What is your most significant problem with the EVO 3D?

What is the biggest issue for you with the EVO 3D?

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Jan 27, 2010
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For me i've noticed wifi and data hangups, youtube hangup/stalling. And definite camera lookups, impossible for me to take multiple pictures without problems, image gets stuck and have to close to restart. Gps bounces when zoom in. EVO 4g didnt

Already returned phone once and not returning second because is software. HTC and sprint are aware so ill assume an update will fix. HTC actually contacted me after my return to find out why. Pretty impressive service


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Jun 24, 2010
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Battery life
Ultra-sensitive capacitive buttons. I barely touch them.
Occasional lines thru widgets.
No free wireless tethering without rooting. (not really the EVOs fault tho)

Not really an issue but I want the lock screen weather screen as my live wallpaper.
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Feb 3, 2011
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I use my camera a LOT and have not experienced the green tint or any other issue with it. I also have had no data connectivity problems, no poor call quality issues, etc. In short. I use my phone like a mini-mini-computer and it is the best phone I've ever had.


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May 9, 2010
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For those of you who either have stock in HTC evo 3D or are members of the holy HTC EVO 3D church of worship, who want a "No problems with my HTC 3D" option... Read what the thread says Quote, "What is your most significant problem with the EVO 3D?"
If you have no problems, guess what, you don't need to vote.
Biggest annoyance for me has been the touch screen being unresponsive from time to time. This happens when unlocking with an unlock pattern.
Also, I get the green tint on low light pictures. Otherwise, loving it.
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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2011
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For those of you who either have stock in HTC evo 3D or are members of the holy HTC EVO 3D church of worship, who want a "No problems with my HTC 3D" option... Read what the thread says Quote, "What is your most significant problem with the EVO 3D?"
If you have no problems, guess what, you don't need to vote.

Ok, you need to chill. All we're saying is that we love our phones. I have no reason to love my phone other than the fact that it gives me no trouble. I had more problems with my 4G. The build quality is much better, as is the software. These phones have been washed by reviewers, and plenty of users have come to the forums to complain and ask for help with their phones. There is nothing wrong with coming here to report that we have no problems.

To be a true survey, there needs to be an option for having no problems. If you want the forum to be all negativity, then you are going to hurt the value of our phones.

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
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For those of you who either have stock in HTC evo 3D or are members of the holy HTC EVO 3D church of worship, who want a "No problems with my HTC 3D" option... Read what the thread says Quote, "What is your most significant problem with the EVO 3D?"
If you have no problems, guess what, you don't need to vote.
Biggest annoyance for me has been the touch screen being unresponsive from time to time. This happens when unlocking with an unlock pattern.
Also, I get the green tint on low light pictures. Otherwise, loving it.

I don't understand why anyone who has had absolutely no problems with their phone either "has stock in HTC" or is "a member of the holy HTC EVO 3D church of worship." Really? This survey is misleading. As someone who has done analytical work for a living, I can assure you that this is not a true representation of customer experience, rather it is skewing numbers to fit an agenda. Anyone who has studied statistics knows, numbers can be manipulated to fit any hypothesis. Look at political campaign ads. Doing research and finding the data behind the numbers definitely sheds some light. The agenda of the person who originated this thread is to insinuate that all EVO 3D phones have SOME problem.

I am not a fangrrl by any means, but why is it so bad for me to say that I am a satisfied customer who HAS NO PROBLEMS? None. Not with data connectivity, not with call quality, not with photo quality or any other category. I also happen to enjoy and frequently use the mhl and full HDMI out that allows me to completely mirror my phone on my tv.

If someone prefers another device to this one then so be it, but one doesn't have to trash another person's choice or create a biased poll to justify his own. Live and let live.
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Jul 11, 2011
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This survey is misleading.


I created the survey. If I had asked is everyone happy with the EVO 3D, I would have put in a choice of yes or no. This survey is intended to gather info so people who make better firmware than the one from HTC or so HTC itself (should they look at the survey) could improve upon the firmware for this phone.

An automobile manufacture may recall an entire iteration of a car if a percentage experience an issue. It doesn't mean everyone will definitely encounter that issue. I'm happy for the people who haven't noticed an issue. I myself am on my 3rd EVO 3D and still lose signal in the same places my past 3 model HTC sprint phones over the past 7 years encountered no issues. My EVO 3D doesn't even reliably lock onto signal from a airave a mere 5 feet from the phone. I only have an airave because my EVO 3D frequently drops calls at my home where my old HTC vogue has never once dropped a call in the past 3.5 years and typically gets 3-4 bars whereas my 3D goes from 4-0 bars without a cloud in the sky. While bars are not as accurate as going to the level of looking at the db strength, they do give an adequate representation that I typically have very good signal strength on my old phone and the 3D is losing all signal on a regular basis.

I would imagine your chances of experiencing an issue depend on the frequency or extent upon which you use that feature. I've taken 3 pictures with my phone - haven't experienced an issue with the camera but I also took them to see what the picture would look like on my phone. I have a real camera so it is unlikely I'll ever need the camera on this phone again. I spend 1-2 hours per day on the phone (it is my business line). I could could get this phone for my nieces and ask them if they had any problems with the voice quality and they would tell you they never experienced an issue with the call quality - because they never make calls - they text for hours a day.
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Feb 3, 2011
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Never said you should ask if people like the 3D yes or no. Of course your data would be meaningless. Just that either there should be a category added for no problems or title the survey, "IF You Have Problems With the EVO 3D... " That would give a more accurate representation of true user experience imho. I am sorry you have had such a bad experience but that doesn't mean everyone has.


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Jul 11, 2011
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I believe it the title had been DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE EVO 3D there should have been a choice for no problem. However it is pretty clear when the title asks what is your most significant problem the survey is quite reasonable and not skewed. Who would say my significant problem is that I don't have a significant problem?

This discussion however is moot as an additional choice cannot be added. You interpreted the survey as a satisfaction survey so you inferred that the data is skewed. I did not imply anything.

If I had posted in this section saying Palm Pre or Nokia is better people would ask why I would go to an EVO 3D forum and post about those things. If you go into a thread asking what your most significant issue is with the EVO 3D and has the most common complaints about this phone, why on earth would you be dissappointed there is no choice for no problem. You might as well go to a justinbeibersucks.com and post in a thread with a poll about what his worst song is and be upset that one of the choices is none, I love them all.
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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
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I believe it the title had been DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE EVO 3D there should have been a choice for no problem. However it is pretty clear when the title asks what is your most significant problem the survey is quite reasonable and not skewed. Who would say my significant problem is that I don't have a significant problem?

This discussion however is moot as an additional choice cannot be added. You interpreted the survey as a satisfaction survey so you inferred that the data is skewed. I did not imply anything.

If I had posted in this section saying Palm Pre or Nokia is better people would ask why I would go to an EVO 3D forum and post about those things. If you go into a thread asking what your most significant issue is with the EVO 3D and has the most common complaints about this phone, why on earth would you be dissappointed there is no choice for no problem. You might as well go to a justinbeibersucks.com and post in a thread with a poll about what his worst song is and be upset that one of the choices is none, I love them all.

Truce. Based on the last line in your post... I really did laugh out loud. I say we agree to disagree. It may be a matter of semantics but in my line of work you have to be highly analytical.

Of course, it could also be interpreted that if you go to a Justin Bieber site and ask which song is his worst knowing full well the site is full of fans you could very likely be posting that question just to get a reaction... ;)
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Jul 31, 2011
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The biggest problem I have is that the picture remains (sticks) on the screen for minutes. Even with no review selected in the settings. Anyone else have this problem?

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