Who is To Blame for giant phones?


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Aug 2, 2012
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I doubt that one smartphone caused the whole market to shift

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It wasn't even that remarkable when it came out, the most remarkable phone from them during the early years was the Nexus One.

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It wasn't even that remarkable when it came out, the most remarkable phone from them during the early years was the Nexus One.

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I think Nokia was remarkable, for years they had the best selling phones, then of course when smartphones came out, they got replaced and didn't really have a good comeback

Posted via Android Central App with my Samsung Galaxy S5


Nov 12, 2012
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Ok you contradicted yourself. You concede that there have been high ends devices in that same category since then but you still want to consider it the only one.

Then you say the Alpha has the same processor as the S4 international when it does not. Then you say it may not so it could be interesting. I am confused on your posts.

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There haven't been high ends in the same category. I suppose small is relative though. You might find mid sized phones like the original galaxy S to be small when for it's time it was beaten out by like two phones but by standards today, that screen is pretty small. The Aria was one of the last high end phones focused largely on it's small stature that actually was a small phone. Also, the Nexus One was such a niche device that I had never seen one outside of my own in the wild. Despite what it did bring to the market, the form factor was hideous and they were still adhering to that useless trackball.

I thought the alpha chipset was the same. If they've made improvements on their octa-core tech to improve on how power hungry it was, awesome.


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There haven't been high ends in the same category. I suppose small is relative though. You might find mid sized phones like the original galaxy S to be small when for it's time it was beaten out by like two phones but by standards today, that screen is pretty small. The Aria was one of the last high end phones focused largely on it's small stature that actually was a small phone. Also, the Nexus One was such a niche device that I had never seen one outside of my own in the wild. Despite what it did bring to the market, the form factor was hideous and they were still adhering to that useless trackball.

All subjective, you view an obscure devices as a high end small device when there have been many since then, and then dismiss a product entirely because you never saw one in the wild, and then say your own opinion on what you think for the device when it is just personal feelings.

I thought the alpha chipset was the same. If they've made improvements on their octa-core tech to improve on how power hungry it was, awesome.

I can't comment on that, as there not have been any formal reviews of the Alpha, as I said, that is a wait and see deal.

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Aug 2, 2012
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I think Nokia was remarkable, for years they had the best selling phones, then of course when smartphones came out, they got replaced and didn't really have a good comeback

Posted via Android Central App with my Samsung Galaxy S5

True. They have been just trying survive since the advent of smart phones. Maybe they will have a hit one day, but it ain't anytime soon.

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Nov 12, 2012
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All subjective, you view an obscure devices as a high end small device when there have been many since then, and then dismiss a product entirely because you never saw one in the wild, and then say your own opinion on what you think for the device when it is just personal feelings.

I can't comment on that, as there not have been any formal reviews of the Alpha, as I said, that is a wait and see deal.

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The Aria was marketed as a high end small device. What other high end devices that are small are out? I'm talking flagship quality. Of course there are 4.5-5 inch phones that fit the bill but that's not, in my eyes, small which as I said is relative. The Nexus one was a much more obscure device despite giving birth to something much more. I love how my personal opinions that are reflected by a plethora of reviewers (No one likes the trackball and the thing was not a hit by any means) are completely invalidated by yours. The Nexus One was a starting point and it is with good reason that HTC didn't get to make another Nexus Device after that because when you look at that and look at the iPhone of the time, you know which looks like a premium service despite the iPhone of the time still not being able to use many basic phone features.


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Re: Who is To Blame?

I guess I should I have been more clear, I am looking for a better form factor and screen size. The Moto X had a 4.7 inch screen yet was slightly bigger than an iPhone. Not only that, it wasn't thick. That is what makes it such a great form factor.

The tech itself, I fins it hard to believe has size constraints, I mean the iPhone 5s has one of the most powerful GPUs in smart phones yet is so thin and small, I think this is a conscious decisions on part of the manufacturers to go with the "Big and powerful" adage when that is the least most attractive thing about smartphones that aren't an iPhone now.

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Well maybe sony z1 compact LOL ;)

But moto x or alpha or s5 mini or htc mini 2

All have pretty good specs.


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Oct 14, 2009
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It's all about choice. If manufacturers will not make a device you can enjoy don't reward them with your money. Go with the device that suits your needs. Sounds like the iPhone has everything you need in the size you want. Why not just go with that instead of having a 27 page thread trying to debunk everyone's reasons why a 5inch phone is being used.


