Exchanging my RAZR


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Jan 16, 2011
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*My interest in the RAZR brought me to this post so I'd like to add.
Wow this looks almost like a real battle royale between VZW CSR supporters and end users. Nice. This is what big red should record for training purposes for those employees of theirs that work in the retail huts we have to go to sometimes.

I do 90% of my cellphone dealings either online, over the phone or a combo of both. The lack of management and discipline in my local stores is clearly evident and hard to watch.

I should not have to wait in line for nearly ten minutes so Mr Mack Daddy CSR, who thinks hes the shiznit for wearing nice clothes to a retail job, can work on the girl in front of me(who I consider just as guilty for standing there working it along with him), instead of moving along to the next customer. The person behind me left out of disgust.
I should not be accused of being a "rooter" by an employee in that position simply because the stock hardware of my device(X1) has built in failures. You must understand the what's before you understand the why's.
I should not be laughed at by the surrounding store staff for the above.
I should not have had to experience all 3 instances above on the same trip.

Overall, irrelevant as it may be that I had an X and not a RAZR, I feel for the OP here. That CSR he had to deal with is sadly probably still working there, un-disciplined for his actions. That kind of experience spreads thru VZW stores like wildfire. Like From Utah to New Jersey.


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Nov 13, 2011
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Dang man, that's horrible. I work at Best Buy Mobile and while I'm sure there are some customers who are unhappy with their experiences at BBYM, a customer in MY store has never been treated that way.


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Jan 14, 2011
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JCrome, I agree with you! I think the people who are complaining are probably the rude customers who expect to be treated nicely if their the ones being rude. If a customer is rude to me from the beginning I refuse to deal with them I walk away and let upper management know I will not be subjected to rudeness or harassment in anyway. People who are rude should realize bad attitude = bad service so try changing your poor attitude and you might get great service.



Jan 19, 2011
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JCrome, I agree with you! I think the people who are complaining are probably the rude customers who expect to be treated nicely if their the ones being rude. If a customer is rude to me from the beginning I refuse to deal with them I walk away and let upper management know I will not be subjected to rudeness or harassment in anyway. People who are rude should realize bad attitude = bad service so try changing your poor attitude and you might get great service.

This angle, even off topic and filled with wrong assumptions, is getting dumber by the minute.


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Jan 24, 2011
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In every store there are going to be above average reps and below average reps. That's just how things work. I bet where you guys work, you have people who suck and people who are good just like everywhere else. I am a manager at a vzw store so I am the person who tries to weed out bad practices from reps. If you feel a rep wronged you then you have to let a manager know in order for them to correct the issue. Its impossible for managers to see everything because of how busy the stores get. Also its no surprise when I say sales reps work on commission. When you find a good sales rep, it helps to stick with that one person for whenever you need something. If whenever you need a phone or accessory you always go to the same person you will develop a relationship with them so when an issue comes up they will go the extra mile for you. Obviously this isn't always possible to do.

Mr Bigs

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Sep 12, 2010
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Never understood why people exchange their phones 4-5 times over the course of a couple days... Seems to me if you exchange it once, and your still not happy, then maybe it's not the phone for you!
Sometimes their is a legitimate reason maybe up to 2 times after that they are just being a P.I.T.A. Wait and see the return frenzy for stupid stuff.


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Nov 12, 2010
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Did it ever occur to you the problem might be the store rep?

Locally, there are some VZW stores where the reps are consistently outstanding. Unfortunately, there are also some stores where the reps are flat out jerks. Fortunately, there are plenty of VZW store for me to choose from. That might not be the case for everyone.

Maybe you should dial it back a bit rather than blindly supporting store reps you do not know.

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The VZW rep I had tried hard but really didn't know what he was doing. He totally screwed up establishing my gmail account. As a result I finally had to do a Factory Reset last night to get gmail on my phone. I know it's a little thing and easy to fix...but not having to download and reinstall the apps and get the phone set up the way I want it takes a lot of time...on a Saturday night.


Android Addict
Feb 25, 2011
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In every store there are going to be above average reps and below average reps. That's just how things work. I bet where you guys work, you have people who suck and people who are good just like everywhere else. I am a manager at a vzw store so I am the person who tries to weed out bad practices from reps. If you feel a rep wronged you then you have to let a manager know in order for them to correct the issue. Its impossible for managers to see everything because of how busy the stores get. Also its no surprise when I say sales reps work on commission. When you find a good sales rep, it helps to stick with that one person for whenever you need something. If whenever you need a phone or accessory you always go to the same person you will develop a relationship with them so when an issue comes up they will go the extra mile for you. Obviously this isn't always possible to do.

My favorite wad when she told me I had to buy a new car charger because the RAZR required a specific one made by Motorola. This special charger was mysteriously packaged just like every other charger, and didn't carry a unique label or anything. She just knew it was the correct one because it was near the RAZR display.

They need to realize a lot of the customers aren't as dumb as they think we are.


