Goodbye Android (nexus 5) hello iPhone

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Nov 29, 2013
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But specs aren't everything, nor do you get to tell someone else what they should consider when making a personal judgment about a product. They have had bad experiences, they consider the product sub-par. That opinion is not invalid. They said nothing contrary to facts. The overall judgment on product quality is a matter of opinion, not facts. That the iPhone 5S has a metal unibody is a fact - but whether it is "junk" or "awesome" is a matter of opinion. That it is a high res small screen is a fact, but whether that is "great" or "terrible" is a matter of opinion. That it has an 8MP f/2.2 aperture camera is a fact - whether someone likes the quality of pictures taken by that camera is entirely upto that someone.
The whole point of this thread is the OP was making a personal decision. Yet the poster you are defending judged him for that, so please, your arguments are specious and easy to knock down but I am done with you other than to say, it is freakin' ridiculous by any standard to call an iPhone junk. It's not for me, but it is not junk. Stop rambling nonsense. Dismissed.

Brian Low

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Aug 19, 2013
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The whole point of this thread is the OP was making a personal decision. Yet the poster you are defending judged him for that, so please, your arguments are specious and easy to knock down but I am done with you other than to say, it is freakin' ridiculous by any standard to call an iPhone junk. It's not for me, but it is not junk. Stop rambling nonsense. Dismissed.

Ditto. According to what yfan is saying i need to be an ******* if i want to be an android fan. If not i'm a defender of apple.


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Oct 5, 2013
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The whole point of this thread is the OP was making a personal decision. Yet the poster you are defending judged him for that, so please, your arguments are specious and easy to knock down but I am done with you other than to say, it is freakin' ridiculous by any standard to call an iPhone junk. It's not for me, but it is not junk. Stop rambling nonsense. Dismissed.

But the OP didn't need to start a thread saying essentially "goodbye suckahs!" Just go to your iMore friends and say Hi instead.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk 2


Nov 29, 2013
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But the OP didn't need to start a thread saying essentially "goodbye suckahs!" Just go to your iMore friends and say Hi instead.
He didn't say anything like that at all. He said it wasn't for him even though he tried and he thanked people who helped him. Some people feel it is rude to just disappear without an explanation when others have helped them. If you don't, fine, behave the way you want to, but he felt the need to say goodbye and explain himself before he left.

no need to respond to me, you are on ignore.


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Jun 8, 2010
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But the OP didn't need to start a thread saying essentially "goodbye suckahs!" Just go to your iMore friends and say Hi instead.

You either failed to read the OP or English is your second language. Reading comprehension is your friend.

Sent from my Nexus 7


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Dec 1, 2013
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I don't buy Apple stuff and I laugh at people that pay $700 for a phone that has a tiny screen that looks like it is a kids phone who think they are showing off with a expensive bling phone. I hate Apple since they ripped me off paying $150 for a replacement phone that didn't last 45 days and then demand another $150 for another i4 that still only had a 30 day warranty. I will tell anyone that has a Apple what I think of their junk products that come with a 30 day warranty.

It's the money you payed that drives you crazy, not Apple's quality. Attack their policy and we can discuss it, but do not try to tell that iPhone sucks because it doesn't. Enough.

Sent from my Vodafone 875 using AC Forums mobile app


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Oct 5, 2013
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He didn't say anything like that at all. He said it wasn't for him even though he tried and he thanked people who helped him. Some people feel it is rude to just disappear without an explanation when others have helped them. If you don't, fine, behave the way you want to, but he felt the need to say goodbye and explain himself before he left.

no need to respond to me, you are on ignore.

Verrrry mature. I mean like, ya know like, wow, just sooooo machoor. :rolleyes: 🙍🙍 :rolleyes:

Are you 12?

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Oct 5, 2013
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You either failed to read the OP or English is your second language. Reading comprehension is your friend.

Sent from my Nexus 7

I know what he wrote. What is he expecting to start when hr says c ya, I'm going back to Apple in an Android forum? If you're good friends he can DM you.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk 2


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Oct 5, 2013
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I get it. DayThyme and Wrecklass are the "first wives".

