DROID 2.1 Update thread.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2009
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Hey guys I am posting here because I believe that a problem that I had is 2.1 related. The other day I looked at my home screen (Stock 2.1, no launchers, etc) and all of the icon were no longer lined up. Each one was either a little higher or lower than the one next to it. It seemed as though every other icon was a bit smaller than normal. I tried moving them around and lining them up manually, but that did not work either. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? BTW I fixed it with a soft reset (yes I know we aren't supposed to soft reset).


Apr 11, 2010
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Well.... I've been stock 2.1 for about 72 hours. Yawn... Boring! I think I'll revert to 2.01, root, flash, overclock, and hack. What's the fun of having an Android device if you can't play with it?

You do realize that even when you posted this, it was no longer necessary to revert to 2.0.1 to root? It certainly isn't necessary today, which I can personally attest to since I am happily running rooted 2.1. I am actually stock 2.1 + root + custom kernel, rather than loading a whole ROM. One of the biggest reasons I did it this way is that I can still play (as demonstrated by the custom kernel) but don't lose all my stuff.


Quick question about the 2.1 update. Do you lose your apps that you installed prior to the 2.1 update?


You NEVER lose your apps, even if you change phones! Even if you wipe your current one!

Cory Streater

Well-known member
Sep 21, 2009
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I have noticed, that after a hard reset/wipe, that not all of the apps I downloaded with my Gmail account show up in the downloads list. I've had to search for them and then redownload them again. This is true for both paid and free apps. I'm not sure what that's about.


I have noticed, that after a hard reset/wipe, that not all of the apps I downloaded with my Gmail account show up in the downloads list. I've had to search for them and then redownload them again. This is true for both paid and free apps. I'm not sure what that's about.

Odd, I've never had that issue, and I've actually changed phones, and have done two wipes


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2009
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Image Quality

Nah ... I was hoping for an improvement in image quality, especially with flash (as in flashbulb, not Adobe Flash) and low light, but it still doesn't seem to get the exposure properly. That's really the only major fault I find with the Droid..Can't get a decent flash photo.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Directions for getting the update: (Exclusive!)
You will need a compass application and ensure that your droid is properly calibrated. (draw a figure 14 with it sideways)

Be sure to have your droid plugged in (as *they* can tell).

Point your droid to 10 degrees west of due north (based on your compass).
More specifically - point the "hole" at the top of your droid in that direction. (Most people think that it is for Headphones, but they are only slightly right. Data Input for large amounts of data must pass thru this port).

If you hold your droid in this position for an hour *WITHOUT* touching it, an update.zip file should show up in your sdcard under the downloads directory, and soon after your droid will reboot.

The update does change the color of your droid though, so if you don't like blue, I wouldn't allow it or you will be disapointed.

If you have any questions, be sure to contact your Local Verizon Rep (after the hour is up, of course), and let them know that these directions did NOT work for you. Maybe they will update them at that point.

your a Trip :eek:

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