Extended Battery Options


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Nov 21, 2009
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This morning I took it off the charger at 8 in the morning.. I work from home on Mondays and decided to turn the WiFi on and run off that all day instead of the 3G network. So far it seems like I am getting awesome battery life as long as I stay attached to my WiFi network. from 8 - 11:30 it didn't lose a single green box... Around noon it finally fell to 90% and now it's almost 1 and still reading about 85% remaining... Very moderate use... No talking, 15 - 20 minutes of web use, a handful of text messages, 2 Facebook checks and a few e-mails... Not much but running just on WiFi while at home seems to improve the battery... Going to see how it holds up the rest of the day since I have no real reason to go any where... Love working from home on Mondays but the rest of the week is spent on the road in hotels so I won't be able to mess with WiFi much....

and all this has been done using the Seidio 1750 battery since about Tuesday of last week..... Phone has gone through 4 - 5 charges and once I ran it flat dead.....

Will be more real world as you travel this week on the 3G network and make calls. Please report back. I am waiting on buying one of these until I read enough positives!


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Jun 7, 2010
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Will be more real world as you travel this week on the 3G network and make calls. Please report back. I am waiting on buying one of these until I read enough positives!

I will see how she holds up over the week.... She held up all day while traveling last week... Easily made it from 7:30 in the morning until I went to bed around 10 at night with 20 - 30% life to spare... Both the stock HTC and Seidio battery seemed to get about the same battery life.

I basically got the spare battery for when I am traveling so I can switch it out on the fly with out having to hook her up to a cable in the car.....


Feb 14, 2010
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battery life fine for me

I use my Evo a lot.email, web, calls, about a half dozen background apps pulling info etc .. battery life is great for me, considering the tasks being performed. With moderate use, I get the day. With heavy usage, I need to charge it in the afternoon.. Simple, cheap fix... hit up ebay, buy a couple of replacement batteries and chargers and have a fresh battery whenever you need one. I got two setups for under $20 and the batteries seem just as good as the oem ones... might even get one more to keep in the car.I'm going on 8 hours off the charger on one of the cheap china batteries and have 52% left.... beats my previous Pre and moment by far! It's good to power cycle your device, so win win..I can handle 2 mins of down time..


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Jun 7, 2010
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I use my Evo a lot.email, web, calls, about a half dozen background apps pulling info etc .. battery life is great for me, considering the tasks being performed. With moderate use, I get the day. With heavy usage, I need to charge it in the afternoon.. Simple, cheap fix... hit up ebay, buy a couple of replacement batteries and chargers and have a fresh battery whenever you need one. I got two setups for under $20 and the batteries seem just as good as the oem ones... might even get one more to keep in the car.I'm going on 8 hours off the charger on one of the cheap china batteries and have 52% left.... beats my previous Pre and moment by far! It's good to power cycle your device, so win win..I can handle 2 mins of down time..

Yeah I got a spare battery and charger made to charge the battery with out the phone and I plan to get the car kit when it hits the market in July...

Be careful leaving a battery in the car.... Extreme heat will kill a Lithium Ion's capacity... They actually tell you to charge to at least 40% and then put in the fridge when not using (not real world use for sure) but don't freeze it..


Feb 14, 2010
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Yeah I got a spare battery and charger made to charge the battery with out the phone and I plan to get the car kit when it hits the market in July...

Be careful leaving a battery in the car.... Extreme heat will kill a Lithium Ion's capacity... They actually tell you to charge to at least 40% and then put in the fridge when not using (not real world use for sure) but don't freeze it..

I couldn't wait for the dock to come out... plus don't like the suction cup mount, so started fabricating my own... found out how to trigger dock mode, so soldered up the connector with a switch in line to turn dock mode on/ off.. here's a youtube vid of it Needs a little prettying up, but works flawlessly!


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Jun 7, 2010
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I couldn't wait for the dock to come out... plus don't like the suction cup mount, so started fabricating my own... found out how to trigger dock mode, so soldered up the connector with a switch in line to turn dock mode on/ off.. here's a youtube vid of it Needs a little prettying up, but works flawlessly!

I would fudge some thing up if I tried to custom make my own car kit.... That just isn't my thing in life...

