So we are just going to ignore the fact that they have been spending billions rebuilding the network, or the fact that MOST of the customers who LEFT SINCE he took over, didn't leave BECAUSE of him.. They left because of the service interruptions and degrade of the network due to upgrades... So it isn't fair to say that SPRINT as a company, is losing customers "Just because they suck" under Softbank... and some of you are STILL ignoring the fact that upgrades picked up major steam after softbank infused its cash.... The upgrade wouldn't be where it is right now, if it wasn't for the extra cash to boost it! Is this like the bible... just picking and choosing what we want to look at?
Look at the smaller carriers, They take longer to get the Bigger toys... the iphones, the tablets with data plans.. because the BIGGER Carriers get pickings first.... because of CUSTOMER BASE!
Iphone doesn't get better IPHONE Deals, or better GALAXY Deals because of the QUALITY of the network, or PRICE Of the plans... its about PEOPLE and UNITS.. not Plans and Network Speed