Battery Life


New member
Nov 18, 2019
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Mine is terrible. Just got it a couple of weeks ago and Im lucky if I get 13 hours. I have to leave Bluetooth on, but otherwise I don't think I'm doing anything weird.


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2014
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Hey all, just curious how you feel the battery life has been? I can't get through a full day and really am not on the phone that much. Just wondering what you all are getting. Otherwise, awesome device!!

I can almost get 24 hours. Not so much phone use but almost constant internet, streaming of audio or video, etc. One app (Tune In) seems be the biggest culprit of the high useage - I may try Stitcher or Spotify - Never could get used to IHeart's app but must be me. You can check or run the diagnostics - mine ran automatically and alerted me to the offending battery hog app.