Buy now or wait?


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Feb 10, 2011
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I've been using iphone 3G (not even 3GS :p) for a while, and I'd like a new phone. I was setting my eyes on inspire, but then I read on the internet somewhere that AT&T's LTE network is coming out around June and Inspire, unfortunately, doesn't support that. Should I buy Inspire now? Or should I wait till June-ish to buy phones that will support LTE? I've heard some pretty bad review about AT&T's so called 4G network @@


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Apr 26, 2010
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Its $99 freakin dollars. Get the phone and enjoy it...or wait. By then, there will be another reason to wait a while longer...and so it goes.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2011
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I've been using iphone 3G (not even 3GS :p) for a while, and I'd like a new phone. I was setting my eyes on inspire, but then I read on the internet somewhere that AT&T's LTE network is coming out around June and Inspire, unfortunately, doesn't support that. Should I buy Inspire now? Or should I wait till June-ish to buy phones that will support LTE? I've heard some pretty bad review about AT&T's so called 4G network @@

ATT's 4G is actually HSPA+, however, I think they have not completed the full backhaul for it. They are rolling out HSPA+ so if your not on their LTE Network, you'll be on their HSPA+. They are trying to set it up like a middle man between 3G and 4G. Faster than 3G, but slower than full LTE. That said, it is strictly up to you. If you really want LTE, just wait til the rollout.


Jan 30, 2011
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Yea, I also still have an iphone 3G and have been waiting for an upgrade. I can vouch that you can always wait 3 months and get something better. There are many reasons this is worth getting now over a future dual-core/LTE phone.

Download speeds should be around 4-5 mbps with AT&Ts HSPA+ network. LTE will have 5-12 mbps, from what I've seen. However, the LTE will be battery hogs (black_man_x has confirmed this) while HSPA+ should be much more efficient. Also, you'll be able to keep your unlimited data plan.

The Inspire will be sporting Sense 2.0 and all the associated web features. Look them up if you are not familiar. HTC Sense appears to be the favorite skin (aside from stock).

The phone is basically a rebranded Desire HD, which means the modding community's work on that phone should be easily ported to the Inspire. You shouldn't have to wait for that initial development, it has already been done.

HTC. Best company for updates, modding (no locked down boot loaders), and general hardware reliability. And, again, the Desire HD has been out awhile and some initial problems have already been addressed (improved battery life).

The CPU has huge overclocking potential. Look up Desire HD overclocking and benchmarks if you are interested. Android has not been extensively optimized for dual core, and this processor will be snappy!

TL;DR Do eeet.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2010
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The thing with phones is like computers, you buy it now and then 3 months later there will be something newer and better. Buy the Inspire now and the iPhone 5 will hit in June or the Atrix in March. Depends on really how much you download. I usually download stuff on wifi anyways.


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Jan 12, 2011
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The Inspire will give you about a year or so before there are phones on ATT that significantly our perform it. By this time next year, we will be looking at ATT rolling out LTE like they are rolling out HSPA+ right now. The atrix is an option, but its a lot more money. If you want a phone to last 2 yrs, the atrix will be fine, but youll be missing out on LTE as its rolled out. It depends on your needs. For me, ill be getting the inspire for 99 bucks and ill save up and maybe upgrade in a year or so to an LTE device, depending upon the rollout. The atrix is too expensive and doesn't offer enough advantages to justify the cost. In fact, no real advantage as far as I'm concerned.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2010
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The Inspire will give you about a year or so before there are phones on ATT that significantly our perform it. By this time next year, we will be looking at ATT rolling out LTE like they are rolling out HSPA+ right now. The atrix is an option, but its a lot more money. If you want a phone to last 2 yrs, the atrix will be fine, but youll be missing out on LTE as its rolled out. It depends on your needs. For me, ill be getting the inspire for 99 bucks and ill save up and maybe upgrade in a year or so to an LTE device, depending upon the rollout. The atrix is too expensive and doesn't offer enough advantages to justify the cost. In fact, no real advantage as far as I'm concerned.

You could get a one year contract too?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2010
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I believe you can. The phone costs a little more. They used to do 1 yr contracts, they probably still do

I am going to try to get a one year contract, but if its over 300 bucks i will get the 2 year, sell it on ebay after a year and put that into getting an unlocked phone or something.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
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Is this thing $99 up front or after a mail in rebate? Either way, for 100 bucks this is a great phone, regardless the quick turnover time in Android phones/technology.