DROID TURBO 5.1 Lollipop: Battery Life after Update?


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Dec 12, 2014
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After a little more time to see how battery life does after the update I've noticed that it has been a little more inconsistent than it was in KitKat. The first few days after the update it was about the same. I did a cache wipe and charged fully and got great battery for about a week. Then I noticed the idle drain was increasing. Definitely notice a different from KitKat to Lollipop. Got better usage in KitKat. Still, I've got a decent battery. The biggest drain is Android System and Google services. A little disappointing, but not a huge deal. Maybe there will be a fix at some point. Clearly it's not just a few people having problems. Hopefully they'll isolate and rectify the problem.


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Feb 27, 2012
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Not sure what you mean by optimizing. I disabled a bunch of apps. When the system update was downloaded and installed it optimized 125 apps. I"m getting about 30 hours until I'm down to 20% or so, not as good as with Kit Kat, where I'd easily get over 40 hours.

With Kit Kat I was using AutoMateIt to shut off my wifi and turn on bluetooth whenever I left the house (turn on wifi, shut off bluetooth when I got back home.) That little tweak saved about 5% battery life over 40 hours. But that function no longer works with Lollipop, so bluetooth and wifi are always on now.

I've been taking screenshots just bafore I charge it. After I've got a bunch of screenshots with various SOT and apps usage I'll post some of them.

So, I guess to clarify, the optimizing I was referring to is shutting off a bunch of features of the phone. I saw some videos about how to get great battery life, but shut off all the phone features, like Moto Display, Moto Voice, CDMA instead of Global, etc. Would you be willing to share what apps you disabled? I am on wifi most of my day, b/c I have it at work and home. Maybe the phone is dying because of the search for cell network while on wifi (my strength at my desk is-96 to -107dBM on 4G)?


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Nov 16, 2013
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I did a cache partition wipe and have seen only marginal, if any battery life improvement. The only way to get my phone to last the day is to keep the screen brightness at less than 1/4, which makes it nearly unusable in daylight. I guess the next step is to factory reset and start all over, again, with this phone. Love the phone, love the update, but I need the phone to last from 7AM to midnight, like it always has with no problem, without shutting off everything I love about it.

Posted via the Android Central App


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Nov 30, 2012
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So, I guess to clarify, the optimizing I was referring to is shutting off a bunch of features of the phone. I saw some videos about how to get great battery life, but shut off all the phone features, like Moto Display, Moto Voice, CDMA instead of Global, etc. Would you be willing to share what apps you disabled? I am on wifi most of my day, b/c I have it at work and home. Maybe the phone is dying because of the search for cell network while on wifi (my strength at my desk is-96 to -107dBM on 4G)?

I have about the same signal strength as you do (pre and post Lollipop) so I don't think that's the issue.

Here are the apps I've disabled: I've had most of the Amazon apps disabled in the past but I've been using them a bit of late, so they are active.



You should take a look at this post for apps that other people have disabled.



Well-known member
May 12, 2010
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Noticed something similar myself. Today battery usage is much more like before, if not a touch better.

Sent from my Ballistic Turbo

Figured I should update this thread with my experience after 2 weeks in the update. My battery life is better than its ever been on this phone. Easily. I'm at 50% at then end of most days, where I would usually end the day at 30% or 25% prior to the update. I dig it.


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Sep 30, 2010
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A later reply, but my battery life is unchanged. When I get home from work it still has about 90% of the charge. Same as it did on 4.4.

I still love the battery life on this phone. And even if Phil, Jerry, and them don't recommend the phone any more I still do. After all what good is a phone whose battery dies after 1/2 day (grr .. Galaxy s6). We need more phones where you don't ever worry about battery life. Working means much more to me than taking better pictures.


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Aug 1, 2015
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There are 2 Droid Turbo's in my house, both are less than 2 months old. Both have totally lost 2.0 quick charging after the lollipop update!! This is using oem chargers and cords. I have performed FDR's and Cache wipes on both with no success. What gives?!?


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Nov 30, 2012
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Battery life

Posted via Droid Turbo

Over four hours screen time and 42% battery remaining? I would be thrilled with that battery life. That was my phone before Lollipop.

Looks like you shut down WiFi and Bluetooth. I don't do that. And I see you didn't have any phone conversations. Still, that's pretty darn good.

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