Dang it verizon!! turned off "icon shapes" and "Smart Settings".


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2011
One of the biggest problems with being on Verizon is them choosing which features to allow and not to allow. For some reason, in their infinite wisdom, they've turned of "icon shapes" and "Smart Settings". WHY?!?!?!?!?!? Anyone found a way to fix either of these? I tried the trick that used to work on the V20 but apparently they've found a way to block that now.
Re: Dang it verizon!!!!o

Lol why they keep messing with phone firmware is beyond me.
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Those things don't bother me. I would never use the smart settings. The round icons option is redundant. I always I just use Nova Launcher with icon packs.
I am on Verizon and cannot find Smart Settings either (damn, that would be handy!). But, Icon Shape is under Settings > Home Screen > Icon Shape.
Odd, I have no idea why yours and mine would be different since both are VZW. On mine, it is under Home Screen right between Screen Swipe Effect and Allow Home Screen Looping.
You can access these settings, they didn't completly remove the features. All they did for the setting banner was change the dimensions like so:
xmlns:app="com.lge.iftttmanager" android:gravity="center_vertical" android:layout_width="0.0dip" android:layout_height="0.0dip" app:dividerPadding="0.0dip" />
I will make and post a tutorial on how to access these features at a later time...
Re: Dang it verizon!! turned off "icon shapes" and "Smart Settings".

I have finished my Smart settings reclamation guide. You can find it here. I will see what I can do about making a round icons reclamation guide in the meantime...

I'm on Verizon and I have the icon shape option.
Re: Dang it verizon!! turned off "icon shapes" and "Smart Settings".

Your link doesn't seem to go anywhere. Is there somewhere else to find the guide? Thanks.
AT&T doesn't have the icon shape option either, which is why I am using Nova. I get the idea for the default (makes all the icons have a consistent shape), but I don't like how it shrinks them down.

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