Does anyone have experience being the only Android user in the household?


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Nov 11, 2012
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How about this solution - I setup a Google Voice number and use that to text from Hangouts to whomever, regardless of what deveice or app they use.

Maybe this only works when on wifi but I have a portable MiFi card so can use that.


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Jul 31, 2010
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Good question. Does Hangouts for Android work with iMessage for Apple?

No, they are not compatible. Hangouts will send it as an SMS to an iPhone, similarly sending from the iPhone will send as SMS to anything other than iMessage. iMessage needs to go to iMessage, same as Hangouts to Hangouts. The only advantage I've found was for sending videos. Sending MMS the carrier will compress the video and it looks like crap on the other end. Sending it over iMessage the video will not be compressed which is a huge advantage to using it (not sure about Hangouts, never tried sending a video).


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May 7, 2010
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Re: The experience when the rest of your family has iPhones

No. Proud to say my household is made up of people who make sound decisions :)

Posted via the Android Central App


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Sep 22, 2010
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Re: The experience when the rest of your family has iPhones

Gf liked the imessage features so I made her install hangouts on her iPhone. I'm certainly not leaving Android.


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Apr 14, 2015
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Everyone in my house uses Android phones, but thanks to reading this thread I think I've figured out why I have trouble getting messages from certain friends with iPhones. Looks like they have SMS messages turned off and only imessages on.


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Dec 10, 2010
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I actually just switched after I got everyone on iPhone lol. I rely on my phone a lot and am on call a good bit and my iphone 5s just wasn't cutting it anymore. After ios 8 it was buggy as everything. Went and got a s6 yesterday and love it. Ios isn't the ios I fell in love with ( ios 6) it's still a great phone, but if I am going to deal with a buggy phone I would rather have one opened up that I can fix it haha. Don't blame you for staying. All of my friends have iPhone as well, so far it hasn't been a big deal. Got them to hold down on the message and click send as text message before I got the phone and I haven't had any problems with messaging. I'll get my wife to download hangout so we can video chat the very few times a year that we actually did it. So I don't really see it being a huge problem for us, because we didn't really use most of the features anyway. I'm loving the features on this thing though. I may still go back to ios after this one, who knows. I ultimately have always loved android the most, but I have never had one that doesn't bog down after a while. I don't think I will have a problem with this one though!

Just wondering if your still loving the S6? I really loved the camera on that phone and am considering going back. I'm missing it 😭


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Nov 19, 2013
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Just wondering if your still loving the S6? I really loved the camera on that phone and am considering going back. I'm missing it 😭
Oh yeah! It's lagged here and there but overall it has been a wonderful transition and I'm loving it! I can't really complain about battery life either. I get all day on weekends no problem and the weekdays when I use it heavy I'm always around a charger so it's no big deal to me


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Dec 10, 2010
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Re: The experience when the rest of your family has iPhones

Trying to bring this thread back to life. I want to badly give the Pixel 2 XL a run. Just looking for some updated feedback on living as an Android user in a house of iPhone users. Thanks.

So I am an hour away from picking up my S6 and am really excited! My one fear/concern is that my wife and kids have iphones. So the luxury of imessage and Photo Sharing will be gone. I already turned off imessage last night, deleted all my threads with them. I'm still having issues. Haven't received any messages from them this morning but they received mine. I know that will work itself out quickly once my number drops of the apple server... just venting about that one :mad: My questions is to anyone out there that is/was in the same boat... Are you the only Android user in your immediate family and how has that worked out for you? Any input/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!


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Aug 4, 2009
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Re: The experience when the rest of your family has iPhones

I am in the same boat. I have been using my pixel 2 xl on wifi. Have not switched Sims yet. I really like the phone. Like Android better than IOS to be honest. Just having a tough time leaving the ecosystem. Imesssage is tough to give up. I travel a lot and it works over airplane wifi. I'm never out of touch. Face time of course. I like to be able to see where my son is using find my iPhone. I also use an iPad which makes leaving even harder. We have an apple music family account. Apple just makes it so easy.


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Dec 10, 2010
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Re: The experience when the rest of your family has iPhones

I am in the same boat. I have been using my pixel 2 xl on wifi. Have not switched Sims yet. I really like the phone. Like Android better than IOS to be honest. Just having a tough time leaving the ecosystem. Imesssage is tough to give up. I travel a lot and it works over airplane wifi. I'm never out of touch. Face time of course. I like to be able to see where my son is using find my iPhone. I also use an iPad which makes leaving even harder. We have an apple music family account. Apple just makes it so easy.

Thank you for the reply and input. I’ve decided to stick with Apple. It’s just makes sense with the rest of the family already on Apple.


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Jul 20, 2015
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Re: The experience when the rest of your family has iPhones

I’ve been there and my other half was not happy when I only had android phones. Messaging from iOS was never too smooth with videos/pics not doing as well as when we’re all iOS. I wanna add a Note 8 to the fold but something keeps stopping me.

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