After the OTA GB, has anyone noticed odd volume issues?


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2011
Since the GB OTA update, I've noticed a lot of volume issues. One time my "in-call" volume will be as I set it with the rocker, the next time it will be MAX (very loud -- makes me think the speaker phone is on). Same for my Voicemail (VVM), same for the Thunderbolt splash screen sound upon reboot.

This was happening very rarely on pre-GB. But since the GB OTA it happens a whole lot. Anyone else?

My issue is I will have it on vibrate while at work. Then when I switch to normal I have to make sure the ringer is set because it drops down to being off and I have to set it a couple of times cause it wont stay set. Never had that before.

sent from my Thunderbolt....and the thunder rolls !
Yep... My max volume is very low now. Thought it was just me.

Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.
Since the GB OTA update, I've noticed a lot of volume issues. One time my "in-call" volume will be as I set it with the rocker, the next time it will be MAX (very loud -- makes me think the speaker phone is on). Same for my Voicemail (VVM), same for the Thunderbolt splash screen sound upon reboot.

This was happening very rarely on pre-GB. But since the GB OTA it happens a whole lot. Anyone else?


Having those exact issues. I get phone calls and seems like someone is screaming in my ear so I turn the call volume down a few notches but the next call I get/make its maxed out again.Also notification and rimgtones seem quieter than they should sometimes.
I've seen this too. For some reason, occasionally the ringer volume decreases below what I set it at. No idea why.
My issue is I will have it on vibrate while at work. Then when I switch to normal I have to make sure the ringer is set because it drops down to being off and I have to set it a couple of times cause it wont stay set. Never had that before.

sent from my Thunderbolt....and the thunder rolls !

Jude.....try use a volume control app. I use has a night, office, train....etc.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
I have noticed that from day 1. I use Volume Control+ which is free from the market to adjust and lock the volume, although I still notice all six volumes do randomly readjust on rare occasions. System volume is the most common that seems to keep restoring itself after I mute it.
With the GB update I have noticed that with the screen off, the alert tone volume, such as for a text message, is often lower than what I have set. On occasion I have had 2 texts come in simultaneously. The first tone is quiet and the second one immediately following is very loud.
My volume control keeps going to vibrate and I know that I am not touching the switch. Many times it is while it is sitting on the counter and not being touched. I installed an app, I forget what it is called, but it forces you to allow a volume change. No help whatsoever.
Has anyone tried a master reset to see if that clears up the issue? I say that because alot of these types of odd issues seem to clear up post OTA's via a master reset (some carry over from the upgrade?). I'd try it, but I'm not experiencing the issue (I do have the GB OTA).
Has anyone tried a master reset to see if that clears up the issue? I say that because alot of these types of odd issues seem to clear up post OTA's via a master reset (some carry over from the upgrade?). I'd try it, but I'm not experiencing the issue (I do have the GB OTA).
I'm suspecting it's an app conflict that might be changing the volume inexplicably. Perhaps a media app, or some other app. I dunno... No doubt, since a reset would remove all apps (initially), that might "cure" it. For a while... Like Mortiel, I've noticed this phenomenon since I first got the TBolt. But it is way more frequent since updating to GB. But, I have also installed more apps since then. And... it looks like a lot of folks have this issue. I'd guess it's systemic to the OS. Both Froyo and GB but worse with GB. For me anyway.

Personally, I don't have the "volume too low" issue. Although, I have noticed certain volume settings are a little lower after the update. But there is still plenty of higher volume adjustment left for me to make it more than loud enough.

The only issue I have is that when I'm least expecting it (more often than once a day) my volume will blast me out. When I'm checking voicemail (visual voicemail) and when I answer the phone. It's so loud any other person near me can hear it and it hurts my ear. I have to pull the phone away from my ear it is so loud until I lower the volume. When I check the volume it is at max (where I never set it, ever -- just for this reason).

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Has anyone tried a master reset to see if that clears up the issue? I say that because alot of these types of odd issues seem to clear up post OTA's via a master reset (some carry over from the upgrade?). I'd try it, but I'm not experiencing the issue (I do have the GB OTA).

I upgraded with the RUU when it was leaked so no OTA here. I do have audio guru installed to manage profiles, but it was never an issue on froyo. And it seems the only audio problem I am having is the text message alert volume fluctuation.
Hmmm, I've never experienced the volume issue (Froyo or GB). Could very well be an app. I highly limit what apps are installed mainly for the simple reason to reduce complexity and minimize potential conflicts/issues. Well that and I rarely find a need or justification for most apps beyond what the phone natively provides, not to mention the permissions of some apps stop me cold (I'm a bit of a security nut, call me paranoid :p). Putting all that aside, I have seen some odd issues in the past after installing an OTA (sometimes even after flashing a RUU) that a master reset cleared up. Troubleshooting is always a process of elimination, easier done when keeping complexity down. :)
Something defcon999 said in another thread got my attention.

You can always use the "personalize" setting.

MENU --> Settings --> Personalize --> scroll down to see SOUND SET --> create new set.

Has anyone tried this? I wonder if it would eliminate the erratic volume issues. Even if you just made a dupe copy.


Sent from my HTC ThunderBolt 4G/LTE using Tapatalk
I've had this issue since launch (before GB) on a stock device, so I don't think it's an app conflict (happened before I installed anything). Sometimes the volume is maxes out even though the slider shows it only half away, I have to crank it all the way up and then turn it down to get it back to normal.
My volume control keeps going to vibrate and I know that I am not touching the switch. Many times it is while it is sitting on the counter and not being touched. I installed an app, I forget what it is called, but it forces you to allow a volume change. No help whatsoever.

I have the same problem. Very frustrated. Verizon Rep said it was the rocker being bumped in the case. That's nuts.

sent from my Thunderbolt....and the thunder rolls !

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