Will is be worth it if you already own a Droid?


Retired Moderator
Dec 9, 2009
a moot point for me, since i am getting an X, and its going to be nothing but early speculation since there isnt a lot of info besides specs, but will this be a phone worth upgrading to if you already own a motorola droid? it seems like, for lack of a better term, an iphone-esque upgrade from the original droid. just curious to see if there are any current droid owners that are really excited about this device, and why.
I don't see it as something to be hyped about, unless you want a smaller screen and a physical keyboard to make your phone way more!
It depends. If this one doesn't have a boot loader locked, it would be worth it. If it is locked as well, then I would take the X over it.
It depends. If this one doesn't have a boot loader locked, it would be worth it. If it is locked as well, then I would take the X over it.

do you honestly think they are going to leave the droid2 bootloader open after locking down the Xs? Motorola already said they would be locking down ALL future devices. only hope for custom ROMs with these two phones is if a unlocked bootloader gets leaked. (or if devs figure out a way to flash one with a sbf file )
Then again you also have to look at base Android vs that InvisiNinjaPhilBlur..

this also makes no sense, both phones run the EXACT same OS. i have played with both since my friend is a tester at verizon and tests phones before they come out. yeah sorry to break it to you but the droid2 will have the same exact launcher as the droid x. it is not motoblur tho i can vouch for that. it's vanilla with a different launcher that's all. no speculation please
Not on your life if you want full root look elsewhere. I will bet both of these devices will be like the milestone. And don't plan on seeing anymore sbf files
Apparently moto was pissed when they leaked and is really putting the lock down on the sbf files
It really makes me sad. Between the two designs, I prefer the Motorola Android look (at least for their high end phones) to anything put out by HTC or Samsung. But.. I don't want to go back to a device that you can't root after having the wonder that is the Droid 1.

HTC and Samsung phones feel cheap to me.. but if motorola continues this lock, the droid is my last motorola.
^^ I'm in the same position as you. I'm going to wait and see if they make progress on the x. If not I'm off to the fascinate or next HTC beast
I have the incredible and actually had never played with the Moto Droid until recently. I was thinking about selling the inc and getting the droid 2 because I want the true android experience....does not look like that is going to happen
Not on your life if you want full root look elsewhere. I will bet both of these devices will be like the milestone. And don't plan on seeing anymore sbf files
Apparently moto was pissed when they leaked and is really putting the lock down on the sbf files

i already have 3 sbf files for the Droid X :P
It really makes me sad. Between the two designs, I prefer the Motorola Android look (at least for their high end phones) to anything put out by HTC or Samsung. But.. I don't want to go back to a device that you can't root after having the wonder that is the Droid 1.

HTC and Samsung phones feel cheap to me.. but if motorola continues this lock, the droid is my last motorola.

absolutely man, i am with you 100%. isn't the WHOLE POINT of Android to be open and free? well atleast that's the impression i got out of it before i made the switch a year or so ago. this makes me very very upset. but if this is a trend of motorolas from now on (and i think it will be) then i will NEVER purchase another motorola device. they should make a developer version that is not locked down with no warranty or a limited warranty and then a consumer version that is locked down with a full regular warranty.
I have the incredible and actually had never played with the Moto Droid until recently. I was thinking about selling the inc and getting the droid 2 because I want the true android experience....does not look like that is going to happen

There are root methods for your phone, and I believe Cyanogen's team is fully supporting it, so there is your awesome rooted stock experience.
Back on topic, based on specs alone, the Droid2 is basically a Droid X with a smaller screen and slide out keyboard. They should make the Droid2 without a real keyboard and make it slimmer. Id buy that!
Back on topic, based on specs alone, the Droid2 is basically a Droid X with a smaller screen and slide out keyboard. They should make the Droid2 without a real keyboard and make it slimmer. Id buy that!

They did, its called the Droid X.
Back on topic, based on specs alone, the Droid2 is basically a Droid X with a smaller screen and slide out keyboard. They should make the Droid2 without a real keyboard and make it slimmer. Id buy that!

If those are even the real specs. Who knows what they're going to pull out of their sleeves!

I wont upgrade until I have a front facing camera personally.
i already have 3 sbf files for the Droid X :P

Good stuff now get the developer bootloader and root this bad boy. I wont be buying it simply because I don't like the what their doing. I too got inti android for the openness. And Motorola trying to pull an apple is not something I'm cool with. The phone will be great but ill pass
Good stuff now get the developer bootloader and root this bad boy. I wont be buying it simply because I don't like the what their doing. I too got inti android for the openness. And Motorola trying to pull an apple is not something I'm cool with. The phone will be great but ill pass

I was wondering what you would consider next?

I posted this, but I'm not sure if it's in the right forum or not.

Personally, I'll be taking a look at the Verizon Galaxy S variant. As long as it's easy to unlock like the GSM versions, it should be the next best thing to a Dev phone those of us on Verizon will get.
I have the incredible and actually had never played with the Moto Droid until recently. I was thinking about selling the inc and getting the droid 2 because I want the true android experience....does not look like that is going to happen

Not worth upgrading from an original Droid but if they decide to replace it with the Droid like they replaced the Bold with the Tours then that'll be cool:cool:
My point exactly especially if your d1 is rooted man the only plus the d2 has is more ram and it has internal storage. Both are small upgrades in my book