We're only the gf's.

"Hey, Sharon, just stopped bye to say it was swell, and no hard feelings, but I'm going back to Mavis. I loved her first, after all! Bye!"


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk 2


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Nov 28, 2009
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The whole point of this thread is the OP was making a personal decision.
Precisely. So why don't other people have the right to make personal judgments as well?

Yet the poster you are defending judged him for that,
No, WHAT I'm defending is that poster's right to call Apple product's subpar, and THAT opinion as being a valid one (though not necessarily mine). I never defended the personal attack (iSheep).

so please, your arguments are specious and easy to knock down but I am done with you other than to say, it is freakin' ridiculous by any standard to call an iPhone junk. It's not for me, but it is not junk.
That is YOUR opinion, and no one is obligated to agree with you just because you say so.

Stop rambling nonsense. Dismissed.
Thanks for the condescending comment, but frankly, you already know that I'm not going to stop just because you call what I am saying 'rambling' or 'nonsense.' I might think that what you are spewing is nonsense and ridiculous and a number of other adjectives, but I think tit for tat is just high-school silliness.


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Nov 28, 2009
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Ditto. According to what yfan is saying i need to be an ******* if i want to be an android fan. If not i'm a defender of apple.
No, you got that *** backwards. What I am saying is that you need not to be a d*** to people who are registering a negative opinion about the quality of an Apple product - just for the heck of it, not because you can't be a fan of something otherwise. I couldn't care less what you are a fan of or not of, except that you don't seem to be a fan of people being able to express the opinion that in their experience Apple products have turned out sub par.


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May 17, 2013
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I'm just thinking out loud but I wonder how many people will switch to iOS when apple goes to a larger screen. I started with iPhones (when jailbreaking was easy) then WindowsPhones and now have had a One and Nexus 5 now. A couple of selling points with Android was the bigger screens. Soon Apple will have a 4.7 or larger screen. Another was the openess of Android. Google seems to be slowly closing doors with each OS update (G+ based apps like Photos etc) and eventually the openess wont be a selling point. OP's decision is one thats happening alot. At some point you want **** to just work. Tinkering with phones is ok but gets old after a while. My Nexus 5 is just a hold device while I wait til next year to see what Apple does as well as new Nokia phones.


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May 31, 2011
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2 years ago (4s was my last iPhone) I switched to a larger screen android (Infuse) saying I'd go back to the iPhone when a larger screen appears...well that obviously didn't happen.
I consider the latest ios7 BEYOND ugly but the functionality does work ok. It KILLS my wife's iPhone 5 battery she uses for work and APPS do crash as evident on my iPad mini Retina.

I think my N5 is an extremely strong get the job done phone and am really loving it...especially the frequent updates to address issues. I also like the ability of Android to allow me to test new features (instead of Apple dictating what features I need) as I desire.

Based on how I use the N5 I couldn't IMAGINE now going back a tiny iPhone. IF they introduced a TRUE larger screen with a few more features that match Android (Pedometer...ala Samsung and even N5).. I MIGHT give it consideration...since I've been using apple products since the '80's (for software development)...but unlikely.

ENJOY your new's always fun switching devices!


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May 27, 2011
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I have a couple of iPads, and my wife uses the iPhone. I like the idevices and find them well-built and nice looking. One thing that amazed me was how quickly my wife took a liking to her iPhone. Somehow, it was simply more intuitive to her than her former android phone. I must admit that I don't fully understand why iOS is more intuitive to some than is android, but it was certainly true for her. In general, I would recommend an iPhone to those who don't find enjoyment tinkering with, and exploring, gadgets. I recommend android to those who do, or otherwise have a need that apple cannot fulfill, such as screen size or widgets.

I could use an iPhone if I had to and be pretty satisfied. They are easy enough to use but no more so than android for me. My own experience is that they are no more or less easy to use or likely to fail. They look nice enough and feel good, but by the time I put a case on the phone, this factor become irrelevant for me.

