Call blocker app?


May 12, 2011
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I'm rooted running BAMF Forever 1.05, and I've been looking for a call blocker app that'll work with it.

I downloaded Call Filter, but it doesn't work--neither the straight-to-voicemail-type or pickup/hangup. I also downloaded Call Control, but it doesn't seem to work either. Before, when I had BAMF 3.0 RC 4.9, I downloaded Mr. Number and it promptly started giving me the dreaded 'end call only' bug on practically every call, so I uninstalled the app, obviously, and the bug went away. So I'm a little wary about trying more, but yeah. Can't stand these calls.

Has anyone had any success with other apps? Does such a thing exist? LOL.


Trusted Member
Mar 6, 2010
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I am linked to my google voice account for my number and it is all i do but what i have done is create an entry in my phone called block number, iv made it so there is no ring tone for those numbers but also have them blacklisted on google voice so they should never be sent to begin with. I have something like 20 numbers under this entry and it works well as long as the caller is not masking caller id

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