Curious. Who is switching and From what???

What are you switching from to get the Evo?

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Mar 8, 2010
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The general consensus of those that are jumping from WebOS to the EVO are:

1. WebOS is great.
2. Palm hardware is lacking.

Not ever having used an Android phone, my two questions to those who have used both an Android phone and the Pre are:

1. What, specifically, makes WebOS superior to the Android OS?
2. What, specifically, makes Android hardware superior to Palm hardware?

I've only used Android for a little bit here and there but what makes webOS so good to me is the ease of switching between apps and the integration of Google, Facebook, IM Clients, etc.

You don't realize how cool it is to be able to go from SMS to Google Talk and back to SMS with the whole conversation in one window until you do it.

I also love that all updates for webOS are Over The Air (OTA) - no plugging the phone into a PC to update it.

I may switch to the Evo 4G but my upgrade isn't until July so that leaves a whole month to see if Palm announces anything. I really do love webOS.

Also, I think it's that the Pre's hardware is just flat out not good moreso than it is HTC's hardware being better.
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Well-known member
May 7, 2010
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The general consensus of those that are jumping from WebOS to the EVO are:

1. WebOS is great.
2. Palm hardware is lacking.

Not ever having used an Android phone, my two questions to those who have used both an Android phone and the Pre are:

1. What, specifically, makes WebOS superior to the Android OS?
2. What, specifically, makes Android hardware superior to Palm hardware?

Android is really not as user friendly in terms of layout and organization. I have been using Android more and more in order to prepare for the Evo's launch, and I must say that it is lacking in ease of use. Everything in Android just seems kind of clunky and unorganized. Why is it that it takes me three to four steps on Android to do things that with webOS it just takes one? Managing bluetooth and wifi for example. Or the Android Market, how difficult it is to use.

One thing I have come to really hate about Android is the launcher. It is just a collection of icons of all of your apps... on one page. Widgets and shortcuts work, but not seamlessly. I think that because Android is designed the way it is, it should really have an option to create folders, a la Blackberry. Because Blackberry just has one launcher for all of your apps on one page, the added folders in which you could place a category of applications. For example, if I wanted all of my Sprint services such as Sprint TV, Sprint Navi, Sprint Football (etc) all in one area, I could just create a folder named "Sprint Apps" and place them on the home screen in order to find the application easier. Rather than having to scroll endlessly through one page on the launcher.

Another thing is the complicated menus. There just seems to be too much scrolling on Android, and the options to the user are not very solidly built. The main reason the Evo sold me was because it included HTC Sense, which in my opinion makes Android much easier to use. I would never purchase a motorola Droid or a Nexus one, for example, because it just has stock version of Android, which is very "Clunky."

Another thing is the 3D gaming. WebOS supports this in ways that Android cannot as of yet. The graphics on webOS are much, much better and they directly compare to that of iPhone's. This isn't a big deal to many people, but to me it is... i love games.

Also, the notification management. I would like to be able to dismiss notifications one by one on Android, just as I do on webOS. I like that. Because if one notification is more important than the other, I will keep it, but dismiss the rest.

I don't think this needs mentioning, but the multitasking system of webOS is much smoother and better than any other OS out there. Period. You just have to use it to understand.

Also, I really love the use and concept of the "wave launcher" on webOS. I like to be able to get to my messages without even quitting or minimizing the app I am in at the moment. I can choose 4 of my most used apps to put in the wave launcher and all it takes is ONE gesture for me to open one of those 4 apps from any application. I could be playing a game and all of a sudden decide to send a message...all I need to do is swipe up on the screen and release. Messaging is open. Simple as that.

I could go on, but I will stop now. Basically, webOS is just much easier to use and more intuitive. I love the gestures. I love how I don't just have to tap tap tap tap tap at everything. It makes using my phone a lot more fun, and less business.


May 15, 2010
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“You know the beautiful thing: June 29, 2009, is the two- year anniversary of the first shipment of the iPhone,” McNamee said today in an interview in San Francisco. “Not one of those people will still be using an iPhone a month later.”


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May 7, 2010
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hahaha. Poor Roger McNamee... I wish he would have been half right about that. WebOS is really really good.... But Palm didn't move fast enough. They can't reallt. Until HP purchase.


Well-known member
May 18, 2010
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Been an iPhone user since the V1 and I am now jumping ship to go to the EVO.

I'm kind of scared though that I might be making a mistake...I hope the evo proves me wrong


May 20, 2010
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Switching my very outdated blackberry 8830 for the android. I was waiting for the Tour/bold 9650 until it got delayed for a couple months. In the mean time I searched other devices and found the EVO, so i am holding out for a few more weeks for the EVO. I dont think I will regret it.


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May 10, 2010
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Just pre-ordered. I will be switching from the Iphone. The Iphone has been good but I'm not attached to Apple nor do I use Itunes so I don't have any issues trying out a new platform and provider. I hope all is well! :)


May 17, 2010
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I sold my Palm Pre 3 months ago and currently use a Touch Pro 2, over all nice phone but lacking in applications and over all is just ok it is my First HTC phone and I really like the construction NOT a single hardware issue! I had to get away from the Pre and all the hardware issue's.

