Ad Correction

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Jan 23, 2010
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Has anyone been to Best Buy and seen any kind of Ad Correction? We all know that the way the ad is written it states that the phone is available TODAY. Obviously thats not true so when that happens they usually print out an Ad Correction showing the date it should be on sale, or stating that it wont be on sale this week. If anyone has been to Best Buy today or is going to Best Buy please take a look at this for me. Thanks!


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Jan 31, 2011
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The rep at my store said a correction was out, but I hadn't seen it. Nowhere in the store, nowhere online, nothing. Told him I brought my family in just for that phone, and said a lot of folks probably would (first 4G VZW phone and all), and what would they do to make up for that? He put my name on a list for some sort of "consideration." Whatever that means...

I am Fake Jesus

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Dec 18, 2010
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you can call, but u will get the same info. phone wont arrive at store until day before probaly. im just waiting to see this 250 or 300 bucks thing.

if we dont get solid info from verizon soon or release this week....i might be looking else still in love with the phone. just been an gettin more ridiculous


Mar 31, 2010
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Went into my local store to check and they had the correction notice posted. They also were NOT handing out the march issue of the Mobile catalogue that has the TB in it.

One interesting thing to note about the correction: It states, unequivocally, that the launch WAS delayed by Verizon, meaning that all those saying that they can't delay what they haven't announced were wrong.

Another thing; Skype video calling isn't ready, and probably won't be ready, for the Bolt's launch.

Not sure when the Bolt will get here now, but it could still possibly be this week. Doesn't it suck, though, that we have to get all this info from BEST BUY and not Verizon?

I am Fake Jesus

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Dec 18, 2010
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i really have a feeling we wont get an announcemnet. that when the orders show up to stores they will just start selling. they will just continue to show ads, then ad available now once shipped


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2011
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One interesting thing to note about the correction: It states, unequivocally, that the launch WAS delayed by Verizon, meaning that all those saying that they can't delay what they haven't announced were wrong.

It's a semantics argument. When people say "you can't delay it if it was never announced" they're saying that VZW can shift the release date around to their hearts content and until they tell the public "It will be available on xx/xx/xx" none of it matters.


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Apr 19, 2010
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Went into my local store to check and they had the correction notice posted. They also were NOT handing out the march issue of the Mobile catalogue that has the TB in it.

One interesting thing to note about the correction: It states, unequivocally, that the launch WAS delayed by Verizon, meaning that all those saying that they can't delay what they haven't announced were wrong.

Another thing; Skype video calling isn't ready, and probably won't be ready, for the Bolt's launch.

Not sure when the Bolt will get here now, but it could still possibly be this week. Doesn't it suck, though, that we have to get all this info from BEST BUY and not Verizon?

Uh, that notice doesn't say it was delayed by Verizon specifically. Only that it was delayed for reasons beyond their control. Best buy will consider things such as weather as "beyond their control". I somehow doubt Verizon waited until yesterday or the day before to tell them it wasn't going to be there. So it really is Best Buy's doing.


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Apr 11, 2010
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Keep it civil. Right now it's just a good discussion. Which is perfectly ok with me. :)

I feel like we've reached a point where it's like we're on a long road trip with a bunch of friends. At first it's all exciting, but then as time goes on, and we get delayed due to car maintenance, people start to get at each other's throats. This is where we need to pull over at a bar and have a few drinks. I'll now direct you towards the thread.
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Mar 31, 2010
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Uh, that notice doesn't say it was delayed by Verizon specifically. Only that it was delayed for reasons beyond their control. Best buy will consider things such as weather as "beyond their control". I somehow doubt Verizon waited until yesterday or the day before to tell them it wasn't going to be there. So it really is Best Buy's doing.

In this case, considering that the correction specifically mentions skype, and because there are only two parties involved (Verizon and Best Buy), it is safe to assume that Verizon delayed it.

Justin Blake

Dec 19, 2009
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In this case, considering that the correction specifically mentions skype, and because there are only two parties involved (Verizon and Best Buy), it is safe to assume that Verizon delayed it.
How can Verizon control a software or OS issue with HTC?? I don't get it, why does this have anything to do with Verizon because the Thunderbolt is not working correctly? Exactly why I said the phone was not being released because of HTC and not Verizon. Do you think Verizon wants to keep sitting on this phone if it was ready to go? It makes no sense because they would be cutting their own throats by doing so. This is squarely on HTC's shoulders, and by them admitting today that its a Skype issue proves that even more. I don't blame Verizon for anything, they haven't said a word about the release at all publicly.

Cory Streater

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Sep 21, 2009
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Didn't I tell you that exact same thing last night and you argued and said I was lying and a bunch of other stuff? Turned out I was right after all huh?? Imagine that.

No. You said it was delayed until the 28th. This correction just said it was delayed without giving any specific dates at all. For all we know, it was intended to launch on the 14th or 17th and be advertised in the ad for the week after, but got delayed to the 24th.

This doesn't prove anything you said...

LOL, ok. We can talk again on the 24th then!! Since your not man enough to admit you were wrong when last night you insisted you were right. I forgot your just a kid so I am really not surprised.

What he posted above yours is civil? Since when? He's behaving like a 12 year old.

I already closed one thread this morning and handed out infractions. I'd rather keep you guys around, but if this public spat, trolling, and name calling doesn't end between you two, you'll both be looking at 7 day bans.
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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
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After reading on this forum, it appears that Skype is not the end of the world (that somehow it can get fixed through an update)?

Anyway, this leaves us with:
A. There is no delay and never was one...Best Buy just got some dates wrong
B. The delay involves trying to fix Skype...but it was not meant to be for the launch
C. The delay involves some kind of problem with 4G?
D. There is some other kind of problem with the phone.

..this would be a great poll question...

We are almost there guys! my Dad use to say..."it won't be long now" said the cat who got his tail chopped off by lawn mower!
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