Like most around here, I prefer the options and flexibility of android to any perceived benefit of simplicity or reliability of the apple device.

But, I

sameer kapoor

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Feb 25, 2013
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I hate to make this decision, because I love the android ecosystem. I love how it can do so much more than what ios can. The things I don't like though are really making me angry and making android annoying to use. I've owned an s3, the nexus 5 (which I'm returning) and a few other android phones. Nothing has compared to the simple everything works well hassle free experience of the iPhone. Trust me when you read this, I tried to love my newly obtained nexus 5 as a last ditch effort, I really did. Sadly, things just didn't work out. I want to say farewell to you all, and I hope you enjoy the Nexus 5. I'll still be around helping out in the forums but I'll mostly be on imore now. I want to thank all of you for being so helpful during my android experience with the problems I had, and I'll definitely pay it forward.


First of all I respect your decision , its your life , I too used iphone 4 for 6 months , it liked its build quality and specially screen clarity and only after using it for 2 days I started searching google for how to jailbreak and after jailbreaking it showed its real beauty and strength . When I saw ios 7 , I was really shocked , what they have done to a beautiful thing , now believe me when I used a iphone 5 ,it had not attract me like iphone 4 , i returned it next day because it can't be jailbroken . So , I want to say apple is useless as a closed system believe me I am using at present a nexus 4 and its performance is lightning fast and I have full freedom to do any thing I want to do with myphone because I have purchased it with my hard earned money and in android I have no stupid restrictions . So the point is you want FREEDOM or want a company which acts like your DAD and tells you what to do or not .


Nov 29, 2013
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One thing that amazed me was how quickly my wife took a liking to her iPhone. Somehow, it was simply more intuitive to her than her former android phone. I must admit that I don't fully understand why iOS is more intuitive to some than is android, but it was certainly true for her.
I think it is just simpler, and simpler is more intuitive.


Dec 23, 2009
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Good by isheep and we don't care. I don't want a iPhone with it's tiny screen and a design that hasn't changed much since 2007.. I always love to laugh when I see someone that paid $700 for bling iphone that looks like a kids toy to me. As far as Apples quality I had three of four i4 break on me in about 15 months and Apple made me pay $150 for a replacement Twice. 1st one died one week after the 1 year warranty expired and the $150 was just a 30 day warranty on the replacement i4. When the 3rd one broke after 45 days they took another $150 to get the last one. I can't stand Apples low quality products after that.

Sounds to me like you need to take better care of your phones. Either that, or you are very unlucky, as that is not typical Apple quality or customer service. Their customer service is second to none.


Nov 29, 2013
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I'm just thinking out loud but I wonder how many people will switch to iOS when apple goes to a larger screen.
People get invested in an ecosystem, particularly if they have purchased a bunch of apps so not sure that a larger screen will be enough to cause people to switch. They would need to stop trying to thwart jailbreaking as vigorously as they are now to attract me. But they won't because they are trying to keep businesses attracted to their product, and businesses like secure devices for good reason.

Tinkering with phones is ok but gets old after a while. My Nexus 5 is just a hold device while I wait til next year to see what Apple does as well as new Nokia phones.
I like Android, but like you, if someone makes a better mousetrap, I will buy it.


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Jul 31, 2012
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I was a devout member of the iArmy. Been iPhone since they came out and if you had an Android device I'd tell you how crap and laggy it was in comparison. To be honest until Jelly Bean I think I was largely right.

Like many I waited with the minuscule hope that Apple would bend to the pressure and release a decent sized screen device, but alas we got the same looking thing (5s) with some upgrades I personally had no interest in.

It was time to have a look at Android - I REALLY wanted a bigger screen! Scary as it was to ditch iOS, I went for the N5 as it's cheap enough to get and then ditch next year if the bigger iPhone came out.

After over a month of use (and a nice update to 4.4.2) I love this phone and I really love Android. I think it's a keeper!!!

I don't get the 'iPhones just work hassle free' nonsense. You can use Android in exactly the same way (without tinkering) and have a 'just works and hassle free' experience too!

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