Changing the Alarm Widget?


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Oct 4, 2013
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Okay, after days of searching, I give up, I'm just going to break down and ask.

So, the default Alarm Widget on the phone ("Tap to create alarm.") Once you've got that set to a certain time, it originally seemed to me the only way to "change" it was to delete the widget, make a new one, and set an alarm to the new one. But somehow, and I could not replicate this, I managed to change one of my alarms. I noticed because changing the time on one widget changed the another; somehow they had both become set to the same alarm, even though both of them had already been set. So there must be a way to change the alarm without deleting the widget first, but I can't find how on Google and no manual I've seen describes how either.


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Jun 4, 2010
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Goo into your apps and select "clock" tap on the "alarm" icon on the top left and it will list your saved alarms. Make your changes, click save, and your widget will automatically update

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Oct 4, 2013
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Hmm, that's not quite what I meant. Assuming the correct alarm is set to the correct Widget, there's no need to go into the clock app to change the timers. And if I want to make a new alarm, the only way to attach it to a Widget is to make a new one (Or so I thought.) What I want to know is how to change the alarm from the widget. It must be possible (At the very least there's a glitch that can duplicate one widget to overwrite another one.)


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2013
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Drag the Alarm widget to the screen. Tap the widget to et alarm. You can set different alarms for every day of the week or whatever. When you want to change the alarm just tap the widget again and set as appropriate.

Sent from my SM-N9005