I will just have to wait for some thing to hit the open market or go with a universal mount.... Sucks the phone came out June 4 and they are saying late July before the desktop dock and car dock hit the market (at least the ones made for the phone)


Jun 11, 2010
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So I got my Seidio 1750 yesterday also bought the stand alone charger they sell for it. Charged it up and switched out. As of right now 6am eastern it has been unplugged for 8hr 43min and still reads 65%. Now this is off the first charge. I have used task killer before but am trying without it now. I am a heavy text user and have wifi on. So I would say something like at least 100 texts, watched 5 movie previews on youtube via 3g and made 4-5 5-10min calls. Along with facebooking and aim/facebook chat for about a hour.


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May 17, 2010
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So I got my Seidio 1750 yesterday also bought the stand alone charger they sell for it. Charged it up and switched out. As of right now 6am eastern it has been unplugged for 8hr 43min and still reads 65%. Now this is off the first charge. I have used task killer before but am trying without it now. I am a heavy text user and have wifi on. So I would say something like at least 100 texts, watched 5 movie previews on youtube via 3g and made 4-5 5-10min calls. Along with facebooking and aim/facebook chat for about a hour.

Is it better, worse, or the same?


Jun 11, 2010
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Well after working it hard with wifi on all the time and tons of texting and facebooking it died after 24hrs. I got pics just gotta upload them. all this without a task killer and on first charge. Seidio says 5 charges gives ya full life.


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Jun 17, 2010
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A picture of the 3500mah battery for the EVO is available at Seidio.


this doesn't look like it adds a lot at all....if anything, it looks like it will make it easier to hold....

i am on the waiting list for the Evo (coming from having a Pre for a year now)....and the battery was my only concern....

this is defin a nice addon...i use the heck out of my phones and like to keep alot of the functions active all the time...

*cheers* :)


Jun 11, 2010
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Second charge on seidio 1750 and got 22 hours before it died. No task killer, little WiFi about 200 text, 5-10 calls lasting 10-30 min each. 20 or emails and Facebook. Only thing have done is lower the brightness and stopped background data. So I'm getting double the battery life on the sendo than I got with the HTC I'm gonna complain to sprint and see if they will give me a new HTC battery or credit me for the cost on the seidio.


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May 17, 2010
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Second charge on seidio 1750 and got 22 hours before it died. No task killer, little WiFi about 200 text, 5-10 calls lasting 10-30 min each. 20 or emails and Facebook. Only thing have done is lower the brightness and stopped background data. So I'm getting double the battery life on the sendo than I got with the HTC I'm gonna complain to sprint and see if they will give me a new HTC battery or credit me for the cost on the seidio.

Im sold im getting one!


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Jun 18, 2010
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Sprint generally does not argue over replacement batteries. If you visit the store they have swapped them out without any grief in the past. Good luck.


Jun 11, 2010
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I should also mention that I did this tweak also. Almost forgot about it.
I changed the settings to CDMA auto prl. It's listed somewhere in the forums on how to do it. That seemed to help on the HTC battery. Although the Seidio is still far better without needing the bigger battery door. So I imagine the 2600 or 3500 whatever the large one they have coming out is would last sheesh like 3-4 days. WOW I might think about getting one just for use on trips. I will re-mention that my tests have all been done charging the Seidio with the standalone charger they sell. It does take like 8 hours to charge the 1750 and the HTC 1500. I have yet to use the HTC cord that came with the EVO on the Seidio, and I'm not sure that I ever will. Seems to me its kinda like a rapid charger and they say those kill batteries like car chargers. I know when I use the cord on the HTC battery in the EVO it only takes like 2 hours to fully charge. And my Seidio is the one from Seidioonline.com not the one listed on Amazon. Different model numbers.


Jun 4, 2010
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i am disappointed i did not read this thread before i bought the seido 1750. i have to wonder how much of the usage reports here are just placebo effect.

i'm more inclined to believe the battery boss tests which means i paid $50 for a battery with less life than the oem battery which i could have purchased for $35.

live and learn, i suppose.


Jun 11, 2010
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i am disappointed i did not read this thread before i bought the seido 1750. i have to wonder how much of the usage reports here are just placebo effect.

i'm more inclined to believe the battery boss tests which means i paid $50 for a battery with less life than the oem battery which i could have purchased for $35.

live and learn, i suppose.

I'm quite happy with my 22hrs average I'm getting on my 1750. I wish you the best of luck with yours.