Xoom LTE 4g upgrade in Sept, Confirmed?


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Apr 2, 2011
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Droid-life is confirming that emails are going out stating the xoom upgrade will be in sept

Confirmed: XOOM 4G LTE Upgrade Available in September, Emails to Customers Rolling Out Today (Updated) - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog



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Jun 2, 2011
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Talking about abusing the customer...

I have a Xoom, but i will NEVER buy a motorola product again.

edit: and given the history it they do hit Sept. it will be on the 30th
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Dec 28, 2010
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The lesson to be learned from the XOOM fiasco appears to be multi-pronged:

1) don't buy anything as an early adopter
2) don't trust the blogsphere comments about hardware dates
3) stay the H away from V - they're evil
4) spread this PRONG information to everyone you know



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Mar 31, 2011
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It would seem to me that if Moto/VZW wanted to smooth over some ruffled feathers, they would find some way to compensate people for this failure to deliver. Not sure what that could be and some people wouldn't be satisfied short of a full refund, but I would think that at least a partial rebate of data charges would be in order. Of course, they don't have to, but it might help them save some customer good will.

It does seem that Samsung may have pulled a public relations coup here.
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Oct 28, 2009
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Although I stated on another thread that the Wifi Xoom is a good buy, the Verizon version is the worst of all tablets. At $799 it will be more expensive than the comparable Galaxy Tab which will have LTE built in out of the box.

This has got to be one of the worst product launches of a major company in some time. I'm grateful I returned my Verizon Xoom to Best Buy while I was still in the return window.


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Jun 2, 2011
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How is this Verizon's fault?
Verzion's name is right there on the device too, along with Google.

I actually blame all three.

It's funny when you assail someone's favored phone vendor it's the carrier's fault (as in the carrier is holding back the upgrade to gingerbread)

Likewise if you go after the carrier, then it's the vendors fault for producing junk hardware/software

and then of course no one goes after Saint Google though supposedly they are responsible for making my non functional sd card slot work...

can you tell I'm just a bit upset by this?
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Mar 2, 2011
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Verzion's name is right there on the device too, along with Google.

I actually blame all three.


can you tell I'm just a bit upset by this?

Yes, I can tell you're upset. Still, as far as the LTE radio, I think that one is on Motorola, not Verizon nor Google.

Now, as a Verizon 3G Xoom owner (since Feb 28), I do blame Verizon for holding up my upgrade to 3.2.
If there is some actual problem with functionality of 3.2 and the 3G radio, they need to say so. If they are simply worried about compatibility with the LTE radio, screw that - give us 3.2, and then worry about the LTE compatibility issue when there is actually an LTE radio available (Hell, they some motivation to be working on 3.3 anyway).

I would just like to have the ability to use a micro-SD card - now.
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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2011
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Yes, I can tell you're upset. Still, as far as the LTE radio, I think that one is on Motorola, not Verizon nor Google.

Now, as a Verizon 3G Xoom owner (since Feb 28), I do blame Verizon for holding up my upgrade to 3.2.
If there is some actual problem with functionality of 3.2 and the 3G radio, they need to say so. If they are simply worried about compatibility with the LTE radio, screw that - give us 3.2, and then worry about the LTE compatibility issue when there is actually an LTE radio available (Hell, they some motivation to be working on 3.3 anyway).

I would just like to have the ability to use a micro-SD card - now.

You nailed it!
I blame moto for the LTE
I blame Verzion for not giving us 3.2
I blame Google for my sd card slot that does not work

I blame myself for beleiving all 3 companies BS :)
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Jun 8, 2010
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I'll believe it when I see it.

As far as Motorola goes, I will probably not be purchasing another Motorola device after this. It isn't even so much that there has been delay, after delay, after delay. It is the simple fact that neither Motorola, or VZW has seen fit to actually communicate with those of us who were stupid enough to purchase the Xoom. Given the hefty price tag of the device, they would have fostered a lot more goodwill from customers had they actually communicated with us as the delay's developed. Instead they took advantage and squandered away my loyalty.

The device should never have been released for the price tag given the fact that it is, nor was it a "completed" device.

P.S. I haven't received an email yet. Has anyone else received one yet?


Jul 11, 2011
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To be honest I'm not complaining at all. Yes they pushed out a device that doesn't do everything its supposed to yet. And yes they did give out 3.2 to the wifi users unfairly. But this tablet blows all the others out of the water. And it still hasent reached half its potential. By the time the competition catches up to the hardware this thing runs, we'll be sitting pretty. Plus I bet most of those people complaining are just using it for games and media. The real working people dont seem to be to harsh.

I love this thing regardless of what they promised and didn't deliver. It does now more than I expected it to. When I finally trade this thing up, they'll actually have graphene in them. Lol


Android Addict
Feb 25, 2011
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I got the email today from VZW stating that the LTE upgrade would be available in September. Honestly, I'm good with that. It isn't like I suffer from having 3G now anyways. I'll take it when I can get it. I would have paid the same amount for it without the LTE upgrade, so it's just a free bonus for me.

EDIT to add: I attached a screenshot of the email. It appears people aren't getting these?
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