Bought The Note 7 After Being A Loyal iPhone User For Years... Here Are My Thoughts

Droid Husker

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Jan 19, 2011
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Re: This Stuff Gets to Me (Note 7 vs iPhone 6s)

These speed test things have been discussed numerous times on here, and why in many ways they are meaningless.

One thing that really throws this specific comparison out the window? The iPhone 6s has a screen resolution that is slightly higher than HD (720p) at 1334x750, which comes out to 1,000,500 pixels. The Note 7 has a Quad HD display, aka 2k display, at 2560x1440, which comes out to 3,686,400 pixels. Do the math, that's over 3.5 times the resolution of the iPhone 6s (nearly 3.7 times to be exact). That alone makes this comparison pretty ridiculous.


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Apr 4, 2012
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Re: This Stuff Gets to Me (Note 7 vs iPhone 6s)

These speed test things have been discussed numerous times on here, and why in many ways they are meaningless.

One thing that really throws this specific comparison out the window? The iPhone 6s has a screen resolution that is slightly higher than HD (720p) at 1334x750, which comes out to 1,000,500 pixels. The Note 7 has a Quad HD display, aka 2k display, at 2560x1440, which comes out to 3,686,400 pixels. Do the math, that's over 3.5 times the resolution of the iPhone 6s (nearly 3.7 times to be exact). That alone makes this comparison pretty ridiculous.

That really means nothing if you know what you're talking about. But none of these matter, in real life usage the difference is minimal.


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Sep 11, 2013
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Re: This Stuff Gets to Me (Note 7 vs iPhone 6s)

Would you spend 800 on a phone over another just because it's a few secs quicker? Nope me neither


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Aug 17, 2013
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Re: This Stuff Gets to Me (Note 7 vs iPhone 6s)

I hate how Samsung boasts its (gimmicky) features and crap that the average Joe won't use, then someone comes up with this video:

Grinds my gears.

Why are you getting your knickers in a twist. If you're happy with your iPhone stick with that and head on over to imore.

Posted from my pink gold S7 edge


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Mar 18, 2010
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So I've never had an Android before; the Note 7 is first. My last phone was the iPhone 6 and I've always been die hard Apple fan that would never consider an Android phone because, well, iPhones are iPhones. The Note 7 stuck out me so much that I felt it was a phone worthy enough to finally make the switch and I'll tell you... I'm extremely happy with this phone. I wanted to break down the differences I found with regards to Pro's and Con's.

First off I want say that the iPhones are definitely more smooth and fluid, the whole "Lagdroid" thing is slightly true but not really to the point of annoyance. After playing Pokemon Go on both phones my iPhone 6 definitely gave me a more smooth and speedy experience (and that phone is two years old). Games with intense graphics also seem smoother on the iPhone. Also, IOS seems more intuitive and less complicated than Android.

Now before I get bashed by all the Samsung fans for my comments above I want to give some major kudos to my new phone. The display blows any iPhone out of the water... Me and my friends were watching the fight last night at Boston Pizza and I showed them a quad hd nature video and they were amazed and just wanted to stare at my display instead of watch the fight. The edge display doesn't have much practical use but damn does it sure look good. The bezels on the IPhone look like a cheap picture frame. I also loved how much freedom I have over everything and I don't have use iTunes to get music on my phone. After using Apple for so long I now feel like I got out of mobile device prison. I also love the Google play store, which is surprising because I always heard about how the App Store for iPhone was way better but I was able to re-download all the apps I had on my iPhone and the downloading was really fast.

In conclusion? I found iPhones are more fluid and faster (I never had the iPhone 6s Plus but I would bet it would beat my phone in a speed test). I also feel IOS is more intuitive and easier to use. My Note 7's display however blows the iPhone display out of the water by a large margin. The freedom I have is wonderful as well. At the end of the day what phone you want is up to you, but this Note 7 feels like a huge upgrade from my iPhone 6, and I'm really happy with my new purchase. Unless Apple does something crazy for the iPhone's 10th anniversary next year, I may stick with Samsung for a while.

Do you guys agree with my comparison? Feel free to discuss:)
iPhone 6s plus convert here. Had the original droid and HTC EVO. Tried other phone here and there but always went back to the iPhone. The Note 7 really puts Apple further behind IMHO. Love my Note 7. I've had it since Friday. Yesterday at work was smooth as silk. Live the S Pen for marking up emails, drawings, pictures, etc. So far so good.

Snappy Phoenix

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Jun 20, 2015
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Re: This Stuff Gets to Me (Note 7 vs iPhone 6s)

I hate how Samsung boasts its (gimmicky) features and crap that the average Joe won't use, then someone comes up with this video:

Grinds my gears.

yeah and it takes an engineering degree to copy your songs from your computer to your iPhone

This is coming from a person who still owns an iPhone SE as a backup device so I'm not biased towards Android but I couldn't care less if the iPhone is a bit faster in benchmarks, their stupid OS and how it works with iTunes will slow my whole workflow down


Apr 22, 2014
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Re: This Stuff Gets to Me (Note 7 vs iPhone 6s)

I will say after turning off the Wallpaper Motion Effect when setting a new wallpaper on the Note 7, my phone flies and is just as snappy as the iPhone 6S Plus I own. Before I turned that off, it was stuttering here and there and overall annoying me, but I turned that sucker off and all is well now.

