Andriod Lollipop Installation Reformatted My Phone


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Dec 20, 2015
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I recently purchased my first ever smart phone so I am still learning a lot. About 5 months ago I purchased a new Samsung Galaxy S5 from Ebay in Canada. The phone was unused and I have been on a prepaid plan ever since. I have been happy with the unit even thought i probably only use 2 % of the features. I was always nagged to update to a new OS, it was called Lollipop however I never pressed the accept button to allow it to install the update. I was happy with what i had and saw no reason to update.

Earlier this week I must have accidentally pressed the update button (i always have had to minimize the nag screen before seeing my icons). I did not know how to stop it and had no choice but to let it update. After about 5 or 10 minutes and it restarting itself I was presented with a very new look, many of my icons were missing. I started to look around and realized it had wiped everything, all apps i had previously installed were gone, my photos were gone, my message history gone, it was like starting all over.

Is this the way Android handles updates, by reformatting your computer and reinstalling the newest OS? Can I possible reverse this or at least recover my lost data? I have been searching for apps or windows programs that can connect to the device to restore but so far no luck. I attempted to root it so I could attempt to use the software "undelete" however it seems this version of 5.1.1 cannot be rooted.

Please help!


New member
Dec 20, 2015
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Thanks for the reply however I never uploaded or synced any of my files to Google. I did log in to my Google account to check just in case however there is nothing. Obviously I take it that I should have backed up my files however I had no idea by pressing one button a format and new operating systems would be sprung on me.

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