Anyone using the Galaxy Gear? How is it?


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Sep 11, 2013
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I understand your comment but actually how can you speak to its limits and value not having owned one?

If you read the comments of those who actually HAVE the Gear you'll find a common theme; they find it a very useful and convenient accessory.

Has the device reached its full potential, of course not. But this first attempt is actually very good, and while we know each version will undoubtedly improve upon the last one, that's not saying anything that could not be said for any product or service.

Early adopters are willing to buy products and try them out. We comment, make suggestions, and even complain a little about this or that. Manufacturers listen and use that information to make it better the next time.

However, if people were not willing to buy it and try it out then manufacturers wouldn't invest the time and money into making the products.

Posted via Android Central App

I speak only as a potential purchaser who has read the comments of people who own one, and then I judge if I really need those features at that price? For me the answer is a resounding no, but I understand others will value those features far more highly than me, and for them they will consider it good value. My opinion is based only on my own needs in that respect.

However, new technology is always in its infancy and at its highest price. This is a known fact.

My comment was to suggest that people like me who don't actually need the features of the Gear but view them as merely "nice to have" should wait a while. I even hear the next generation Gear will be released as early as January, and then the current ones should be able to be purchased very cheaply.

Manufacturers don't make their money at the high prices of infant technology, they make their money when the product becomes mainstream and everybody buys one at a much cheaper price. Waiting a bit will not stop development.


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Feb 9, 2011
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This morning, while driving to work, I received a text message from a colleague which simply said "are you able to talk?"

I read the message via the Gear and replied "yes" using S-Voice. He called me and we talked (with me using the GG) about an event he wanted me to attend with him tonight. I told him I'd check my schedule and let him know. After hanging up, using S-Voice on the GG I said "what is my schedule today?" The GG read back to me audibly the 5 appointments I already had scheduled. After listening I discovered I could attend tonight, although I'll have to bring my kids because it's my wife's girls night out week (sorry for the side bar).

Again using S-Voice on the GG I said "schedule new appointment. Tonight 7:30 p.m. Christ for the Nations Charity." The GG read back and confirmed the appointment was scheduled. Then again using S-Voice on the GG I said "Text Paul. I will be there tonight at 7:30."

What makes this remarkable to me is that not once did I ever pick up my phone. My GN3 sat on the passenger seat beside me the whole time. The whole transaction was accomplished using the GG. I realize the GG is not for everybody. But I have found that it's value is well worth the $300 to me. And the more I incorporate it into my daily life and schedule the more I am excited about all it will offer in the future versions.


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Sep 21, 2013
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This morning, while driving to work, I received a text message from a colleague which simply said "are you able to talk?"

I read the message via the Gear and replied "yes" using S-Voice. He called me and we talked (with me using the GG) about an event he wanted me to attend with him tonight. I told him I'd check my schedule and let him know. After hanging up, using S-Voice on the GG I said "what is my schedule today?" The GG read back to me audibly the 5 appointments I already had scheduled. After listening I discovered I could attend tonight, although I'll have to bring my kids because it's my wife's girls night out week (sorry for the side bar).

Again using S-Voice on the GG I said "schedule new appointment. Tonight 7:30 p.m. Christ for the Nations Charity." The GG read back and confirmed the appointment was scheduled. Then again using S-Voice on the GG I said "Text Paul. I will be there tonight at 7:30."

What makes this remarkable to me is that not once did I ever pick up my phone. My GN3 sat on the passenger seat beside me the whole time. The whole transaction was accomplished using the GG. I realize the GG is not for everybody. But I have found that it's value is well worth the $300 to me. And the more I incorporate it into my daily life and schedule the more I am excited about all it will offer in the future versions.

Excellent usage and example of it's functionality. I will definitely be getting it as I get a lot of important notifications and I have to keep checking my phone for it. So that part will be solved and also I think replying back through the phone will be to my advantage as well. Keep giving us tips I like you interactive experience with the gear :)

Posted via Android Central App


Oct 10, 2013
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Yes, I already sideloaded apps from the play market to the Gear. Easy as pie.

Ian B

Are any of the apps worth sideloading? The article indicates that the screen size of the phone isn't ideal for most gaming apps, although I guess something like Yelp's Monocle might be fun to use.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2013
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I understand your comment but actually how can you speak to its limits and value not having owned one?

If you read the comments of those who actually HAVE the Gear you'll find a common theme; they find it a very useful and convenient accessory.

Has the device reached its full potential, of course not. But this first attempt is actually very good, and while we know each version will undoubtedly improve upon the last one, that's not saying anything that could not be said for any product or service.

Early adopters are willing to buy products and try them out. We comment, make suggestions, and even complain a little about this or that. Manufacturers listen and use that information to make it better the next time.

However, if people were not willing to buy it and try it out then manufacturers wouldn't invest the time and money into making the products.

Posted via Android Central App

Well said sir!


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2011
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So I have a question for all those who think it is too expensive..? Have you shopped for a nice watch recently? You can easily get into the $250-$500 range with a fancy analog watch. I realize stylistically this watch is in a completely different category, but when you make the comparison the price isn't so bad. It's nice checking texts and emails on my watch and not having to pull out my phone. So far I really like my Gear.

Ian B

Well-known member
Sep 17, 2010
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Are any of the apps worth sideloading? The article indicates that the screen size of the phone isn't ideal for most gaming apps, although I guess something like Yelp's Monocle might be fun to use.

Really just playing with apps and how the impact battery. So far I have only installed a calculator and a compass app.

Ian B


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2013
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This morning, while driving to work, I received a text message from a colleague which simply said "are you able to talk?"

I read the message via the Gear and replied "yes" using S-Voice. He called me and we talked (with me using the GG) about an event he wanted me to attend with him tonight. I told him I'd check my schedule and let him know. After hanging up, using S-Voice on the GG I said "what is my schedule today?" The GG read back to me audibly the 5 appointments I already had scheduled. After listening I discovered I could attend tonight, although I'll have to bring my kids because it's my wife's girls night out week (sorry for the side bar).

Again using S-Voice on the GG I said "schedule new appointment. Tonight 7:30 p.m. Christ for the Nations Charity." The GG read back and confirmed the appointment was scheduled. Then again using S-Voice on the GG I said "Text Paul. I will be there tonight at 7:30."

What makes this remarkable to me is that not once did I ever pick up my phone. My GN3 sat on the passenger seat beside me the whole time. The whole transaction was accomplished using the GG. I realize the GG is not for everybody. But I have found that it's value is well worth the $300 to me. And the more I incorporate it into my daily life and schedule the more I am excited about all it will offer in the future versions.

That's great, that's how it works for you so kudos.

For me, I sit the note in a card dock and receive calls through my Bluetooth car stereo. I don't get invited out for the evening and need to consult a planner because I am a grumpy ******* with no mates :)

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2

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