So...what is the release date?


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Feb 22, 2011
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My Thunderbolt is on its last leg... numerous little hardware issues... passed on every phone out there and now ready for the Note 3. Sad to lose my unlimited data plan though...

Why not buy it out right then? Trust me, you will miss the unlimited data big time.

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May 10, 2011
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This made me LOL. Because "first world problems." Who is forcing you to make this decision exactly? And what kind of pre-order plans got seriously wrinkled? Pre-ordering something and seeing something in person are mutually exclusive in my world.

I pre ordered my last 2 phones without seeing them in person. So its not like this is my first time doing it. But the Bionic turned out to be a big mistake and i returned it. The Gnex worked out but its really touch and go with its performance right now. So when i say "Im being forced" it means that my phones clock is ticking and i'd like to have it in my hands ASAP.
I don't like to deal with stores, ever, i just like to pre order and be done with it. Plus on Verizon pre orders in the past, sometimes you get the phone a couple days earlier. I guess being forced was the wrong way to put it. I just want the phone ASAP.


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Apr 18, 2010
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Here is a link that mentions the September 25 launch date on Sprint etc. For what it's worth....

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Gear smartwatch unveiled at event in Berlin

Sent via Note II

Sorry to say it, but that article has errors in it. The 9-25 release date is for outside of the US, October is the US release date. Not to say it couldn't happen, but Sprint has also simply stated "Fall" with AT&T saying nothing. My guess is they are waiting to see what Verizon does so they can one up them if possible.


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Apr 18, 2010
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I don't know, it doesn't have OSI or finger print scanner. I think I'll just wait for the Note 4.

The lack of OIS is something you can get in the GS5 which will likely be 5.2" so you will get a bigger phone. As for the fingerprint scanner, really do you need one. Do you realize what a PITA it will be to swipe your finger every time you want get into your phone. What about greasy fingers when you are eating. Apple put the fingerprint crap into the home button, you know the button that is KNOWN TO FAIL all the time, typically in a year, just out of warranty.


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Jun 22, 2012
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The lack of OIS is something you can get in the GS5 which will likely be 5.2" so you will get a bigger phone. As for the fingerprint scanner, really do you need one. Do you realize what a PITA it will be to swipe your finger every time you want get into your phone. What about greasy fingers when you are eating. Apple put the fingerprint crap into the home button, you know the button that is KNOWN TO FAIL all the time, typically in a year, just out of warranty.

But HP's is soooo useful in their laptops! lol


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May 10, 2011
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Color me shocked that Verizon was the first company to step up with some kind of pre order. I'm not holding my breath, but it looks like this might be the first major release that Verizon actually releases a phone within a decent time frame of other carriers.


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Sep 2, 2011
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I'd say a 25th of September isn't out of the relm of possibilities. Look at the s4 that was released rather quickly after announcement. Verizon may be turning a new leaf....maybe.


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
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I'd say a 25th of September isn't out of the relm of possibilities. Look at the s4 that was released rather quickly after announcement. Verizon may be turning a new leaf....maybe.

Its not going to happen on the 25th. Verizon has historically had its major launches on a Thursday. If a September release was in the cards Samsung would have announced world wide availability on the 25th.

Since they specifically said October for the US and assuming Verizon actually releases the same month as the other carriers we have 5 possible dates.

3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Pre orders for the S4 were supposed to ship 5 weeks from the pre order date. They shipped early in about 4.

My money is on the 24 or 31 IF it ends up shipping in October. But ill take anything sooner.


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Apr 18, 2010
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Ordered mine today, Verizon says it will ship by 10/10 and that is a Thursday so my guess is it will ship on 10/8 or 10/9 for a 10/10 delivery. So we are getting a perfect 10/10 on this device.