Edge + mm 6.0 update??!!!?!?!

So Android N is supposed to drop in 2 more months. Might as well just wait until then.

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Unfortunately, that's probably what will happen, as everyone else is getting n, we will get marshmallow. What I was saying is why don't they at this point just send us Android N in May.

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Can't believe my wife's phone - droid turbo 2 got the update and my edge Plus didn't. How much freaking longer??!!??!!!!!
I got marshmallow yesterday, in Finland. It's coming, but apparently Samsung is making it's own adjustments again, so it might not have all the features Google has announced it has.
My gut tells me that Samsung decided that the last place in the world to get marshmallow will be 46th Street in Indianapolis Indiana, United States of America.

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Arrived for my unlocked s6 edge plus UK this morning
Seems problem free so far.... gonna leave a few days to see how it goes before I do a factory reset... took their bloody time tho.....
Can I sue Samsung for lying to me every time my phone says, " your device is up to date?" LOL

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Any issues? I would avoid factory resetting mine kept rebooting and crashing after 2 mins if i did anything minimally intensive
Mine was ok at first till i tried to fix google contact sync then it would keep rebooting every 2 mins
Had any issues with your google contacts not sync'ing consistently?

Mine works fine on lollipop but keeps giving error sync
Overall pleased with update. It fixed my android wear problem and edge software much improved. V pleased but did take ages and ages to come

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