Don't buy Verizon Screen Protectors


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Apr 30, 2010
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Be aware that the anti-glare screen protectors usually lower the brightness and sharpness of the display. They've come a long way and most are barely noticeable, but for me the regular Verizon screen protector works best. I can't stand the orange peel junk - I want the screen to be crystal clear.


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Mar 18, 2010
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Yea I returned the POS Verizon protectors that only cover the display.

Contrary to those who chimed in who feel the Verizon protectors are good enough, just as with condoms, I like my entire device to be protected. :)


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May 1, 2010
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Oh you crazy kids with your screen protectors on glass screens. LOL. To me, the only reason to get a screen protector is if you're outside a lot (reduce the glare) or you've got really greasy/sweaty hands and you need the resistance to smudging. Boxwave makes an outstanding Anti-Glare screen protector that I used on quite a few devices when they were plastic screens (Treos, Blackberries, Moto Q) so if you're in the market I'd check there.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2010
As if we needed a thread to tell us this. :p VZW protectors are horrid. Get a Zagg InvisibleShield and enjoy a lifetime of perfect protection you can't even notice.


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Apr 27, 2010
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The Zagg invisible shields are worth the money - the peau d'Orange texture smooths out after a few days and becomes shiny and unobtrusive - the slight resistive texture also smooths out with use - I don't even notice that I have a screen protector hardly - I've used Zaggs to replace my previous screen protection for my previous 3 cell phones, for my 4 ipods, for 2 of my ipod touches, for my Kindle2 & Kindle DX. I've tried about 10 different types of protectors including skinomis, ghost shields, etc. before settling on the Zaggs as the best. I have no financial or any other connection with Zagg & I could care less which ones you choose, but if you're going for the protection, I'd suggest you try Zagg and not try to cheap out. I also have the 2 year SquareTrade warranty & seriously considered going naked but my previous experience with screen nudity has not been good - one could scratch from a coin etc. ruins the screen forever & you end up staring at the ceiling at night pained by the thought of it.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2010
I'm pretty sure Zagg and Skinomi sell the exact same product, but in a slightly different package. Compare Skinomi's current (retail) box setup to Zagg's recent (retail) box setup before they went with the straight slim packs (via mail, anyways). Saaaame thing. I imagine PhantomSkinz are similar. I have experience with Zagg, though, and you get a lifetime replacement warranty, so that's what I'd recommend.


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Apr 17, 2010
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Don't buy Zagg

I installed an invisibleshield yesterday. Let it cure for at least 13 hours. Today I slid it into my horizontal belt holster and part of the corner peeled back and is covered in lint that won't come off and won't restick. The instructions say that once you peel it off you can't put it back on. Money wasted. I'll keep watching this forum to see if there are better solutions.


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May 5, 2010
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I went to VZW today to buy a case for my phone and the guy came out with the screen protectors too and asked me if i wanted them as well...i was like, thanks!


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Apr 26, 2010
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I also bought the VZW's screen protector and was disappointed. At the very least it could have covered the home, menu, back, and search buttons. When I got home I decided to check the screen protectors that I had left from my Storm and they were the same. I am sure they just repackaged the same covers as "good enough". I will be returning them and have purchased skinomi instead. Just installed last night and it looks OK, but still some micro bubbles can be seen. Instructions say it could take several days for them to disappear so time will tell.

After about 48 hours the Skinomi screen protector is almost invisible with only a very few visible micro-bubbles. The protector has become less tacky and very smooth to the touch in fact. Also, it smudges much less than the bare glass screen and seems to resist fingerprinting. As advertised the screen protector does do a bit of "self healing". The only negatives that I can find are very minor all things considered (eg. paid $9, etc...). 1) The screen protector is very reflective, I have not used anti-glare protectors so I am not sure how this compares, but I don't think it can be any worse than the stock bare glass. 2) When viewing from an angle "ripples" can be seen in the protector either in the reflection or in the screen viewing itself. It is not distracting by any means but it is visible. The real test will be time itself.

Principal Skinner

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May 22, 2010
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Verizon Screen Protector

I just received my Verizon Screen Protectors in the mail. They are HORRIBLE. Just a rectangular piece of plastic. Not a custom fit and to top it off ...the totally blur the screen.

Already ruined my SGP ...wasted $12.00

Do you even need a screen protector?


Jun 14, 2010
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I picked up screen protectors from vzw on the Inc release date and have had no problems... the finger prints just wipe off.... not sure what I'm missing with other options

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2010
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I have been using VZW protectors on four different phones and couldn't be more pleased. They fit well and last forever. The best feature is the Verizon store rep who puts them on since I am totally incapable.


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Apr 30, 2010
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yeah I don't really understand the OP's complaint either. Like others have said, they are called "screen protectors" and that's what they do. Personally I wouldn't even want anything covering the capacitive buttons on the bottom (that might turn them into Droid buttons that you never know if they are gonna work or not).

I bought the VZW SCREEN protectors because they were available instantly and were only $10 for 3 quality protectors which will get me by until I can aquire a different protector if I feel the need.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2010
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I have these protectors as well. They work as advertised. Protect the SCREEN, very easy to put on. VERY cheap. What's not to like?

+1 to this. Easy to put on, cost $12 for a pack of 3, even came with a tiny cleaning cloth. fingerprints wipe right off. What's the problem?

and I REALLY hope the poster who said they were going to put clear packing tape on their device was kidding... :eek::eek::eek:

Principal Skinner

Well-known member
May 22, 2010
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Maybe I am doing something wrong, but the VZW screen protector I put on is VERY thick and blurred the screen. Yes, I took off the protective layer still is horrible.


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Jun 10, 2010
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Haven't received my Incredible yet, but I purchased a three-pack of VZW screen protectors for a family member's Droid Eris and have been somewhat disappointed. (This family member definitely needs a screen protector.)

The VZW protector barely covers the top of the Eris' screen; frequent dragging down of the notification bar at the top of the screen has resulted in two of the protectors already slightly peeling off--resulting in dust under the screen. I purchased a Zagg Invisibleshield for the Eris and hope to have better success with it.

Not sure if the VZW protectors for the Incredible suffer from the same problem.

To be safe (and to get free shipping), when I ordered the Zagg protector for the Eris, I also ordered one for the Incredible--even though I had already ordered a three-pack of VZW protectors. The Zagg protectors cover the entire screen.

The Incredible's VZW protectors will arrive with the phone and before the Zagg I will try them first.
Last edited:
May 25, 2010
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To be safe (and to get free shipping), when I ordered the Zagg protector for the Eris, I also ordered one for the Incredible--even though I had already ordered a three-pack of VZW protectors.

The Incredible's VZW protectors will arrive with the phone and before the Zagg I will try them first.

I also ordered the VZW protectors and was EXTREMELY disappointed that they didn't cover the entire phone. however IMO it did what it was supposed to with no problems and didn't show any visible marks/scuffing. but I decided to pony up the money and get an invisible shield at Best Buy and now I'm much more satisfied :)

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