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Oct 9, 2009
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All I can say is that after reading the OP's posts and comments from others on this thread, that I'm actually happy that I got my Razr a day earlier prior to release via FedUp (FedEx).

Although my experiences with Verizon staff isn't nearly as bad as the OP's was, I was given the run around for a bit when returning my Razr's charging dock (can't charge without taking off the case... deal breaker for me). And that was mostly due to their POS. :cool:

Which case are you using?

Sent from my SCH-I800 using Tapatalk


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May 24, 2011
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Wow that is some horrible service. Part of the reason why I don't even bother with store reps. The sim door is the part I hate most about the hardware.

It takes two points of view to have a disagreement. Doesn't add up that he would take things so personally for no reason. I have 2 questions for the poster. One, did you drop it and cant admit it or at least he suspected you did? Second, did you go in there blasting them for an equipment problem that they didnt personally cause? You get in my face about something that wasn't my fault while im just trying to help you and I'm going to give it right back. Just cause they are providing a service doesn't give you the right to be an ass. Give people half a chance to help and most in the business will. Try being nice if it's possible for you and you'll get much better service.


Android Addict
Feb 25, 2011
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The reason he didn't want to take it back is because he didn't think anything was wrong. He thought it was perfect. No, I didn't drop it.

I didn't get on his face either.


Well-known member
May 24, 2011
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The reason he didn't want to take it back is because he didn't think anything was wrong. He thought it was perfect. No, I didn't drop it.

I didn't get on his face either.
I noticed one of your replys and to be fair you are right about us not being there and need to give you the benefit of a doubt. I hope your next visit goes better. I don't work at vzw but have to work in retail part time so my reaction to your post was one of someone whos had more than a enough customers come in and jump me for no reason simply because they're having a bad day and something didn't go right. I want to help them initially but if they start taking my head off or treating me less of a person, my willingness to help them at that point goes right out the window. If it was that bad, I'd head to a different store and ask for the most experience person in the room. Also mame sure your at a vzw owned store and not an 'authorized retailer'. Hopefully you'll get better service.


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Dec 14, 2009
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I have never had a good experience with VZW retail stores. Started back in the day with old dumbphones when I went to the store to upgrade a phone, and rep somehow screwed up my account so badly, I got charged for all cell to cell and night/weekend minutes as peak time. Ended up with $2500 bill that took about 5 months to get fixed.

Recently, when I tried to return an iPhone that dropped every other call in my office building (proper reason to return eh?), they attempted to charge me a tablet restocking fee (argued for good 20 minutes about this one, until a manager intervened). Finally, they gave me the hardest time when I tried to get them to fix a Thunderbolt with loose screen assembly 3 days after purchase. I didn't even ask for an exchange, just requested to honor the warranty and fix it, as the phone was perfect otherwise (they didnt help me at all). The rep's logic was "if it was my phone, it wouldn't bother me, therefore it is not a problem". Had to call the customer service where they took care of me with no trouble.

In my area their retail stores have really terrible reputation, while the overall quality of network is known to be awesome. Personally nowadays I just do my dealings with Verizon through customer service phone line only. Nothing but great experiences there.


Nov 21, 2011
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Verizon usually has the best customer service of any place. Sometimes there are duds, even at Verizon. In September I had one of the dud customer service people on the phone, I suspected she didn't do what I asked and called back the next day. They took care of it ASAP.

On Saturday I had to take my new Razr to a Verizon Store. Once they determined for sure it was a bad port on my phone, they were great about exchanging it for a new one. My HDMI port was bad. He said one in every 5,000 Motorola phones has a problem. I believe it. I am not impressed with Motorola, due to problems I had with the dead Droid X. I am hoping the Razr holds up better. Or next time I'm getting an LG or a Samsung. The Razr applications made me want it!

Verizon, like everyone, gets dud phones and sometimes dud customer service reps.

The IRS has folks who don't know much and don't help too. When I've figured out a tax situation for a client on my other job if I call the IRS and get someone who "doesn't get it" I make up an excuse to get off the phone. Then I call back. Just like I had to do with Verizon in September. I wanted my fourth phone disconnected on the 19th, she said it would take 24 hours which I knew was wrong. It might take 24 seconds not 24 hours. Sure enough in 24 hours that phone was still on. I did wait until the next day to call back and the poor guy said, "I'm sorry about that other rep but we are not allowed to give out or talk names or talk badly about other reps".

I have no idea what her problem with turning my fourth phone off was. I'm single, I had three cell phones and a modem. No home phone. No roommates, I won't be getting another salary increase probably before I retire especially of Obama gets reelected. Verizon makes plenty of money off of me, that contract was up and I wanted the phone off. She made it sound hard, I knew better. I wonder if she still has a job with Verizon?

Oh well. Next time I may pull that line on a rep like her I have used on the IRS, "whoops there is an emergency in the building, I will have to call you back". Then call right back and get someone good on the phone.

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