Verizon firmware update?


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2013
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Did anyone else get a pushed Verizon update this afternoon? It just came through. I actually did not intend to install it until looking into what it actually did, but inadvertently touched the "okay" button when I was trying to dismiss it. oops. Hope it's nothing drastic. Tried to go to the referenced Verizon webpage to discover what the changes were, but it said it was "unavailable at this time", so will try again later. Anyone else have any clue what the changes may have been?

It didn't add individual text tones, I know that for sure. :p


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2013
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I just downloaded update. I figure I have nothing to lose since I was going to return it anyway due to bad screeching problem. I doubt it'll fix it though. The LG rep to verizon knew nothing of this problem a couple days ago.
My software version went from VS98010B to VS98011A.