Battery Life


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2010
Wife just got viper on Thursday same time I got my s2 epic 4g touch and her battery life is horrible. I've gone in and tweaked settings and downloaded a battery saver iy helps but still not that great. Anyone else have any ideas that I haven't tried?

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Is it still required that you run it empty and charge it to full while off to get the battery fully charged. Might help but newer batteries might not require it.
Not sure what you are considering horrible but my wife gets about 8 hrs of usage out of hers. I think that's pretty bad considering my POS Admiral gets about twice that.
She was getting about 4 hours. I installed 2x battery saver and set her network to cdma only no lte and that seems to be helping to get about 6-7 hours depending on use

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The same was happening to my stepfather phone it would only last a max of 5 hours before dying, we took it into the sprint store and they said the battery was bad(what I figured) so they ordered him a new one, what I couldn't understand was how his battery WAS bad in the first place he has only had the phone for a month and a half, I honestly think this phone kills battery's cause it gets up past 130 degrees when it is on the charger.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Android Central Forums
The same was happening to my stepfather phone it would only last a max of 5 hours before dying, we took it into the sprint store and they said the battery was bad(what I figured) so they ordered him a new one, what I couldn't understand was how his battery WAS bad in the first place he has only had the phone for a month and a half, I honestly think this phone kills battery's cause it gets up past 130 degrees when it is on the charger.

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My phone lasts about 8 hours and then dies. It has never gone above 118 degrees and only when lightly using the internet. But I think most of my problems are signal related than the battery. How is your step dad's service?

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