It worked for me, hopefully it works for others.


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Dec 22, 2015
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Re: This Stuff Gets to Me (Note 7 vs iPhone 6s)

Who really cares that the iPhone is faster. I own it for the S-Pen and the significantly better screen.

Also, name me gimmicky features that no one uses? Maybe I will grant you the Iris scanner, but thats it. YOU may not use certain things, but that doesn't have them lose value in the platform.

edit... and I'll take the android software experience over the iPhone one every day. Each to their own, but iOS is getting old. Starting to be the equivalent of windows XP.
Not only the software, but the iPhone just doesn't have the design chops it used to. The 6 was fine and the S cycle is iterative of that, but if the 7 is yet again based off of those core design languages, they will have fallen a complete year behind Samsung in terms of hardware design.


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Oct 21, 2013
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Re: This Stuff Gets to Me (Note 7 vs iPhone 6s)

Why are you getting your knickers in a twist. If you're happy with your iPhone stick with that and head on over to imore.

Posted from my pink gold S7 edge

I knew a comment like this was coming. I actually own a Note 3, check my post history for reference. Just waiting for the perfect new phone to come out before I switch.

Posted via the Android Central App


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Apr 22, 2010
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Re: This Stuff Gets to Me (Note 7 vs iPhone 6s)

I knew a comment like this was coming. I actually own a Note 3, check my post history for reference. Just waiting for the perfect new phone to come out before I switch.

Posted via the Android Central App

You'll be waiting a very long time.


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Apr 24, 2010
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Re: This Stuff Gets to Me (Note 7 vs iPhone 6s)

the speed is fine with me. you can change the animation speed or turn them off completely if you want it move faster.


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Jan 21, 2015
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Re: This Stuff Gets to Me (Note 7 vs iPhone 6s)

This is strictly "MHO" There will always be differences between the major device players, There will be people that love theirs and hate yours. Does my Note 7 do what I want it to do and have the features I wanted.... Yes or we would all not even be here in this forum.. Why stress over a "My Dog's better than your Dog" argument. I have been rocking the Note since the 1st one and my boss teased me (is that a phone or a VCR you are holding to your head?) it's my phone, Once you Go big you never go back! :)



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Aug 14, 2010
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I'm another iPhone convert. Originally an Android user. Had the first Motorola Droid, then Droid 2, then started drinking the iPhone koolaid. Don't get me wrong, the koolaid is good. Definite advantages over android, but also many shortcomings. Depends on what you like and what you get used to. I hated iOS when I first switched from a android but I adjusted. Now I'm getting reacquainted with a android and it's not going too bad. Definitely some things about iOS I'm going to miss. Fluidity, simplicity, and the more rugged aluminum back. However, the beauty and features of the Note 7 are certainly easing the pain of the switch.

I am enjoying the read of converted iPhone users. It is really interesting when I hear folks state that is more fluid and simpler to use than Android. My experience has always been different than others. I'll start with fluidity- if you compare a Nexus to an iPhone, I haven't seen a difference in fluidity. In my opinion, they are on par. Samsung phones tend to have slow animations and additional features that can slow it down; this I understand. We can't say ALL android phones suffer from this because they don't. As for simplicity, I can take an Android user and convert them to iOS and they will state that iOS is more complicated. It depends on what you use on regular basis. I've owned both and I don't find either easier to use than another. In iOS, you have to come out of an app to go to settings to make changes at times. In Android, you just make adjustments right from the app. Most people are using messaging apps, facebook, instagram, snapchat, whatsapp, etc... How much simpler is it to open an app from either OS? It is an argument I'll never get. LOL.


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Sep 9, 2014
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Re: This Stuff Gets to Me (Note 7 vs iPhone 6s)

My Note 5 is fast. Really fast. So I can't imagine that my Note 7 that's coming in the mail today will be slower. So, I'm going to be happy in a few hours with my new device. I'm not concerned how it compares to any other smartphone. It's the phone I really wanted.


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Aug 17, 2016
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I was an iphone girl for YEARS and made the switch. For me the N7 is just more 'fun'. I like the fact that I can customize just about everything. For me that was one of the biggest draws, not to mention the screen is just beautiful....bravo Samsung!


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: This Stuff Gets to Me (Note 7 vs iPhone 6s)

I knew a comment like this was coming. I actually own a Note 3, check my post history for reference. Just waiting for the perfect new phone to come out before I switch.

Posted via the Android Central App

Afraid you will probably be waiting forever for that then and I would hasten to say the iPhone is far from perfect as well.

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