Moto Z2 Force Usage


Aug 16, 2017
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I have had the Moto Z2 Force since launch and have found the phone to be pretty good- not great, but pretty good. Battery life is surprisingly good. I previously had a Moto Z Droid and battery life does not seem significantly reduced, comparatively. I am a pretty heavy user and generally average 4-5 hours of SOT with both phones. Also notable is the battery drain over night is nearly non-existent.

The camera is a completely different story. The new camera is utter garbage in anything but excellent light. Evening lighting in a living room results in grainy photos no matter how hard you try. HDR is a waste of time because it requires such a slow shutter that pictures are always blurred. I have minimal video experience, but it also seems lower quality than the original Z Force.

The phone looks and feels phenomenal in person and I actually appreciate the reduced weight. I actually don't use a style she'll most of the time because it feels so great already. I do use a bumper case just in case I drop it- I don't want scratches on the metal or screen. Speaking of, I prefer to use Armor Suit screen protectors for the Moto Z line due to it's flexibility for the plastic screen.

The last thing I want to mention is that the New Z2 Force should realistically be compared to the non-Force line last year considering it's size and camera setup. The Force last year was a Droid- meaning Verizon had a hand in the final specs. I do think Motorola failed with their pricing of the new Z2 Force, but the actual phone is far more similar to the Z than the Z Force Droid.


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Dec 9, 2009
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I find the camera to pretty much be on par with most new devices myself. I take all types of photos for work and they are all great photos.


Aug 8, 2017
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I find the photos to be of very high quality as well. I have been very pleased with this phone coming from a nexus 6. the moto apps are worth it in my opinion.


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Mar 4, 2014
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I like my new Z2 Force, it's been working great so far.
I had one hiccup - I had to reboot the Z2 last night because it would not auto connect with my Google WiFi at home. After the reboot it was magic again as well as everything else.


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2012
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This Phone has worked great for me. It really flies when you are scrolling or playing games. Battery is great no issues at all. I did have it lock up twice after I switched to the Moto swipe left to go back and right to apps. After I went back to on screen buttons I have had no problems.


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Aug 11, 2010
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I'm generally pretty unimpressed with the camera as well, coming from a Nexus 5X that punched way above it's weight in the camera department. It has some very notable strengths - in VERY dark lighting with a very steady hand, and HDR enabled, you can take some impressive pictures. Medium indoor lighting, especially when you're trying to snap a quick picture of something and not completely steady, are a complete crapshoot. Autofocus does seem to be extremely fast in all conditions.

Image stabilization in video recording is completely useless; it's constantly cropping and shifting the frame abruptly. 1080p60 video with a steady hand looks infinitely better, however ironically the autofocus in video mode is TOO fast and also leads to the frame jumping around a lot as it tries to refocus.

Overall the software experience as it relates to the camera could use a lot of refinement.

I'm pretty happy with the rest of the device experience though. As many of the professional reviews noted, it seems like the performance is on par with any other SD835 device. I have quickly come to love Motonovo/lenovarola's custom android touches such as gestures and the expanded usability of the fingerprint scanner. Being able to preview notifications, action or dismiss a notification, and then relock the device without even picking it up and all while using a single finger is absolutely a revelation.


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2012
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Image stabilization in video recording is completely useless; it's constantly cropping and shifting the frame abruptly. 1080p60 video with a steady hand looks infinitely better, however ironically the autofocus in video mode is TOO fast and also leads to the frame jumping around a lot as it tries to refocus.

yeah, I shot a video in 4K and it was super shakey. 1080p at 60fps has been solid for me

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