Considering the Fold

I use to laugh at "those inviduals" that would carry more than 1 device. I got burnt when I started carrying around both a flip and fold. I get it!!! I truly do. The flip and fold is great for different functions.🤩
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Sorry for the late response. I truly don't like one over the other because they are really different. I like the Spen better on the S24ultra and the size of the screen compared to the outer screen on the fold. The fold is nice when you need a mini tablet that you can carry in your pocket. The inner screen is more delicate so it's not something I would take to the beach for fear of getting sand on it and closing. If it was a little wider with integrated Spen it would be perfect.

You mean to tell us that you haven't watched the Jerry rig videos throwing sand on the inside screen closing and opening over and over didn't convince you this phone can take it.

Serious now, I don't usually take any of my phones to the beach/Pool regardless what phone it is. I think using them in the pool area or beach for some reason gets them real hot in minutes, I suppose the open sand or cement reflecting the sun's heat. I use my fold phones just like I do my S24U or iphone, I don't change how or where I use it. we also don't see a lot of complaints about hinge issues with dust. The only hinge issues I had was with the fold 2, and it just broke. I think with the fold closed it can be used as any phone, when we have them open we are usually sitting and not active like running, riding bikes, ECT, so I feel the fold gets a bad rap for being a fragile phone when I feel it's not that fragile. I know a mechanic that uses the flip phone, the outside is beat up pretty bad but it's still working including the inside screen. with the fold 6 closing tighter hopefully less likely to get particles between the screen, but then there's the worry of the screen closing tighter, will that cause screen issues?

With that said I also won't go without the insurance, the fold io expensive to go without it. If the hinge does fall, you have to replace the hinge and screen. I think the fear on the fold is the expensive fixes. I upgrade yearly as I dont want to push the folded screen as we all know the bending over and over will eventually fail. There's people still using the fold 2 and 3, so I might just be overthinking it, but I usually upgrade yearly on any phone so that's just me.