coming from the Pre, I can understand some of your frustrations. Guys, this is a learning curve. It's not as straight forward as say the Pre, and it's definitely more complicated getting around than the iPhone. Some people just want a phone that works. No real menus or configurations to go through. Just pick it up, click a button, and done. That's one of the reasons the iPhone does so well. I'd get my mom an iPhone over the Evo because I know the fact that it IS so customizable will frustrate her.

I've always been a HTC fan, and this phone lives up to the hype, at least for me. And I haven't even gotten REALLY into it yet. I'm very happy with the phone thus far. If it's not your cup of tea, though, no worries. Everything doesn't fit everyone. Hope you guys find something that you enjoy using. No one should keep a device they don't feel comfortable using ...


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May 16, 2010
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Ah, I'm starting to see a little bit clearer now. Yahoo email & iPhone = gmail & android. I don't know if anything will ever be as fast as gmail on the Android platform.

I'm primarily a gmail user, have you considered forwarding from Yahoo or switching to primarily using gmail? Can you have gmail login to your Yahoo and handle it that way? (I do that w/several addresses, it works great, no specifically with yahoo though) You can find more about that in your gmail account under settings, there's a whole section for integrating other accounts.

Wow I had no idea you could do that. I'm gonna look into this.


passionately curious
Jun 1, 2010
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It works, but the forwarding of new mail is really slow for me.

I agree, I would have gmail check the Yahoo account and do it that way instead of forwarding Yahoo to gmail.

You can also verify ownership so you can send messages from your Yahoo address through gmail.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
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I agree with the others regarding phones; its not one size fits all. You need to find what works for you. If its not Android then no harm. The great thing about the industry is we have choices. We have hardware and OS choices. Find what works for you. I like Android and for me I'm happy with the EVO.


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May 15, 2010
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Personally, I dropped Itunes due to not liking how it runs on Windows. I use a Zune now, and plan on getting a EVO whenever I can. If you feel that you don't like the EVO, return it doesn't really matter. Just go with what you like.


Well-known member
Mar 18, 2010
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Your kidding about the battery life right? I mean what do you expect out of a high end phone? Have you not read all the reviews?

Ok so I'm new to android, got my evo yesterday played with it all day and most of all night. The phone is nice but here are a couple things that brother me.

No push notifications ???? Is android for kids or what ?

Batterylife (although this is probably my fault since I didn't know about task killers)

I'm not in full regret yet but I need to get used to it I guess. Anyone else have any issues they don't like ? Please no fan boy post android is the best !! Etc etc.


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Oct 24, 2008
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Ok so I'm new to android, got my evo yesterday played with it all day and most of all night. The phone is nice but here are a couple things that brother me.

No push notifications ???? Is android for kids or what ?

Batterylife (although this is probably my fault since I didn't know about task killers)

I'm not in full regret yet but I need to get used to it I guess. Anyone else have any issues they don't like ? Please no fan boy post android is the best !! Etc etc.

I will agree on the push notifications. iPhone and Blackberry have this feature and it is really nice not having to wait 15-30 minutes to get say a Twitter reply. As for battery life, tell me one smartphone with a great battery life... You can't because it does not exist. ;)

Granted some are better than others but not by much. You do have 30 days to try the device out. No reason to give up after a single day.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
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Much of my music is from the iTunes store. Will doubletwist synch DRM music? How about movies and TV shows from the iTunes store?

No, not DRM but if your songs are iTunes Plus (DRM-free) then its easy as pie to sync (playlists too)


Active member
Oct 13, 2009
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I agree with others that this phone is not for everyone. I wish you the best of luck drew and hopefully you will get the new iphone. If it wasn't for competition we wouldn't have the phones we have today. Good luck drew and hopefully in year or so we may see you back.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2010
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Coming from a pre, this phone couldn't get any better. It's fast, the browser doesn't hang up all the time. Speedy pinch to zoom....I could go on and on.

Android, and this hardware, are absolutely incredible. I don't like how basic the iPhone is. And webos is starting to look ancient.

My only regret is staying with webos so long.

Caitlyn McKenzie

Well-known member
May 17, 2010
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Much of my music is from the iTunes store. Will doubletwist synch DRM music? How about movies and TV shows from the iTunes store?

You do know what DRM is, right? The entire purpose of the DRM is to keep you from playing it on anything other than the one iPod/iPhone/etc and PC you have. This is not a fault of Android.


May 5, 2010
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This is my first android phone and I've had it for 23 hours and I can tell you this.

Android is for do'ers, not people who need the phone to do it for them. Its about choice, YOU decide essentially exactly how you want your phone to be. Naturally that takes time to define and set up. This phone has SO many variables and options that it almost feels overwhelming until you realize that its really what you want, a device that can contour to your needs.

If you are a mindless drone that dances down the sidewalk while making sure your earphones are white so peopel think you are cool and can't be bothered to REALLY use a multimedia tech device, then please return to your iPhone.

In a world of iPhone users that don't. Android DOES


Well-known member
May 8, 2010
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Not a condemnation but why even get this device to begin with if you are more of a basic phone user? Surely you did some research before buying it and during such research found one of the major selling points to be its customization!

Sure you can use it right out of the box and it could work for you. Or you could spend a few days tinkering and discovering the myriad of possibilities and create a truly custom device for yourself. THat's one thing I loved about my Mogul and even my Pre and now my EVO. But that's because I want to tinker. My wife on the other hand does not so she has a BB.

Not to bash another platform or at the risk of seeming to be a fanboy but I think this is one of the problems of the iPhone being considered a smartphone. It's really a nice shiny feature rich dumb phone IMHO.


Well-known member
May 16, 2010
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My mistake on the battery life comment. I just realized I had 4G on since I have owned it. Yes I know fail, no wonder I'm on my fourth charge haha.


Well-known member
May 16, 2010
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Returning mine today... Like holding a cinder block to your head... Just to big to use as a phone.. Battery is no good...Android on it works very good though...


passionately curious
Jun 1, 2010
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Sometimes new phones are a PITA, is awesome cause you can literally come here and see what others are doing and get help.

I hope we're helping whoever has regrets to get un-regretted, it's 2010 and really no matter what device you get you can probably do anything you want. It's just how you do it and what you're used to.