Jan 28, 2012
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No one to blame but people with huge hands and eye problems who can't see small texts and want a big screen to view their content and be able to read it comfortably.

In my opinion, It's a trend. Industries will later on shift to another trend such as smartphones with pop up keyboards for example. Just like the "water resistant" trend.


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Nov 21, 2012
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Industries will later on shift to another trend such as smartphones with pop up keyboards for example. Just like the "water resistant" trend.

Water resistance is a trend in the same way scratch resistance it's a trend... I.e. they aren't. Eventually, better methods will come up and every phone will be water proof and it will just need assumed, like dozens of other features.

But you are spot on in the sense that the smartphone is still in flux. As technology advances, new features before more feasible... Tastes change...but I think that we are always going to see three different form factors in terms of size; Moto X, S5, and Note 3. And the middle slot staying the most popular.


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It's all about choice. If manufacturers will not make a device you can enjoy don't reward them with your money. Go with the device that suits your needs. Sounds like the iPhone has everything you need in the size you want. Why not just go with that instead of having a 27 page thread trying to debunk everyone's reasons why a 5inch phone is being used.

*sigh* You didn't read the thread did you, because that is not what this thread is about.

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*sigh* You didn't read the thread did you, because that is not what this thread is about.

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No i did. Case in point is your constant use of quoting everyone to continue your quest. Now to wait for you to respond to this by quoting........ Go ahead I'll wait.


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Aug 2, 2012
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The Aria was marketed as a high end small device. What other high end devices that are small are out? I'm talking flagship quality. Of course there are 4.5-5 inch phones that fit the bill but that's not, in my eyes, small which as I said is relative. The Nexus one was a much more obscure device despite giving birth to something much more. I love how my personal opinions that are reflected by a plethora of reviewers (No one likes the trackball and the thing was not a hit by any means) are completely invalidated by yours. The Nexus One was a starting point and it is with good reason that HTC didn't get to make another Nexus Device after that because when you look at that and look at the iPhone of the time, you know which looks like a premium service despite the iPhone of the time still not being able to use many basic phone features.

There were quite a few high end smalls devices that weren't 4.5-5 inches.

Lets name then shall we?:


Evo 4G

Evo 3D

Samsung Galaxy S

Droid RAZR

Sony Xperia Arc S

HTC Rezoud (First phone with a 720p screen in the U.S.)

Droid X

Motorola Droid line

More recent:

Sony Xperia Z1 Compact

Moto X

Droid RAZR M

Droid RAZR Maxx


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Re: Who is To Blame?

Well maybe sony z1 compact LOL ;)

But moto x or alpha or s5 mini or htc mini 2

All have pretty good specs.

None of the Minis have good specs, the Moto X is a year old and the Alpha is yet to be seen.

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we like a large screen we can actually read.

So I am pretty sure you had a 5inch+ phones since 2011 right? Because no one in the smartphone world had problems with 4-4.7 inch screens for the past 3 or so years now we get them last and this year and now all of sudden they are essential?

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No i did. Case in point is your constant use of quoting everyone to continue your quest. Now to wait for you to respond to this by quoting........ Go ahead I'll wait.

You are not adding anything to the discussion, this is not a quest it is trying to have a civil conversation but you and one other want to come in here and stir the pot for some unknown reason.

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Jul 30, 2014
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None of the Minis have good specs, the Moto X is a year old and the Alpha is yet to be seen.

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Gotta be so curel ;(?

There fine and z1 compact and alpha if it comes all have pretty good specs and aren,t that expensive. or maybe even moto G witch is even cheaper and still have some fine specs!!
Like you ask for a powerful 13inch laptop and i recommended a 20inch laptop 5inches thick and super powerful specs but not as mobile like you wanted you arent simply getting the top specs in a mobile 13inch laptop!


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Aug 2, 2012
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Gotta be so curel ;(?

There fine and z1 compact and alpha if it comes all have pretty good specs and aren,t that expensive. or maybe even moto G witch is even cheaper and still have some fine specs!!
Like you ask for a powerful 13inch laptop and i recommended a 20inch laptop 5inches thick and super powerful specs but not as mobile like you wanted you arent simply getting the top specs in a mobile 13inch laptop!

That is not true, there are a lot of high specced 13 laptops. But there are not a lot of high specced phones in smaller form factor.

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