Ok, I'm now at 7 days with the Pixel 4xl. I took some time away from the Note 10+ because, well, I'm a dork. The Note 10+ is a great phone.
I've read a lot of posts here and other places. I've read reviews from a lot of people...here and other places. And there are a few things I've gleamed from those reviews.
-Spec happy people will never be happy with a Pixel
-Many people rely on what others think too much
-Too many people insist that specs are the way to go
-Like religion, many people try and impose their likes/dislikes on others. Examples are Screen on time, FPS
-There needs to be a category called Functional
The pixel is a phone that focuses on functional, specs be dam. I'm pretty sure I am not qualified to determine if improved spec would increase functionality at this particular moment in time. I can only say, does this phone, as is, meet my expectations.
I have the Note 10+, a Spec seekers dream device. Am I happy with it. Yes. Everyday I discover something new or different. Photos are color blasted...but nice. Colors explode out of the screen in pics. My grass has never been greener. My roses never redder, my chickens never browner or blacker. My friend Rajesh, never darker. There are things on the Note 10+ I may never discover. The big thing, I traded a different phone in with the Note 10+ and got it for $499, plus samsung buds and a case. Otherwise the Note 10+, for me, would be a reach purchase in that the phone is too much for me. Consider, that Samsung again this year is in the red. Its subsidy of new phone launches are good for us users...but ..not good for the company. Who knows...maybe google will buy them.
The pixel on the other hand is very functional. Pics, easy to do, share easy to do, message, game, social , easy to do.
So the choices I had to make in this last week....A phone that was too much or a phone that was functional.
I retire in 63 days. I think I'm leaning to the functional.