Htc Inspire sideload update!!!!


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Apr 11, 2011
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Hello everyone. My name is Alan. I have great news if you guys want the sideload update from ATT and didn't get it. It's very simple. Call ATT (611) and ask to speak to someone in the PMC dept. When connected to them ask them to send you the sideload update from the Xdm link. They will send it while u r on the phone. Then go to the menu- settings-applications and put a check next to unknown sources and then u r ready to sideload apps! It's that easy. Took about 10 min. Couldn't have been any easier.

Just got off the phone with ATT. They were very friendly, but had NO CLUE what I was talking about. Once I got through to tech support and explained in detail what this whole update is about, the woman put me on hold. When she came back, she was blown away that I even knew about the update! She did find documentation and submitted a request through email to the PMC to have the updated pushed to my wifes phone. She said to give it 24-48 hours. This update is so new, nobody in tech support or customer service really knows about it. Which is odd! So just give it time people. The update will come sooner or later. Now.......time to wait some more! :-\

Shamanic Enzan

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May 26, 2011
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I'm the 1 who wrote the original post. It's amazing that all of u r going through all this crap to get the update. I originally called ATT after I had the update but lost it during a factory reset. They said there wasn't anything they could do about it, that I need to call HTC. HTC said I had to wait for the next update which would be a permanent fix but no idea when the update would be. So I went to an ATT store and spoke to a mgr who said he has the same ph and got the update only after he called and asked to speak to some1 in the Pmc dept and ask for the sideload update or Xdm. I did exactly that and after about 10 min the rep asked to verify I had it b4 we hung up and that was it. It was that easy. I kid u not.

I tried that and I literally was almost yelled out by a woman at Tier 2 Tech Support telling me I didn't know anything.

The Web Chatters are more helpful.


May 9, 2011
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I'm so pissed. I just spent forever on the tech chat for AT&T trying to tell them that it's an update that is sent to your phone automatically and you don't download it yourself and the woman is linking me to pages for htc and trying to tell me that I need to talk to HTC even though I said it was an update through AT&T. It's like the people at tech chat don't care about helping people they just want to be lazy and not have to do any work. The only solution they gave me was to actually call AT&T.


May 9, 2011
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Hang in there bro. They r prob overwhelmed now that the cats out of the bag. This is exactly how u get it. They prob only have 1 rep working. Unbelievable.

lol definitely not. I just spoke to three people and they have no idea what this was. And when i mean no idea i mean i had to show them websites and explain what it is and they claim they have never heard of this update before. The people i talked to were nice but they had no clue what this was and i don't blame them. I think at&t didnt do their job letting their employees know about this. btw still on the phone while i type this


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2011
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I just checked no go for me (florida) 11pm what is taking so long lol also can anyone refresh my memory about the side load what is the difference then using the ota update and using side load wonder machine?
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May 9, 2011
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I've been on the phone for more than 1 1/2 hours and I pretty much was told there is nothing they can do. One and a half hours.... all that time for nothing. I'm beyond pissed off.


May 27, 2011
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i guess what pissed me off is that fact i had someone who was actually helpfull and wanting to find a solution. using google (these forums and others) to find out what it was i was asking for. she even claimed to have found the update and had someone in the background asking for my account number to get the push. she called back(on my landline) and had me turn the phone off then on and to see if it was there. nothing. she told them and they said they were going to "reconnect" my phone to the server or something. 40minutes later another person told me i was bsing(see previous post)

i guess il just hope that it comes tonight/tmoro since apparently i was getting it pushed.

im just curious but when you guys click on the software update on the phone what does it say? for mine it is telling me no data server available.. im starting to think it wont download because of this but i was able to receive the other updates fine.


May 11, 2011
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I had success today with AT&T's technical department. The tech rep was confused at first, but after doing some research she found the update memo and worked her magic with her Tier 2 counterpart and pushed the update to my phone. The key is to get in touch with the business tech department and not the normal customer care rep. Total time on the phone from beginning to end was about 20 minutes...not too bad to be able to download from Amazon now!

Shamanic Enzan

Well-known member
May 26, 2011
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I don't feel horrible in the least. They don't wanna work, well unfortunately we pay them for that.

Also for you guys having trouble hitting the ATT update server: That seems to be part of the problem, the server is reporting the update is being pushed...but it isn't pushing it. What is it? A Apple Pippin?


May 13, 2011
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Try installing the amazon appstore, The nonmarket apps option is not showig up in my inspire but I was able to install the amazon appstore and any apps in it. I got my inspire from bestbuy Tuesday.

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