Verizon Galaxy S8 Camera mode -- small photo in bottom right not photo from my camera?


New member
Jun 9, 2017
Hi, new S8 owner here. I previously owned an S6. With the S6, when in camera-mode, the small bottom-right hand photo would be the most recent picture I had taken with the phone's camera.

With the S8, it seems to be the most recent photo I have been sent/downloaded/taken/screenshotted/etc. This is driving me crazy, because I sometimes have little to no control over the content there (it's not always a photo I took; it could be a photo a friend sent me) and I'm embarrassed to hand my phone over to anyone to take a photo.

Is there anyway to revert to the way the S6 had the camera mode show the last photo taken in the bottom right-hand side? I prefer that kind of flow - viewing photos there that MY camera had taken. How can I go to settings like that??

This is driving me nuts.

This has been screwed up since the Note 7 and S7 Edge. The little button should show you the most recent photo taken and stored in the camera folder in the gallery. No longer does that. It now shows the last picture saved to the device. I've yet to find a way to fix this. And Samsung is no help.

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