I pre-ordered the Evo at my local Radio Shack. Bloomingdale Il


May 15, 2010
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I've had my fill of the kludge OS implementation and half working updates from RIM on my BB Tour not to mention the poor quality control on manufacturing.
Time to move up to a real phone.


May 17, 2010
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Hi guys, this is my first post, and I?m really excited about coming to the Android Community. I?m a Web OS user and I love everything about it, but the lack of hardware upgrades gives me no choice.
Hopefully, I can count on you guys to enjoy the Android Community as much as I did with the Web OS.
And I also need some help with my English, so please, be patient with me!!



Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
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Wow, looks like WebOS will be taking a big hit in the next few months!

They'll be ok. It just got release on AT&T so they'll pick up the difference from all the hardcore users leaving the platform for non-techie's interested in a gateway smartphone.


Well-known member
May 7, 2010
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Hi guys, this is my first post, and I?m really excited about coming to the Android Community. I?m a Web OS user and I love everything about it, but the lack of hardware upgrades gives me no choice.
Hopefully, I can count on you guys to enjoy the Android Community as much as I did with the Web OS.
And I also need some help with my English, so please, be patient with me!!


I'm in your boat. I have only been part of the community here for about a month, and I can tell you that this community is far more engaged in conversation with other members than the PreCentral community is. Probably because there are so many more people using Android. PreCentral is very engaging for the amount of people there, but not when it comes to conversations. When it comes to tweaking the software and stuff, then absolutely.

Both are very great communities, but I have been liking it more here at Android Central. :)

I love webOS (with a passion!) but lack of hardware is ANNOYING. I'm moving to the Evo. Have mine pre-ordered.


Well-known member
May 21, 2010
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It kinda makes since that most people (including me) are switching from a webOS device.

1. The software is GREAT but we're starving for better hardware. I think we're starting to see that great software will not overshadow sub-par hardware (Palm Pre/Pixi).

2. Most of the WebOS users were early adopters.. so that means that our one year upgrade is coming right around this time.

I have a question for the current webOS users. Is it the general consensus that most of you will switch back to webOS if Palm comes out with another phone with comparable specs to the Evo?

My plan is to switch back to webOS in the future as I think it's the most elegant and easy to use OS out there. It's the only other OS that can rival the polish of the iPhone OS, and while doing that it has all of the things that iPhone doesn't, while also allowing users to choose what they want to do with their phone rather than being a gatekeeper. My problem with webOS is that it's still in it's infancy. I'm sure that version 2.0 and subsequent releases will greatly improve the experience. But more than that, the hardware NEEDS to improve. Too many people over at precentral were on their 5th, 6th, 7th replacement phone and having the same issues. I think with HP behind them Palm and webOS will have their day. But until then, I'll use a gorgeous 4.3 inch screen running Android.


Well-known member
May 21, 2010
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The general consensus of those that are jumping from WebOS to the EVO are:

1. WebOS is great.
2. Palm hardware is lacking.

Not ever having used an Android phone, my two questions to those who have used both an Android phone and the Pre are:

1. What, specifically, makes WebOS superior to the Android OS?
2. What, specifically, makes Android hardware superior to Palm hardware?

1. WebOS is very elegant. Nothing about it feels clunky and everything about it is intuitive. Notifications are non-intrusive and allow you to swipe away one and keep the rest if you wish. Android is either clear all or keep all. Say you're writing an e-mail or a memo on webOS and someone calls you, the incoming call notification pops up from the bottom, allowing you to finish what you were doing before answering the call. Android does not do that, all of a sudden what you were doing disappears and the incoming call dialog comes up. Multitasking on webOS is way ahead of the competition. Using and flipping between cards is simple and closing programs is again, as simple as just swiping them away. Android doesn't have anything like this. Tasks continue to run in the background but without installing a task manager you have no way of knowing what is running at any given time and no great way to switch between them. You can hold the home button to see the last 6 apps opened but it's nothing like cards. WebOS has the gesture area, the intuitive way to move through apps and and move back through tasks. Android has a back button. It works but it's not the same. All in all webOS is a lot more polished and simple.

2. I wouldn't say that all Android hardware is superior to Palm, but all of these new phones absolutely eclipse the pre and pixi in build quality and power. The pre uses a chip very similar to a 3GS, definitely no slouch but it's not as optimized as the iPhone is on it. Without overclocking you still have to deal with the lag issues. The pixi's processor is pretty capable as well, but again you have significant lag. Lag is not non-existant on Android, but things like the 1 Ghz Snapdragon on the Evo make it a lot less likely and a lot less severe. We all know that the Pre's build quality has been the stuff of nightmares. People at precentral complained of being on their 4th, 5th, 6th, 6th replacement. Sharp edges, bad keyboard, cheap plasticky feel. Cases cracking around the USB port were not uncommon. HTC's done a good job with their build quality, especially with their newest phones. Everything seems to feel really solid. Plus with the Evo vs Pre, we're comparing a 3.1 inch screen to a huge 4.3 inch. I'm sure that the next gen Palm hardware will be much better than the Pre/Pixi, but for now Android has the better hardware by a long shot.