Anyone else's battery life WORSE with 2.2?


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Apr 15, 2010
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I'm getting through the day ok, Re-charging in the morning helps it last even longer.

My beef is that VZW took a base release that EVERYONE who has installed custom Froyo ROM's has said was much better in battery life, and killed it with crapware.

I've even read some posts that the crapware is keeping the phone from charging while using GoogleNav in the car. I have not tested that yet, but I will tomorrow.

I get the fact that there are marketing agreements and cash changing hands to pre-load this junk, but please let me get rid of it. VZW and the app developer are NEVER going to get my money for VZNav or CityID. At least in 2.1 Skype was a market download that I could choose to not download.

Yes, it does anger me too. If we wanted to use these services then we would. Them putting them on there for us isn't making us them.

And even the services we DO want to use we don't need running all the time. Android would be so much better if when you exited a program it went away until the next time it was put in use. Except for obvious apps that require running all the time.

The phone was pretty much impossible with the stock battery. I actually was going to go pay full price for the Motorola Droid X before I had the 3500mah battery. I was that fed up. Because my original Motrola Droid with a regular battery did pretty well.

But they were sold out so I opted for the big battery and it makes the phone perfect. Before then I had tried the 1750mah batteries. Had two of them. STILL sucked. The thing wasn't even that much better than the factory battery. I barely noticed any difference in it.

But with the 3500mah I get through the day easy. I start off the day with 100% and with heavy use all day with phone calls, interenet, email, and a lot of text messaging I'm usually not ever below 60% at the end of the day.

I can go two days on one charge but I like to put the other battery in the phone in the morning. That way I rotate both batteries so one of them doesn't go down from now much use. While I sleep I let one charge in the external.

I never charge the battery in my phone. I haven't since I got the extended 3500 batteries and the external charger.

I've been used to spare batteries and external chargers since the blackberry days. When I first got the Dinc I couldn't find an external charger and it sucked badly. But finally I found one. And I didn't know about the 3500 battery because you hear about it making the phone real thick and in pictures you can't really tell.

But when you actually get it, as you know, the battery doesn't make the phone much thicker at all and doesn't look abnormal at all and actually feels good in the hand. And it doesn't way much more.

So yeah sorry that was long but theres my vent! To anyone reading this who loves the phone but can't use all the widgets and do what they want because of the battery and are afraid to get the 3500 because of the thickness. TRUST me it's worth it.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2010
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Well, i went with the 2600 battery from ebay. It sure does last longer than either the oem 1300 or htc 1500 battery I have been using bit it does make the phone twice as thick and quite a bit heavier. I dont like the extra weight in my pocket. With the 1500 battery I could easily make it thru a night at work with enough to spare. I would charge my battery every night anyway. But now with 2.2 it takes twice as long to charge the 1500 battery. I do have an external charger and use it as well (I came from the BB Storm...).

I am at 13 hours on the 2600 with under 50% left. Before the update to 2.2, I could easily go over 27 hours on a charge. I am going to run it down to zero and see how long it lasts.

doc 7

Well-known member
Apr 16, 2010
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yes,while i've only had 2.2 for a couple of days i have noticed a derease in battery life i fc'd a bunch of apps such as vznav,skype ,amazon mp3, ect but it seems the singal meter is eratic so i restarted the device with a 20%-30% overall decrease in battery life eh i'll tinker some more


Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2010
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I refuse to use a task killer or city ID, skype,vz navi. :p I wish they included swype instead of skype.

I thought my battery was better but now I think its about the same as before the update, it did get rid of the bump charging tho for me. I can unplug after being charged and green light showing(with phone off) , plug it back in and it might be orange for a minute then green again. :)

It had been(2.1 os ) it would take 30, minutes (for light to go green again), repeat and then 15 minutes(for light to go green again, etc) whenever I unpluged it and pluged it right back in .Phone being off the whole time when I did.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
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Day 2 and I'm in the same boat as Day 1, though marginally better.

14 hours of up time, 2 hours of awake time and and I'm around the 30-40% mark, give or take. In short, I'll be lucky make it another 2 hours of up time or 30 minutes of useful awake time before the battery drops to 20%. So, better than Day 1, but not by much. I assume the battery needs to be 'retrained' for 2.2, so maybe things will improve and get 'back to normal' over the next few days. To be seen.

I did go into my running apps directory, and the only one that showed as running that I wasn't sure why it was running was Skype, so I closed it. However, when I had Wifi on, Skype may be the reason why it was showing as being a large battery hog. Typically, just the phone is searching for a Wifi signal once in a while, which attributed to the 5% Wifi usage on 2.1. But now, Skype seems to also search for the Wifi signal (a lot more than the phone does it appears), thus why Wifi attributed to 30%+ when I had it turned on.

I'm thinking I'm going to head to my local Verizon store this weekend and log complaint #1 about all of the bloatware on the phone.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2010
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Well, i went with the 2600 battery from ebay. It sure does last longer than either the oem 1300 or htc 1500 battery I have been using bit it does make the phone twice as thick and quite a bit heavier. I dont like the extra weight in my pocket. With the 1500 battery I could easily make it thru a night at work with enough to spare. I would charge my battery every night anyway. But now with 2.2 it takes twice as long to charge the 1500 battery. I do have an external charger and use it as well (I came from the BB Storm...).

I am at 13 hours on the 2600 with under 50% left. Before the update to 2.2, I could easily go over 27 hours on a charge. I am going to run it down to zero and see how long it lasts.

Hmm What brand do you have? I have a bigger battery than yours and mine barely weighs much more. Holding it with a regular battery and this battery isn't much difference. And it fits in any pocket easily. I don't even think it's to a half inch thicker.

So far on 2.2 with 3500mah I haven't been able to get it below 60% on a full day of heavy use.


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Apr 26, 2010
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Battery better after Factory reset

Ok post "factory reset" manually installed all apps and customizations

4h 54m since unplugged
42% Cell Standby
41% Phone idle
12% Android system
3% Display
2% Internet

with 85% remaining.

Much happier now!!!!!!! Even with a lot of work.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2010
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Ok post "factory reset" manually installed all apps and customizations

4h 54m since unplugged
42% Cell Standby
41% Phone idle
12% Android system
3% Display
2% Internet

with 85% remaining.

Much happier now!!!!!!! Even with a lot of work.
With those percentages how can you say for sure the factory reset improved things? Looks like your phone has been idle or on standby for much of the time. I'm sure mine would be like that too and I didn't even do the reset.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2010
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Right now here is what mine is looking like.

1 day, 13 hours, 1 minute, 57 seconds since unplugged.

46%. Heavy use though. Average use I could still be up at 70%.

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