Attempts to login to my android central account from the app with G+ option on my S8 results in:
403. That’s an error.
Error: disallowed_useragent
This user-agent is not permitted to make an OAuth authorization request to Google as it is classified as an embedded user-agent (also known as a web-view). Per our policy, only browsers are permitted to make authorization requests to Google. We offer several libraries and samples for native apps to perform authorization requests in the browser.
so I defer to chrome for my AC use.
403. That’s an error.
Error: disallowed_useragent
This user-agent is not permitted to make an OAuth authorization request to Google as it is classified as an embedded user-agent (also known as a web-view). Per our policy, only browsers are permitted to make authorization requests to Google. We offer several libraries and samples for native apps to perform authorization requests in the browser.
so I defer to chrome for my AC use.