And Then There Were 3? Sprint Said To Be Prepping T-Mobile Bid..

No one said he was buying T-Mobile to fix his network, and yes i am IGNORING the network issues, because that is NOT why he is buying tmobile... Screw the network.. he wants the CUSTOMERS... its like buying in bulk, better discounts.. Save when you buy 2... in the end.. the NUMBERS will get him better phones, maybe more exclusive phone deals... Its not gonna matter if you have a KILLER Network! US CELLULAR in Wisconsin has a better network in my opinion then ANYONE, Period.... The Issue? They are small, so their phone selection sucks and their deals are TERRIBLE! Doesn't matter about the price of the plans, the quality of the network...
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Who cares about phone selection. We're coming out with more and more "universal" phones. i.e. galaxy s5, iphone, g2, motorola x, etc etc. and more one phone fits all networks like the nexus 5.

As I said previously, Mr. Son should worry about his network first since customers are flocking left and right and heading to tmobile. Do you really think tmobile customers want to head back to Sprint such as myself? Sprint has had network degradation and the slowest LTE speeds out of all 4 carriers.

You know how you win customers? A good network. But apparently, that takes forever for Sprint. Tmobile launched a LTE network in a year that has surpassed Sprint, and Sprint's still struggling with their 5 X5 network while tmobile is launching a 20 X 20 mhz network.

As I said previously, the "new" prepaid prices are reflective of Mr. Son's attitude. A laughing joke that is.

I seriously hope the DOJ/FCC really block this proposal and tmobile can even swing a huge penalty fee out of Mr. Son such as snatching some frequency.
Who cares about phone selection.

I read there and stopped. Some do.. You can't down play other people's opinions because you don't agree. Many were mad at Verizon due to no Nexus 5.. So some definitely care about phone selection..

Sent from my T-Mobile Note 3 using AC Forums.
I read there and stopped. Some do.. You can't down play other people's opinions because you don't agree. Many were mad at Verizon due to no Nexus 5.. So some definitely care about phone selection..

Sent from my T-Mobile Note 3 using AC Forums.

That problem is with verizon, not necessarily Google/LG. in a "free market" bring your own device makes sense and in a way, should be implemented through all carriers.

verizon did this mostly due to what? they wanted the power of OTA updates? all has to do with control. but in reality, gsm networks don't face that problem as cdma carreirs do

but the way the market's heading, we're starting to buy the phones straight from the manufacturer bypassing the carrier which makes sense. Why should I buy a Toyota only to be limited to buying gasoline only at Exxonmobil sorta ordeal.
again, he doesn't need tmobile to fix his network. if he can spend "billions" of dollars on buying tmobile, how about he spend that money on fixing his network first. He has the spectrum and the cash, so why is tmobile pumping out lte faster than sprint?

I used to think that and still think he can but LTE roaming isn't too hard. In fact, while the handoff would be pretty hard (as in literally a hard network handoff) a phone like the Nexus 5 could switch between GSM/ CDMA. While there would be considerable redundancy once Spark is done in major cities (guess it saves on new tower builds later?), a combined network would be great. T-Mobile customers would benefit from an expanded service area, Sprint from T-Mobile's builds in cities, esp. those not yet slated for Spark.

It would be nice if there was a if this merger fails roaming component so long as it is mutual or at least gives Sprint something. LTE roaming could be sweet for both carriers.
So you still deny the fact that sprint's prepaid price plans are a true reality of mr son's motives?

High cost, low reliability- mr son's motto

In fact I'm in one of those areas where this magical "spark" is live in chicago.

Speeds still sucked with my nexus 5 and I still get dropped calls.

Yeah yeah, I'll believe Mr son if he can fix his network before he actually goes out and tries to buy tmobile. again, he doesn't need tmobile to fix his network. if he can spend "billions" of dollars on buying tmobile, how about he spend that money on fixing his network first. He has the spectrum and the cash, so why is tmobile pumping out lte faster than sprint?

Big Baller, Spark is not available for the N5 yet ( and may never be). I have a G2 that is Spark enabled and live in the Chicagoland area as well and while I have seen improvements in the data speeds the coverage is wildly inconsistant. But as far is dropped calls I haven't had any issues, in the city or the 'burbs.

As far as the Nextel merger that was several years ago, way before Son/Softbank were even in the picture. Sprint finally shed that merger and has integrated that bandwidth with the Spark rollout. As far as the Clearwire deal, Sprint already had a major stake in Clearwire before they purchased the remaining shares of Clearwire (which was a requirement of the Softbank deal). If you remember Dish made a major play for Clearwire but the deal never went through.

According to this layered map, a merger wouldnt really expand either coverage very much but would I be correct in assuming that by merging the techs and spectrum, towers, etc that especially in city areas this would open capacity in order to keep consistent data speeds?,2817,2459164,00.asp?fullsite=true

Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
Doubtful at this point... Finally, some real competition for ATT and Verizon ????????????
Sprint, T-Mobile merger would create telecom giant: Sprint, T-Mobile merger would create telecom giant - YouTube

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You know, the fact that Dan Hesse received a 50 million salary (almost double that of ATT wireless ceo and triple that of the verizon wireless ceo) really goes to show you how mismanaged Sprint can be.
You know, the fact that Dan Hesse received a 50 million salary (almost double that of ATT wireless ceo and triple that of the verizon wireless ceo) really goes to show you how mismanaged Sprint can be.

True. But he is also stepping down and that's why he was given that. T-Mobile CEO will run the new Sprint.

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