Incredible getting Froyo before EVO 4G?


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May 22, 2010
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I was just wondering if anyone in the dev community could explain why the Droid Incredible is getting a Froyo update(hear around the web its very soon) before the EVO 4G? Doesn't the incredible also have HTC Sense? So why would it take longer to get it on the EVO 4G? Just curious.


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Apr 16, 2010
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Different carrier for starters.

Incredible came out first, so maybe that's HTC's priority. Also, probably more Incredible owners than Evo owners. Just a thought.

Next, the carrier does matter a lot. Look at how long the moment and Hero took to upgrade to 2.1.


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Jun 7, 2010
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1) The Incredible was released first.

2) While the internals are similar, the EVO has many more features to make compatible with Froyo than the simple features of the Incredible.


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May 3, 2010
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Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Evo got it before Inc, or if Inc got it before Evo.

Sprint's pretty good about releasing updates. The original Palm Pre always got updates before the Palm Pre Plus on Verizon. But that could be because Verizon cared less for the Palm Pre Plusses, as it was not their flagship phone at the time.
Sorta same situation here.


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May 22, 2010
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Oh, I didn't know carriers made a difference in this case as Verizon and Sprint are both running CDMA networks. Plus since both phones were made by HTC I thought getting sense integrated would've been a snap. Thanks.


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Jun 7, 2010
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Oh, I didn't know carriers made a difference in this case as Verizon and Sprint are both running CDMA networks. Plus since both phones were made by HTC I thought getting sense integrated would've been a snap. Thanks.

Yea, its kind of like HTC does all of the work, and then the carrier just has to test it, and some take longer than others.

Also, getting sense integrated probably was a snap, and at that point the incredible is virtually done, but then for the EVO you have to put in support for the 4G, and the drivers for the whole separate radio that it requires, the support for the HDMI out, possibly a 30fps fix, and any other fixes, so naturally it will take longer.


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May 22, 2010
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Yea, its kind of like HTC does all of the work, and then the carrier just has to test it, and some take longer than others.

Also, getting sense integrated probably was a snap, and at that point the incredible is virtually done, but then for the EVO you have to put in support for the 4G, and the drivers for the whole separate radio that it requires, the support for the HDMI out, possibly a 30fps fix, and any other fixes, so naturally it will take longer.
Makes total sense. Forgot about the 4G support. Thanks for the reply. Guess we gotta see. Kind of sucks EVO owners gotta wait till the end of the year. What really sucks even more is that SERO plans will support Android/WebOs starting october. Gave up my SERO just to pay an extra 10 bucks when 4G ain't even in NY and now my friends who waited will get the EVO on a cheaper plan.


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Apr 16, 2010
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Makes total sense. Forgot about the 4G support. Thanks for the reply. Guess we gotta see. Kind of sucks EVO owners gotta wait till the end of the year. What really sucks even more is that SERO plans will support Android/WebOs starting october. Gave up my SERO just to pay an extra 10 bucks when 4G ain't even in NY and now my friends who waited will get the EVO on a cheaper plan.

You do know, you can call up when the new plans come out and change to it. You would just have to extend your contract. I have done that many times in the past 12 years with Sprint. Also, rumors have been floating around about the EVO getting Froyo in August. It is just that you haven't heard about it much. Remember, Sprint did say officially that EVO would get Froyo soon. I am hoping by the end of August, early September, with 30 FPS issue fixed and a few other fixes.


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Apr 28, 2010
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We don't have to wait to the end of the year. Sprint has already said they have been preparing the Froyo 2.2 evo update for a month now. It's coming very soon. I keep hearing early august. It's the extra features like others have said. Were the only phone that has a front facing camera with Android. So its really getting everything on par. I can't wait to see what is included besides flash 10.1. I hope a few fix's also and better quality video recording. It's great, but it could be better if they change the compressing method. It's records video in the same format my old 2004 palm treo 650 records in. I can't wait. Hehe.


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May 7, 2010
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Samsung may have Froyo ready by September in France ( going by the article). US carriers will take longer, it could be Oct, Nov, or even Dec. I've learned one thing with smartphones over the last couple years is to buy the phone for what it does today, don't count on any updates.


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Jun 10, 2010
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Speculative answers to a question based on speculation... sounds like a great thread to me!

On a serious note... ya'll really think that Verizon is going to release a firmware update before Sprint? Good luck with that!


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Jun 7, 2010
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I had read on here the other day that the rumor is HTC is done with Froyo for the EVO and it's been sent over to Sprint for them to make their adjustments for Sprint specific apps and you know Sprint is going to slam shut the "FREE" tether/mobile hot spot option in Froyo before they allow any one to use that for free when Sprint charges $30 a month for that option..

I have debated on rooting and even downloaded a Froyo build for the EVO a day or two ago just have not done it yet. I have found even with 2.1 the phone is pretty damn awesome.. I think if I were to root it would be mainly to dump all the Sprint specific apps that I will never use.... Heck even as a NASCAR fan of sorts I have never used the NASCAR app...


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
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I had read on here the other day that the rumor is HTC is done with Froyo for the EVO and it's been sent over to Sprint for them to make their adjustments for Sprint specific apps and you know Sprint is going to slam shut the "FREE" tether/mobile hot spot option in Froyo before they allow any one to use that for free when Sprint charges $30 a month for that option..

I have debated on rooting and even downloaded a Froyo build for the EVO a day or two ago just have not done it yet. I have found even with 2.1 the phone is pretty damn awesome.. I think if I were to root it would be mainly to dump all the Sprint specific apps that I will never use.... Heck even as a NASCAR fan of sorts I have never used the NASCAR app...
You are right the evo is good without froyo. Froyo will just make it that much better than the rest.

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